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RMC Officer Sues to Avoid Saluting, Toasting Queen?

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Neill McKay said:
Are professors at RMC tenured, to remain there until death or senility, or are they still subject to being posted every few years?
Legally, as serving CF Regular Force officers they are subject to postings.  From a practical standpoint, once they're safely ensconsed in the limestone embrace of RMC they will not be moved.
Colin P said:
Time for an RMC "outreach" program mentoring Afghan Officers, in Kandahar of course.

That would be an honourable and highly sought after position (at least within the world of 031's)... OMLT is a task requiring persons of exceptional loyalty and capabilities, but also an opportunity to teach a person an exceptional level of humility (which in this context would work nicely).
Colin P said:
Time for an RMC "outreach" program mentoring Afghan Officers, in Kandahar of course.

How about we just send him on an exchange to teach at Sandhurst. Come to think of it, could be the basis of a good sitcom  >:D
Sig_Des said:
How about we just send him on an exchange to teach at Sandhurst. Come to think of it, could be the basis of a good sitcom  >:D

Heaven sakes Des, I wouldn't send him anywhere! He'd give us a bad name no matter where he went. Hey... actually since he's all about the binary stars and astrology send him to the space program... he can be Assistant Fortune Teller #2
Wow is all I can say.

If he wins though, does this mean I don't have to salute those I feel no respect for?  ;D
Love793 said:
Wow is all I can say.

If he wins though, does this mean I don't have to salute those I feel no respect for?  ;D

Read all the prior posts, HE DIDN'T
Bigrex said:
IMO, when you sign on the dotted line, offering your life to the CF, all individual rights, and all political and religious beliefs should be suspended for the duration of your career if it interferes with your job and the fulfillment of your duties. it all started going downhill when the Cf started allowing natives to start growing their hair and Muslims to wear turbans and grow facial hair, as they no longer meet the uniformity that is required in a disciplined military, and in some cases, affecting safety. On ship, every member must be capable of donning a Chemox and fight fires, or to be able to wear a gas mask in a NBC attack in a war zone, excessive facial hair and the Turban prohibits this and therefor because of religious rights, that person cannot be safely employed in an operational theatre or on ships, hurting the CF on a whole. If you are unwilling to meet these basic standards for look and deportment, and pledge allegiance to the Head of State of Canada (the Queen), as a member of commonwealth countries military, then you should not be employed by the CF.

This is so ignorant on so many levels...way over the top.
Why would he not have thought of this before joining? obv when you join you join under certain obligations..live with it.
slowmode said:
Why would he not have thought of this before joining? obv when you join you join under certain obligations..live with it.

He joined at age 16 (according to the press) for the free education and has stuck around for the free ride ever since....star gazing adds sooooo much to our operational capabilities!! :clown:
So we know he swore to the Queen, but why wouldn't he have just sworn to God? or is he an athiest as well?
I dunno - alot of people salute things they dislike/don't beleive in....like RegF saluting PRes and anyone saluting CIC (I've heard grumblings various places) They don't like it, but a commission is a commission - they get saluted most of the time.

Like it or not - we all swear an oath - and that's all there should be to it.

This entire matter is very frustrating to me - simply because it's such a simple thing - you don't agree, you don't say the oath, you don't sign the papers....I hope he is removed from his uniform in short order - it just seems so wrong to have someone with those publicly stated beleifs teaching at RMC with a uniform and commission.
I was sent this summary today:

A decision was rendered today by the Honourable Robert L. Barnes of the Federal Court in file T-1809-06:


Summary: This is an application for judicial review against a decision made by the Chief of Defence Staff, General R.J. Hillier, to refuse a grievance brought by the applicant. The grievance claimed that the applicant had been subjected to a form of institutional harassment and sought relief in the form of being excused from any duty to toast or to pay respect to the Queen as the Head of State of Canada; from saluting or paying respect to the Union Jack as a symbol of Canada; and from singing or paying respect to the singing of “God save the Queen" as a symbol of Canada.  The Court concludes that the decision of the Chief of Defence Staff was both correct in law and reasonable.  As a consequence, the application is dismissed.

A copy of the decision can be obtained via the Web site of the Federal Court.
Does it strike anybody as odd that Captain Arralt Macgeochnsinnishcnnnnennan....whatever, still publishes as late as 2005 as...

H.T. Kenny, A.R. Taylor. Colliding winds in symbiotic binary systems. I. Analytic and Numerical Solutions, Astrophysical Journal, 619, 527-537 (2005).

....Harold Kenny?

What's up with that?

slowmode said:
Why would he not have thought of this before joining? obv when you join you join under certain obligations..live with it.

If anyone reads the very first post of this thread, they will find:

Capt. Mac Giolla Chainnigh-- who legally changed his name from Harold Kenny to its Irish spelling -- says he signed up for the Canadian Forces to serve Canada, not a "foreign monarch." He was 16 years old when he enlisted and begrudgingly swore loyalty to the Queen.

I don't know when he changed it, but I assume that his Fenian feelings got stronger since he joined.
I'm sure his legal name change was pre-2005, so the authorship is strange.
Sig_Des said:
If anyone reads the very first post of this thread, they will find:

Capt. Mac Giolla Chainnigh-- who legally changed his name from Harold Kenny to its Irish spelling -- says he signed up for the Canadian Forces to serve Canada, not a "foreign monarch." He was 16 years old when he enlisted and begrudgingly swore loyalty to the Queen.

I don't know when he changed it, but I assume that his Fenian feelings got stronger since he joined.

If he found that he was unable to stand by the oath that he swore, he should have done the honourable thing and resigned. Even a 16 year old understands the words "true allegiance". This case is nothing more than an attempt by a marginal officer to deflect blame for his personal failings in his career. To spend 30 years moving from the ranks of Officer Cadet to Captain speaks volumes. I notice he's not offered to pay back his salary or the cost of his education... all funded by the same Crown he despises.
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