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Role of Officer vs job of NCM [Merged]

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hamiltongs said:
This will come as a surprise to air force pilots, naval MARS types and officers outside the army combat arms who have specific occupations distinct from the subordinates they direct. I see what you're getting at, but the extent to which officers are just management generalists who learn less tradecraft than their subordinates is largely limited to the combat arms. In the air force, operational officers fly planes and their subordinates maintain them - two distinct trades that both sides have mastered.

The "subordinates (who) maintain" are not my subordinates, directly at least - they are the subordinates of the Squadron Air Maintenance Engineering Officer. I occasionally have subordinates who fly on my helicopter, in the form of Flight Engineers who are active crewmembers and not just  there to fix/fill/clean things. In Ops, I had subordinates of various ranks and trades and my prime function was not flying. I've also spent a considerable chunk of my time in staff and liaison positions. There is a fair amount of generalism in Tac Hel at least, more to this job than simple surly bond-slipping.
To caveat my take, it's Army combat arms centric. In my new support trade, it also holds (Int Ops perform specific specialized tasks, Int Officers plug them into the Operational Planning Process/manage the expectations of commanders/link the products together).
So i'm presently an OCdt with the reserves, planning on transferring to the reg force.
My dilemma is lately I've been feeling I'd rather be a non-commissioned member rather than go the officer route right away.
I'm hoping for some advice (preferably from someone who may have experienced both military life as an officer and an ncm) on how i might best go about this, and maybe a few pros and cons.
The mods will be here soon to tell you, but:

http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/21101.0.html <--- General FAQ For Recruiting

Merged your second link
Spent a couple mins with the search function but I couldn't find any specific answer to my question.

My question is rather simple. I am currently in college getting my bachelors degree, and was wondering while I am attending school can I join the reserves as an NCO, and then when I graduate with my bachelors degree, leave the reserves and join the Regular forces as an officer?
Il_Duce said:
Spent a couple mins with the search function but I couldn't find any specific answer to my question.

My question is rather simple. I am currently in college getting my bachelors degree, and was wondering while I am attending school can I join the reserves as an NCO, and then when I graduate with my bachelors degree, leave the reserves and join the Regular forces as an officer?

1. Spend more time using the search function, and
2. Yes but be prepared to start at square one again......
NFLD Sapper said:
1. Spend more time using the search function, and

Apologies, I don't spend much time on forums, but I will thoroughly search the forums over the next couple days when time permits.

NFLD Sapper said:
2. Yes but be prepared to start at square one again......

This isn't much of a problem for me, my main concern was just having to deal with potential red tape, and it becoming some insane, drawn out affair.

From what I have read though, it may be a very long time from application to admittance to get into my local reserves.
Il_Duce said:
I am currently in college getting my bachelors degree, and was wondering while I am attending school can I join the reserves as an NCO, and then when I graduate with my bachelors degree, leave the reserves and join the Regular forces as an officer?

You may find it worth enquiring about the Reserve Entry Scheme.  I don't know if it still exists, but at one time it was possible to enrol in the reserve force as an officer if one were working towards a degree but didn't yet have it.  That might serve your aspirations better than enroling as an NCM.

Mind you, there's something to be said for having some time as an NCM before becoming an officer.
Aside from the search function, I can think of at least two rather senior and respected members on here that have gone this route and i'm sure one or the other will be along shortly.
I'm sure there are wise and experienced soldiers on here who will give you good advice. My perspective is that of a current DEO applicant for the reserves with 2 degrees. With the current funding issues and some reserve units being flush with officers, if I were doing it again I would go the NCM route. In the reserves you may even get up to Corporal...and then you can switch over. From my friends who are in the military my understanding is that having some NCM time in can give you a better perspective and maybe even a little more credibility when you go the officer route. And if time is on your side age wise, I would just get in either way. Nothing to lose as far as I can see. (From my perspective that is.)

There is no red tape involved - it happens quite frequently.  It involves a component transfer (CT) from the PRes to the RegF.

I did it back in 1999 and haven't had any issues - in fact, that extra time in the ranks helps maintain perspective when you eventually have to command troops of your own.
Hello, i am currently finishing 11th grade and would like to join the military after highschool. I talked to a recruited about joining and he gave me all the information and requirements.
My plan was to go as infantry officer and hopefoully get into RMC university.

