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ROTP 2010-2011

yoman said:
You won't receive a pay statement unless you set it up on EMAA. The easiest way to do this is to go to the orderly room in Ottawa and ask them to set it up for you if you don't have a DWAN account. Normally they are sent to an email address designated by you. The breakdown in deductions are listed on your pay stub and you will receive a T4 for your income taxes.

Your pay will fluctuate a bit pay to pay so don't concern yourself about that.

As for your travel claims, be patient. I usually end up waiting a few months before I get mine...

Bah, I knew it was too good to be true when she said 5 to 10 business days.

Thanks for all the other info. :)
I was paid for my Recruit Camp travel claims within 10 days of submitting the forms to ASU (T).
Rogo said:
I also got 616.88 and that was supposed to be adjusted for the around 400$ owed from the incorrect pay from August.  I guess I'm still owed the money because I got the normal pay(give or take a few bucks)

Hmmmm, I received 642.74. I'm not sure why my pay would be higher than yours as I am pretty sure PLD in London is 0. I've contacted my ULO to see if they can set me up with EMAA so that I will receive my pay statements via email (like yoman suggested in his post), so I guess I'll have to wait until next pay period to figure it all out.
I know in Ottawa we are not entitled to PLD anymore either, it is quite bizarre this pay situation.    I like money.
Dou You said:
Hmmmm, I received 642.74. I'm not sure why my pay would be higher than yours as I am pretty sure PLD in London is 0. I've contacted my ULO to see if they can set me up with EMAA so that I will receive my pay statements via email (like yoman suggested in his post), so I guess I'll have to wait until next pay period to figure it all out.

I signed up in ASU (T) on EMAAand it took about 2 mins. There is an option to have your prior pay stubs emailed to you, as well as your future ones sent to a non-cf email address. Having the physical pay stubs answered all of my questions.......
EMMA and I have a love hate relationship, but the options it gives you are nice. (Being I like to check my MPRR from time to time because for some odd reason it likes to change every now and again for no reason) As far as the pay goes im just happy when it pops into my bank account. As long as it looks around the right amount it works for me. Back when I was a reservist there was much more then one pay mistake then you have to wait another two weeks because advances just messed everything up. On the claim note I can't think of a time other then the University advance where I got funds expediently, be patient because it is coming. Though some money hick-ups they always seem to make things right (goes for both sides of the fence sometimes you owe them money  ::) ) At the end of the day if you go to RMC or Civ U we get paid to sit down in class and learn, quite the opportunity compared to the majority of my fellow students at the university I attend. Good luck all in your studies ! 
Hey everyone,

Just wanted to congratulate everyone that made the selection and are on their way to being officers in the Canadian Forces. I also have a quick question for you all if you don't mind.

What was on your applications in terms of marks, (especially any current university students) extra curiculars, volunteering... I'm sure you get what I'm asking for lol. The anxiety is growing and with that doubt. I know I can not compare and base other applications to mine but as I'm sure you will agree it will give me a general view of what the competitive applicants had on their applications last year.

Thanks guys,
nairna said:
What was on your applications in terms of marks, (especially any current university students) extra curiculars, volunteering... I'm sure you get what I'm asking for lol. The anxiety is growing and with that doubt. I know I can not compare and base other applications to mine but as I'm sure you will agree it will give me a general view of what the competitive applicants had on their applications last year.

I had a mid 70's average after two years of University, a lot of sports (Captained most), and volunteered anywhere I thought I'd enjoy. Honestly, there is no magical extra-curricular activity or place to volunteer that makes you become automatically accepted. Work hard at school, volunteer at places you'll enjoy, and play some sports. All of these things contribute to your overall leadership qualities and in the end that's what the Forces wants to see in ROTP applicants. Just apply yourself fully into everything you do and good results will come.
Thanks Dou You. I'm just trying to get a general feel for what accepted candidates had going into their applications. I am not comparing nor thinking their is a "special" activity in which I can better my application. I guess all I am really trying to do is build more confidence in myself and my application by seeing the similarities between those accepted and mine.

Thanks again.
I know exactly what you're going through as I went through this all last year, and it is rough as your finding out  :nod:. But yeah, my main advice to you is do things you love when finding extra-curriculars and volunteering to do. It makes it a lot easier to feel confident when you put it on your ROTP application (I don't really know why, but it did for me lol). My 2 cents. Good luck!
That's good advice; volunteering for things you enjoy makes a big difference. I mean any volunteering is good, but if you are handing out soup at the soup kitchen purely to get volunteer hours, you might find it difficult to be able to reflect upon that in your interview or on your application. If you volunteer for things you really enjoy, that enthusiasm will show in the interview and on the application, and you will likely take more a leadership position in that volunteering role (which is gold!). A few years ago I started volunteering with the Civil Air Search and Rescue Association because of my love for aviation, and because I wanted to start getting introduced into the aviation world. However, I soon started to really enjoy the SAR end of things too, not just the flying, and now I also volunteer for Ground and Inland Water SAR, and I feel I can reflect upon those experiences a lot better than, say, the hockey tournaments where I used to volunteer to be a scorekeeper or something.
I was with CASARA for the last couple years as well. I loved flying, loved the teamwork, loved helping people, so I loved doing it. Also, no matter what position you are in the search, you will take on a leadership role sometime throughout it so it is easy to pull out leadership experiences for your application/interview like pudd said. So for anyone going aircrew, CASARA is definitely something that is fun and looks really good on the ROTP application so I'd recommend looking into it.
So, who is pumped for BMOQ?!

Sorry, I had to ask.

...but, on second thought...did I really need to?  ;D
Meh, I'll start by getting through the next three weeks of inspections and duty weekends  and Westpoint and Annapolis weekends and the exams and the workup fortnight and all tha jazz before I start getting excited about getting jacked up for 11 weeks at the mega.
Inky said:
Meh, I'll start by getting through the next three weeks of inspections and duty weekends  and Westpoint and Annapolis weekends and the exams and the workup fortnight and all tha jazz before I start getting excited about getting jacked up for 11 weeks at the mega.

...don't forget the "not allowed to use an elevator in a 15-story building" part.  ;)
Good2Golf said:
...don't forget the "not allowed to use an elevator in a 15-story building" part.  ;)

That might be a good thing, I'm starting to get a bit too cosy with the elevator in the Stone Frigate.
Inky said:
Meh, I'll start by getting through the next three weeks of inspections and duty weekends  and Westpoint and Annapolis weekends and the exams and the workup fortnight and all tha jazz before I start getting excited about getting jacked up for 11 weeks at the mega.

Fair enough, I guess I should have directed that question to the Civi-U types...most of us have been waiting patiently throughout the schoolyear and can't wait to get jacked up for 15 weeks at the Mega.
You're right, I can't wait either! A few of us we're out this week talking about it......
Dou You said:
Fair enough, I guess I should have directed that question to the Civi-U types...most of us have been waiting patiently throughout the schoolyear and can't wait to get jacked up for 15 weeks at the Mega.

Thanks Dou You, now all the RMC kids will think that all of us sit on our asses, drink beer, watch tv, and complain about how cold the weather is...it's so false. We also attend school :P