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ROTP 2010-2011

PMedMoe said:
And they're probably out of flags, too.  ;)

Wouldn't suprise me. The C&E Branch home station was out of Jimmy cap badges for close to a year... even though every other base had them.
For all other ex CMR recruit camp Ottawa region people, they did have the Canadian Flags at supply when I went.
The Address is 45 Sacre Coeur in Gatineau.  It is in the basement of the National Printing Bureau.
Is there a Qm in toronto? I am looking for the shoulder Flags that weren't issued at CMR.
anenggcam said:
Is there a Qm in toronto? I am looking for the shoulder Flags that weren't issued at CMR.

I bet if you asked you ULO they will steer you in the right direction.  ;)
Rogo said:
Well Civi U Recruit Camp at CMR has Officially ended....poor RMC Kingston people are still waking up before the sunrise and eating what can only likely be described as eggs( though there is reason for doubt).

No but the St Jean food was not bad. Out of Curiosity does anyone know the closest supply (QM) to Ottawa.  The QM at CFLRS St Jean ran out of Canadian flags so it will look pretty terrible going in to see the ULO at NDHQ without the flag on our CADPAT.

Pfft, I liked waking up early and running, plus eggs are my top choice of food anyways ;D...oh and at least WE had Canada flags  ;) Haha.

All in all it was a great time though, I can't wait for BMOQ next summer!

Out of curiousity what flight was everyone in in Kingston? I was Alpha for a few days at the start but I was switched to Bravo for the rest.
CEEBEE, unfortunately I can't answer your question, but how did you find BMOQ this year?
It was a good course, we had a excellent Pl Cmd Van-doo Capt who served in Afg, he did every thing with us pretty much, Section commanders where good too had some awesome PO's and Sgts. For difficulty it wasn't that bad as long as you had your stuff together, alot of fun things to-do(or im just crazy). And don't take basic up as a way to gauge your course as the recruits are treated in a completely different way, we where talking about that with our staff at the end of course and mentioned that and they told us that its a different world for recruits.
We did have the worst weather that our Pl Cmd has ever seen on a Ex, made for a "fun" vimy, pretty decent Ex, tho we werent L20 they had pre vimy during quite a violent violent thunder shower

But all you need to really do is work hard and keep your staff happy and then you will be happy.   
Is anyone still getting incorrect pay?  I was about 240$ short on the first one and just over 240$ short on today's pay.  Emailed and called the ULO with no response yet though.  I only wonder because money is starting to get tight for me.
Rogo said:
Is anyone still getting incorrect pay?  I was about 240$ short on the first one and just over 240$ short on today's pay.  Emailed and called the ULO with no response yet though.  I only wonder because money is starting to get tight for me.

Just be happy you're getting money, I haven't received any pay yet, and I'm still waiting for my tuition advance to be put in my account. Do you know what time the pay is supposed to be put into your account, is it automatically put in at 12:01 am on the 15th and 30th of each month? Or is it just a random time during the day on the 15th and 30th? Probably a dumb question I know, but I'm curious.

CEEBEE501 said:
And don't take basic up as a way to gauge your course as the recruits are treated in a completely different way, we where talking about that with our staff at the end of course and mentioned that and they told us that its a different world for recruits. 

What do you mean the recruits are treated completely different? I watched Basic Up, and I assume you did too, so what makes it such a different world for recruits?
Thanks George. I checked yesterday morning, so I'm hoping it'll be in there now then.
Depending on your Bank, your Branch, and often your location/province you usually have to wait until the end of the business day.  I have seen some Banks/Branches release it as soon as they receive the transaction, but that is not always a reliable bet.
Well first of all our lessons are diffrent and the time that is taken on each lesson. Also as it was explained to us by our warrent(s), We where told that they are actually not suppose to yell at us as much as they do recruits, as we would not be working like that in our professions. And alot of the course is leadership based. Unlike Normandy where the section commanders (ie Cpl, MCpl, Sgt, Po's) lead the tasking we lead our tasking and are assessed where as the recruits are not.
Another difference is that The recruits belong to the school so the school has far more control over admin and such. Where as we in ROTP are only there on TD Temporary Duty, so it is alot more difficult to get some admin done. Also this year because of the program last year(the 2 weeks in Kingston) we had alot of admin periods in the first 2 weeks which got rather boring.
Also more is expected of you in every field as you are a potential future leader in the CF and should act as such, achieving a high standard in every thing you do, it is also expected of you to reach and maintain a high standard quicker then recruits as you already learned some of the basics at the Orientation camp in Kingston.   
Most of what you said was what I was assuming you meant, so thanks for the clarification CEEBEE. You got me all pumped up to go now though ;D. Too bad I have to wait 8 months...aaah so long!
Dou You said:
Thanks George. I checked yesterday morning, so I'm hoping it'll be in there now then.

Dou You:

The pay is deposited on the 15th and the last day of the month, so for August the pay would be deposited on the 31st and not the 30th.


I checked my bank today and mine was deposited today. If yours hasn't been deposited then there could be a delay based upon the amount of singing you did during the previous pay period of Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance". In your case then, you probably won't get paid for a while......
Hey Rogo,

My pay was a little short this month also. It was short by about $250 also. I would assume we
paid R&Q while we were at St-Jean for those 2 weeks. Oh and don't forget all the lovely taxes
the government sent our way.
2010newbie said:
Dou You:

The pay is deposited on the 15th and the last day of the month, so for August the pay would be deposited on the 31st and not the 30th.


I checked my bank today and mine was deposited today. If yours hasn't been deposited then there could be a delay based upon the amount of singing you did during the previous pay period of Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance". In your case then, you probably won't get paid for a while......

Well, I guess my rendition of "Bad Romance" must have been pretty amazing since I found a nice new lump of money in there today...therefore I believe the pay isn't based on how much you sing "Bad Romance" but how well you sing it. So for me I obviously received the max amount, but for others like Berry and Hicks, it must be a different story... ;). Oh and are you still waking up at 5 45 every morning or is it just me? haha