The only problem i see is that i dont know if officer IS right for me. I consider myself a leader and i am willing to work hard to become an officer, but i dont have clear if as an infantry officer i will be on the field with all the other combat arms NCOs or i will just be on an office, because i dont want a desk job. I talked to 2 NCOs i know about it, one of them said i would definitely be on the fild and combat operations while the other expressed some hate against officers even saying that they just get paid for the hard work of NCOs.

In conclussion the question is, should i try to go for officer or nco? and will i be on the field as an infantry officer?

Excuse if i have bad grammar, although i am canadian citizen i was absent from canada until some months ago.
You could always join the ranks and apply for UPTNCM after you have some experience under your belt.
Blair981 said:
Hello, i am currently finishing 11th grade and would like to join the military after highschool. I talked to a recruited about joining and he gave me all the information and requirements.
My plan was to go as infantry officer and hopefoully get into RMC university.

The only problem i see is that i dont know if officer IS right for me. I consider myself a leader and i am willing to work hard to become an officer, but i dont have clear if as an infantry officer i will be on the field with all the other combat arms NCOs or i will just be on an office, because i dont want a desk job. I talked to 2 NCOs i know about it, one of them said i would definitely be on the fild and combat operations while the other expressed some hate against officers even saying that they just get paid for the hard work of NCOs.

In conclussion the question is, should i try to go for officer or nco? and will i be on the field as an infantry officer?

Excuse if i have bad grammar, although i am canadian citizen i was absent from canada until some months ago.

I'm sure that some Inf Officers & Infanteers will be able to provide you more input as to what their days more fully entail; we have many of them on this site. In the end though, only you will truly know which fit is the best for yourself.

By the way, your spelling and grammar isn't that bad --- it's much better than some English first language posters on this site. Good luck to you your decision making process.
Blair981 said:
In conclussion the question is, should i try to go for officer or nco?

Just a minor correction:  The question should have been properly worded "Officer or NCM?".  One is either an Officer or a NCM (Non-Commissioned Member).  NCO is Non-Commissioned Officer, and means something completely different - and you'll find the explanation elsewhere here on the site, I don't want to completely derail your thread.  :)
oh ok thank you, but just to clarify NCO would be from master corporal to chief warrant officer?
Privates to Chief Warrant Officers are all NCMs (non-commissioned members)

Corporals to Sargeants are NCOs (non-commissioned officers).

Ptes are Ptes;
Cpls & MCpls are Junior NCOs;
Sgts are Senior NCOs; and
WOs, MWOs and CWOs are "Warrant Officers".

Ergo why our Mess is not called the "Senior NCO Mess", but rather the "WO's & Sgt's" Mess.
Blair981 said:
oh ok thank you, but just to clarify NCO would be from master corporal to chief warrant officer?
No.  NCOs are Corporals and Sergeants.  (MCpl is an appointment, not a rank). Cpls are Junior NCOs, and Sgts are Senior NCOs

Warrant Officer, Master Warrant Officer and Chief Warrant Officer are Warrant Officers.

Collectively, from Pte to CWO they are Non Commissioned Members

Blair981 said:
Hello, i am currently finishing 11th grade and would like to join the military after highschool. I talked to a recruited about joining and he gave me all the information and requirements.
My plan was to go as infantry officer and hopefoully get into RMC university.

The only problem i see is that i dont know if officer IS right for me. I consider myself a leader and i am willing to work hard to become an officer, but i dont have clear if as an infantry officer i will be on the field with all the other combat arms NCOs or i will just be on an office, because i dont want a desk job. I talked to 2 NCOs i know about it, one of them said i would definitely be on the fild and combat operations while the other expressed some hate against officers even saying that they just get paid for the hard work of NCOs.

In conclussion the question is, should i try to go for officer or nco? and will i be on the field as an infantry officer?

Excuse if i have bad grammar, although i am canadian citizen i was absent from canada until some months ago.

If you want to go to RMC and become and infantry officer then go for it. Follow your gut.

Infantry officers go to the field when their troops go to the field. They also do administration, but everybody has some aspect of administration to complete. Trust me, you will work.

Best of luck!