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ROTP 2011-2012

If you think the military is on their game enough to hand out calls the same day as they did in previous years then you have another thing coming.  But if someone does get a call today I'll be pleasantly wrong.  ;D
Rogo said:
If you think the military is on their game enough to hand out calls the same day as they did in previous years then you have another thing coming.  But if someone does get a call today I'll be pleasantly wrong.  ;D

No, no. Last year's calls started March 15th which fell 2 full weeks from the discussed sitting date for the board; which is what I am basing my estimation on.

On another note I just had a call from someone living on the base in Moose Jaw (15th wing I think he said) looking to setup an account with my company. Felt bad that I couldn't help him as we don't have his address listed in our system.  :facepalm:
Oh gotcha, still though I'd be pleasantly surprised if they waited 2 weeks or it takes them the exact same time to get calls out. Would be an interesting stats assignment.

And I simply just don't follow the second part but yes too bad :(
FYI - I spoke with my recruiter today who informed me that no selections have taken place yet. I am not sure if that is for all occupations or just Nursing, my requested trade.
I just called my local CFRC and was told by the staff member she was informed that ROTP applicants have received a "top priority" status and that decisions will be coming out shortly if they haven't already. Thought I would pass this along but do remember that this may not be accurate as we have seen a lot of variance in our information.

P.S. It is so hot out today!  ;D
nairna said:
I just called my local CFRC and was told by the staff member she was informed that ROTP applicants have received a "top priority" status and that decisions will be coming out shortly if they haven't already. Thought I would pass this along but do remember that this may not be accurate as we have seen a lot of variance in our information.

P.S. It is so hot out today!  ;D

I pray to god, your info is correct :p

and yeah its awesome!!
I was told by my local CFRC that ROTP applicants are being slected for Mar eng Mechs before others (like myself) that have/are applying for the trade.
I applied for a Nursing Officer *fingers crossed* hope for the best from it, won't hear back until May though. At least that's what I've been told, applied to Windsor and Western for nursing program. I suppose if I don't get accepted for ROTP this year I will apply apply again. If I don't make ROTP period then I will simply apply under Direct Entry, I'm rather intent on making this a career path. Applied for the Navy, but I'll take what they offer, the point is to serve my country and do something I will enjoy, which unfortunately I believe is not the case for some, although in the end they too usually make a career out of it so no big deal service is service.  :cdn:
I always thought DEO was pretty awesome (Looking at it from a ROTP perspective). You get to start your career right as you begin BMOQ. In comparison it is different than ROTP where you switch on and off between university and your summer courses. That and lets face it.. NCO's and instructors love treating Officer Cadets like crap because it makes us "tough" and "prepared for the future", not because it is fun  ;D. As a DEO, you can use your commission scroll as a sort of barrier from the constant love radiating from Instructors, (except BMOQ since everyone is regarded as an Officer Cadet till graduation, except Doctors, Dentists and Specialists).
They treat you how they feel is deserved. Lets really face it.. NCO's and non-coms are the back bone of the military, at the end of the day a DEO walks in with a commission after a couple months of basic, and you think that makes it so they should treat you like a true officer. I wouldn't hope to have a commissioning scroll in my pocket so they couldn't treat me poorly, I'd much rather earn their respect and trust, so that one day, if I do have the chance to command any of them, that they will respect me and trust me, and know I am truly capable. I mean think about it..at the end of the day, a DEO with commission out of basic, has what over any NCO? A degree is the main separation, and to be honest a lot of NCO's have degrees, even PhD's, especially within the reserves.  Don't ever hide behind your commissioning scroll, that might make them treat you better because they have to, but it wont make them respect you, or put everything they have into it for you.
It was more of a friendly joke Oaktown, I know NCO's / Instructors treat you not based you on your rank, but how you perform and act under pressure or altogether your maturity level. The fact is though, NCO's are supposed respect an Officer due to their commissioning scroll (Despite the fact that it takes more than a few courses and a piece of paper to say you are the boss and in common practice the Junior Officers are trusting the SNCO's and Warrants). I was just pointing out a difference between ROTP and DEO. I don't have a Commissioning scroll  ::), so NCO's can chew into me. Whatever does not kill you, right? It also makes for awesome stories too :D. For example, when an Officer Cadet ( No names), forgot his rifle and his Section Commander (Instructors) made his whole section carry around large branches instead of C7's and the C8 gunner had to carry around a 1/4 filled jerry-can.. Guess who had the C8  :P. The whole day, was real riveting to say "Bang" to simulate rifle fire.
It is hard to tell joke, from serious comments online. I didn't mean it as a "you idiot" comment, just a general comment addressing NCO's and officers, etc. My opinion, my view you know?

