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ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

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good luck to all those all applying.

I am dropping by mon or tues to withdraw my application.

From what I have been told there are less than 10 positions for HCA and my eye being V4 makes me ineligible for all combat trades makes it extremely hard for me to be selected.

Not to mention that I would like to have run for the combat trades as well.

Getting my eyes fixed up then trying again next year or doing DEO route.
fruitflavor said:
good luck to all those all applying.

I am dropping by mon or tues to withdraw my application.

From what I have been told there are less than 10 positions for HCA and my eye being V4 makes me ineligible for all combat trades makes it extremely hard for me to be selected.

Not to mention that I would like to have run for the combat trades as well.

Getting my eyes fixed up then trying again next year or doing DEO route.

Why not leave your application in?? You can always reapply next year, but what if you get one of those 10 spots? IMO, withdrawing would be foolish. If you don't make it in this year, it would show that you're adamant about obtaining this career when you apply again next year. That's what I did.
fruitflavor said:
good luck to all those all applying.

I am dropping by mon or tues to withdraw my application.

From what I have been told there are less than 10 positions for HCA and my eye being V4 makes me ineligible for all combat trades makes it extremely hard for me to be selected.

Not to mention that I would like to have run for the combat trades as well.

Getting my eyes fixed up then trying again next year or doing DEO route.

Conz said:
Why not leave your application in?? You can always reapply next year, but what if you get one of those 10 spots? IMO, withdrawing would be foolish. If you don't make it in this year, it would show that you're adamant about obtaining this career when you apply again next year. That's what I did.

I second what Conz said. Having V4 "may" make it more difficult for you to be selected overall but who cares? If you do not get selected you are in the same position as having your application removed. However, and this is important, what if one of those spots becomes yours?! You know climbed your mountain without having gotten your "eyes fixed". Keep the application open an and if you do not get in, continue with the secondary plan
Conz said:
Why not leave your application in?? You can always reapply next year, but what if you get one of those 10 spots? IMO, withdrawing would be foolish. If you don't make it in this year, it would show that you're adamant about obtaining this career when you apply again next year. That's what I did.

Goose15 said:
I second what Conz said. Having V4 "may" make it more difficult for you to be selected overall but who cares? If you do not get selected you are in the same position as having your application removed. However, and this is important, what if one of those spots becomes yours?! You know climbed your mountain without having gotten your "eyes fixed". Keep the application open an and if you do not get in, continue with the secondary plan

I third that.  Leave things be and let nature take its' course.  You should know by the middle of May at the latest whether you have an offer or not.  If it happens to be "not", then purse getting your eyes fixed after that.
It looks from various posts that today is the D day.  Hang tight and good luck to everyone.

Not sure when the offer will be made.

Do post if you hear any.
Well, I got a call this morning from CFRC Moncton. Got accepted for ROTP Pilot to finish up 4th year at Civvie U! Problem is that I was planning to catch up on my night/CPL training (degree program necessity, wxr was not kind this year), and I've been told that it's more than likely that I'll be going for BMOQ this summer. Now this has to get sorted out, or I might have to turn it down  :(
NinjaFinch said:
Well, I got a call this morning from CFRC Moncton. Got accepted for ROTP Pilot to finish up 4th year at Civvie U! Problem is that I was planning to catch up on my night/CPL training (degree program necessity, wxr was not kind this year), and I've been told that it's more than likely that I'll be going for BMOQ this summer. Now this has to get sorted out, or I might have to turn it down  :(

As much as there are preferred times in an Officer Cadet's schedule for BMOQ, the CAF has on occasion made exceptions. On top of speaking to your school I would speak to the CFRC before making any final decisions.
I know, I'm in the process as we speak. As far as changing my courses goes, I can cancel my summer courses without major penalty at my university, but I don't have a lot of flexibility with my flight school. I have to get to a certain point in training by the end of each year, and the most flexibility they can give me is that I only have to get close to finishing my CPL by August. Otherwise, I get pushed back by one year.

Alternatively, my RC is looking into just booking me for the following year, so I'll have to wait and see how that goes.

EDIT: RC confirmed I'll be doing BMOQ next year. And on that note, I've accepted my offer! ;D Best of luck to anyone else waiting to hear back!
NinjaFinch said:
EDIT: RC confirmed I'll be doing BMOQ next year. And on that note, I've accepted my offer! ;D Best of luck to anyone else waiting to hear back!

Got my offer today for ROTP at RMC for pilot!!!  ;D ;D This feels surreal!! It's 0030 in the morning here in France and I got an email from my file manager with the offer! Just incredible!

Good luck to all those waiting  on offers, I sincerely wish you all the very best of luck! Thanks to all of you who me out along the way, it's been a wild ride  ;D
Got my offer for pilot today too and I'll be going to RMC, haven't gotten any dates for when I swear in and leave to go to recruit camp yet. Thanks to all those who helped me along the way and I can't wait to meet you guys in august!!
Got my offer for EME ( Electrical and Mechanical Officer) today and going to RMC.  Got to accept by April 25th.  I am from Vancouver
Got my offer today, ROTP - Logistics Officer @ RMC, but going to Saint-Jean for my first year.

