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ROTP 2011-2012

Rogo said:
I had meant after they were commissioned and trained.  If true I figure its not due to an official preference probably just the candidates they like more have come from RMC.

That would make more sense.  It's too bad people would make their choices based on 'unofficial' preference (aka favoritism) instead of merit.  No one tells ROTP applicants that they're shooting themselves in the feet for preferring Civ U at the time of their application.

That being said, I'm no conspiracy theorist and I don't fear for the future of my career because of my preference for Civ U.
Journeyman said:
Vacancies on Basic Para are pretty scarce, with priority naturally going to those filling parachute billets (CANSOFCOM and the Bn Jump Coys).

Sorry what I wrote was actually not what the Cpt told me but your comment jogged my memory. He had said that Bn Jump Coy Platoon Officers are generally more likely to have come from RMC than Civi U. The term old boys club came up.   
Rogo said:
I had meant after they were commissioned and trained.  If true I figure its not due to an official preference probably just the candidates they like more have come from RMC.

You seem to be leaning towards a conclusion that is totally wrong.  RMC candidates do not necessarily make stronger/better/whatever officers than those from the Civie U's or other Entry Plans.  Everyone has a "leadership" style, and not everyone needs to have developed one at RMC.  They can develop an effective style outside of the RMC environment just as well as within it.  Some may develop a style that outshines those of their RMC peers.  General Hillier, for example, attended Memorial University in Newfoundland.  He seems to have done well; becoming CDS.
George Wallace said:
General Hillier, for example, attended Memorial University in Newfoundland.  He seems to have done well; becoming CDS.

Of course, this could lead to the debate about doing well (individual achievement) and doing well (organizational change and influence).

Gen (ret'd) Hillier's legacy has yet to be determined, but there's a building on Startop he created that could most profitably be used as an impact zone - perferably with its staff all in their offices at the time.

"Fire Mission Regiment"
Oh no no no, I am not saying this is a personal conclusion. I just said this is something I heard and the idea is interesting to say the least.
jwtg said:
I wonder, is there a correlation between percentage of training success and entry plan?  IE, if I were to make a guess (and it is that- an uninformed guess) I would say that RMC grads are more likely to be successful in their military training.  They have daily exposure to the CF and experience that no DEO (without prior CF time...) could possibly have.  Does anyone know of official figures, if they exist, as to what % of RMC grads successfully complete all their training compared to DEO candidates, or even ROTP Civ U?  I hope to be Civ U ROTP, but I don't expect to receive the same kind of preparation during the year that RMC grads do, and I realize I might have to work a little harder to stay on pace.

All this to say that if the ROTP candidate is more of a sure thing (IF that is the case- I'm not saying that it is) then it would probably make it difficult to compare who is more financially safe and time-efficient as a future officer.

RMC provides one unique experience, and Civi U provides another. Despite living and working in a military environment, RMC cadets/ grads are not necessarily better off than their Civi U or DEO counterparts- its all about the individual and their attitude. At the end of the day its about how much you put into it, and how much you take away from whatever leadership or life experiences you get. Whatever route you take, you get 4 years of education interspersed with valuable military training and other unique experiences that will affect the way you lead- put 100% into everything, learn from your experiences, and take them with you. Don't get preoccupied with how your entry plan will affect your time in the CF, after all it is just an entry plan.

My  :2c:, from my short experiences at RMC.
RMC_Cadet said:
At the end of the day its about how much you put into it, and how much you take away from whatever leadership or life experiences you get
......and whether or not you get a Queen's girlfriend  ;)
dapaterson said:
Gen (ret'd) Hillier's legacy has yet to be determined, but there's a building on Startop he created that could most profitably be used as an impact zone - perferably with its staff all in their offices at the time.

Well I don't know about you, but I certainly wouldn't attribute that to the fact that he went to a Civi U. 
Rogo said:
A slight tangent, but I do recall one Captain in St Jean saying how when it comes in to spots such as getting your jump wings and such, RMC grads are generally chosen rather than Civi U.  Now I can't say this is credible but if it is the case whether it be intentional or not, it is interesting non?


You always have to consider the source when people say silly things like that and decide for yourself if they are talking out of the bottom part of their orifice or not.  I personally would say, knowing the source that told you, that they were full of it but what do I know... :)

Hey just passing on what I heard, no way of me knowing if its true.  ;)
This is what I received in an e-mail yesterday.(Kind of unrelated to what you guys are talking about now, but I will share anyway.)

-The Board has met and has completed it's work. However, names of candidates receiving RMC offers are unavailable.
-The earliest admission offers are going out is April 15th. However, since it is a Friday it's more likely most people will hear next week.
-The rest states that everyone make sure you stay in contact with your RC, and that the deadline for accepting an offer(if given one) is around the 29th of April.
Bowen said:
This is what I received in an e-mail yesterday.(Kind of unrelated to what you guys are talking about now, but I will share anyway.)

-The Board has met and has completed it's work. However, names of candidates receiving RMC offers are unavailable.
-The earliest admission offers are going out is April 15th. However, since it is a Friday it's more likely most people will hear next week.
-The rest states that everyone make sure you stay in contact with your RC, and that the deadline for accepting an offer(if given one) is around the 29th of April.

And Bowen, with that news you have made my already awesome day, better!
Bowen said:
This is what I received in an e-mail yesterday.(Kind of unrelated to what you guys are talking about now, but I will share anyway.)

-The Board has met and has completed it's work. However, names of candidates receiving RMC offers are unavailable.
-The earliest admission offers are going out is April 15th. However, since it is a Friday it's more likely most people will hear next week.
-The rest states that everyone make sure you stay in contact with your RC, and that the deadline for accepting an offer(if given one) is around the 29th of April.
Maverick94 said:
And Bowen, with that news you have made my already awesome day, better!

If that is true, then I guess sometime in May if there is still a spot in my trade I should get an offer......?
Booty22 said:
If that is true, then I guess sometime in May if there is still a spot in my trade I should get an offer......?

This is only for students applying ROTP. From your previous posts, you are applying as a NCM, so this does not apply to you.
Hopefully this will be correct and go along with what Bowen wrote earlier:

Me: I was curious to know if you know anything about the ROTP selection board and whether they have sat yet or when they will be sitting?
CF: They sat and results should be out very soon.
Me: Oh, well that is all I wanted to know. Thank you.

So if all is swell we should know soon!

P.S. Another beautiful day!
Anyone receive any offers today? I am pondering calling my RC and asking if they have heard anything back on the selection process, but I am not sure if I should.  :D
Nothing here. If you haven't emailed your councilor many times before asking him/her about the status of your application I don't see what harm it would do to ask. I think they will start next week but who knows. It is only 14:27 here, still two hours before everyone goes home for the weekend.
I don't see why everyone is so intent on calling their CFRCs. I know everyone is anxious but honestly, until a flood of people start posting that they were told yay or nay and you havn't hear anything...then there is really no reason to call the CFRC.  I know personally how awful it feels to wait to hear but at the same point, the recruiters have a lot of work to do outside of answering phone calls and I sincerely think that having 30 people call all asking if they were accepted must get tiring after awhile. When they know, you'll know. When others hear and you havn't then call.    My :2c:

Just imagine how annoying it would be to you if while you were at school or at work the recruiter called you every week to say that they hadn't heard anything.