OneMissionataTime said:
The fact is though, NCO's are supposed respect an Officer due to their commissioning scroll (Despite the fact that it takes more than a few courses and a piece of paper to say you are the boss and in common practice the Junior Officers are trusting the SNCO's and Warrants).

The caveat here is that there is a huge disparity between an NCM showing an officer respect out of duty and actually having respect for said officer. The commissioning scroll, though lovely framed and mounted, only guarantees you the appearance of being respected, but it's up to you to earn the real thing.
OneMissionataTime said:
I always thought DEO was pretty awesome (Looking at it from a ROTP perspective). You get to start your career right as you begin BMOQ. In comparison it is different than ROTP where you switch on and off between university and your summer courses. That and lets face it.. NCO's and instructors love treating Officer Cadets like crap because it makes us "tough" and "prepared for the future", not because it is fun  ;D. As a DEO, you can use your commission scroll as a sort of barrier from the constant love radiating from Instructors, (except BMOQ since everyone is regarded as an Officer Cadet till graduation, except Doctors, Dentists and Specialists).

From your comment, should I understand tha being ROTP means you haven't started your carreer yet? We might be OCdts for three more years but as far as the army's concerned we're still on the payroll, I'm in the military and what I'm doing and pretending to do and not doing here at RMC counts very much, same goes for you.
Was just comparing the difference's of ROTP and DEO, not demeaning ROTP in anyway. Just recalling what I have seen during my courses.
This is an ROTP 2011-2012 thread. This is not "lets have a debate on what distinguishes a NCM/NCO from an Officer." If any of you were past your Ocdt stage you would understand that NCM's do more then follow in your foot steps. Regardless whether you are a Junior or Senior Officer, NCM's execute your gameplan. Experienced and highly respected Officers listen to what their team has to say in every aspect of the battlefield and job. You maintain communications with higher, outline battle strategy, and the NCM's, which you seem to belittle, do your dirty work.

A) You're Ocdt's. Respect the rank system. Whether you are DEO or Commissioned through 4 years of the ROTP does not make you any better then the alternative.

B) This thread is a discussion for people waiting on decisions. Not for people who have already been accepted prior and want to brag about their acceptances and try to express their all so little knowledge on how military officers develop.
Inky said:
From your comment, should I understand tha being ROTP means you haven't started your carreer yet? We might be OCdts for three more years but as far as the army's concerned we're still on the payroll, I'm in the military and what I'm doing and pretending to do and not doing here at RMC counts very much, same goes for you.

I think that I can somewhat see what OneMissionataTime is trying to say (though it really gets me in the craw to say it :D). I think his perspective is a popular one, though wrong in my humble opinion. As an RMC grad, I can attest to the fact that instructors tended to look unfavorably upon ROTP candidates, especially those from RMC. I've gathered that they look at us as golden boys and girls, getting a free ride through life. Now, I cannot speak for CivvieU ROTPs, as I have never gone down this route, but, as an RMC student yourself, I'm sure you'll agree it's certainly no 'free ride'. However, I do not agree with OneMissionataTime about the training. ROTP and DEO candidates will have to complete the same number of years in school, or about the same (usually 4 years). However, in that time, a DEO does zero training, whereas an ROTP is pretty much fully trained upon graduation. Mathematically, it takes an ROTP candidate less time to go from Civvie Joe to trained officer. All my fellow infantry officers from RMC were posted to a unit upon graduation, whereas the DEOs still had to do BOTC, SLT, CAP, phase III and Phase IV. That's a lot of training to get done.
ringknocker82 said:
  Mathematically, it takes an ROTP candidate less time to go from Civvie Joe to trained officer. All my fellow infantry officers from RMC were posted to a unit upon graduation, whereas the DEOs still had to do BOTC, SLT, CAP, phase III and Phase IV. That's a lot of training to get done.

I am not following your logic here.  A DEO by nature when they join has no school left and starts training right away and depending on the trade and the stars aligning can be fully trained in fairly short order.  A RMC/ROTP dude by the nature of his entry plan has to go to school and can only do military training in their summer months.  They leave school hopefully fully trained (but not always) but it takes 4(sometimes less) years to do so.