I noticed the past successful applicants made a Facebook group to compile everyone up so I made one!
Here's the link - https://www.facebook.com/groups/803492779678787/

I look forward to meeting all you guys, and good luck to people still waiting for the call!  :)
Congratz guys! I wish i could apply soon but it wont be possible for now.

Im 21, i live in québec and i speak french, im only grade 9 in french, 10 for math and 11 for english, why am i still so low? Heres the deal.
I failed grade 6 when i was young, but i still was sended to high school to do it again, and i passed it, then i was sended to a "special" class to do the grade 7, i passed it but for some reason me and everyone had to do it all over again with different books, i passd it again, then got to grade 8, passed it but had to do it again and so on. So i wasted so many time that at 18 i was only grade 7 everywhere, i got to grade 10 for math and french, but THEN they lost half my progress that i did for french, so now i have to do grade 9 three damn times. I was just feeling sooo unmotivated and depressed, and i didnt came back to school for 3 years...
But i was thinking almost everyday about being a pilot, i though i was too weak to stand a chance to get my place there, but then i was sick of it and now i wanna go for it, tommorow i am registering back to an adult school, and i wanna get what is needed, the recruiter said that i need an average of 75% to get accepted, and i choosed to do space science.

As for my Extracurricular activities, ive been 4 years of swimming lesson, 2 years of cadet, 1 year of soccer, 1 year karate and a few months of boxing. I also have a class 1 semi truck driving liscense. Would all these significaly inscrease my chance of being selected?

But i was wondering has a tip to increase my chance to be taken for pilot in a space science program? And is the space science program actually need people or its overpopulated?

alx: I got into ROTP after 3 applications and the failing of 2 CEGEP semesters. To get in I had to go back to high school, get my strong maths, then go back to CEGEP and bring up my grades, and even then, I wasn't even eligible for RMC and got in a Civvy ROTP spot by the skin of my teeth with half the academic year already done. So it's definitely possible to get in if you have a spotty academic past, but then again, I was applying for ARTY, not pilot, and there's something of a gap in competitiveness between the two occupations.

If that's really what you want, then you have to get your shit sorted out before the military will even consider you. Get the prerequisites with marks as high as you can, and from there talk to your recruiter. But be aware that you have a long and tough road ahead of you before you even get on the long and tough road of the application process which is only the driveway to the long and tough road of your career, so be aware of the commitment you'll have to put in and be sure that's what you want. For many people it isn't, and that's alright.

To the successful applicants of this year: Congratulations, good to see new OCdts/Élofs getting what they wanted. Best of luck in the trials ahead!
Congratz guys! I wish i could apply soon but it wont be possible for now.

Im 21, i live in québec and i speak french, im only grade 9 in french, 10 for math and 11 for english, why am i still so low? Heres the deal.
I failed grade 6 when i was young, but i still was sended to high school to do it again, and i passed it, then i was sended to a "special" class to do the grade 7, i passed it but for some reason me and everyone had to do it all over again with different books, i passd it again, then got to grade 8, passed it but had to do it again and so on. So i wasted so many time that at 18 i was only grade 7 everywhere, i got to grade 10 for math and french, but THEN they lost half my progress that i did for french, so now i have to do grade 9 three damn times. I was just feeling sooo unmotivated and depressed, and i didnt came back to school for 3 years...
But i was thinking almost everyday about being a pilot, i though i was too weak to stand a chance to get my place there, but then i was sick of it and now i wanna go for it, tommorow i am registering back to an adult school, and i wanna get what is needed, the recruiter said that i need an average of 75% to get accepted, and i choosed to do space science.

As for my Extracurricular activities, ive been 4 years of swimming lesson, 2 years of cadet, 1 year of soccer, 1 year karate and a few months of boxing. I also have a class 1 semi truck driving liscense. Would all these significaly inscrease my chance of being selected?

But i was wondering has a tip to increase my chance to be taken for pilot in a space science program? And is the space science program actually need people or its overpopulated?


ROTP for pilot is extremely competitve. Those who get selected are cadets with very good academics, good physical shape and excellent extra curriculars that show focus, leadership etc. Add to that probably high CFAT scores, a good interview and a pass at air crew selection. Its a long hard road and any hiccup will end it.

If you are really serious about going for it, I would suggest finish high school with as good of marks as you can get. Then, go to an accredited university and work at being a success there. Then apply as a DEO for pilot. If $$$ is a concern for university then work part time and get a good summer job.

If you can afford it, try to take some flying lessons along the way.
And learn how to properly construct sentences, spell (there is a spell check feature to help here), use capital letters, and punctuate.

Edit to add: I note that you were previously advised to learn to communicate properly in this thread: http://army.ca/forums/threads/114751/post-0#new

Failure to accept good advice, learn, and adapt is not an indicator of potential success.
I got my offer today for MARS officer, taking a BA at RMC, going to St. Jean for my first year I believe. I couldn't be more excited!
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