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RMC Officer Sues to Avoid Saluting, Toasting Queen?

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xFusilier said:
Well if it is of any small consolation, he'll have slightly less money to bugger off with as he is stuck paying the crowns legal bills, as his case was dismissed with costs to the crown

Ironic isn't it??

He'll now have to reimburse the Crown with those Queen's Schillings that he's been receiving from Her since 1975 -- even though he's never agreed with serving under Her while wearing Her Commission. I am, of course, being presumtuous and assuming that he's had no problems with cashing Her monthly cheques since 1975 however.  ::)

Good on the judge. This guy is a hypocrite extraordinaire.
I still say, take his capbadge, remove his sword, and his sword belt, cut off all of his buttons on his tunic then drum him out of RMC.

Drum him out of his branch of service.

Drum him out of the Canadian Forces.

Make a public spectacle out of it, because we need to show the nation that people of this nature will NOT be tolerated...
Perhaps hang him in a gibbet from the top of the Mackenzie Block for all to see - or would that seem like we were drumming up what happened to his ancestors at the hands of my evil English/Scots/IRISH family members?

I wonder how many drummers in ceremonial dress we could round up from across the country.  >:D
I'm serious. What he did could be interpreted as treason. We need to parade the entire RMC, cadets and serving pers all under arms, with a full military band and drum the bastard out. Once he leaves the gates of RMC he should be immediately taken by MPs to his branch's home base, and drummed out there, and then finally drummed out on parliament hill.

Yes, it's a little extravagant so just RMC then.

But the whole entire point of this would not be to get him public support or media exposure, it'll be to show the entire nation, the Canadian Public that we are not afraid to punish one of our own, and we WILL do so in front of the scrutiny and watchful eyes of the people to whom we have sworn to defend.

There is no worse of a crime then treason for a service person. There are a few others, but this one is one I cannot stand and will not stand for. IMO, he committed treason. He should be dealt with as such.
Kat Stevens said:
Yeah, lay some Chuck Connors action on his ass!


I don't think many here remember "Branded"..........and he went on to be a 'hero'.  Or is it just the parade in the begining of the show that you want?    >:D
Just the part before the opening credits will be fine.
National Defence Act, Section 94:

Every person who uses traitorous or disloyal words regarding Her Majesty is guilty of an offence and on conviction is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding seven years or to less punishment.

Sounds straightforward to me.


Gentlemen,  I hate to be the one to sour the wine, but has anyone stopped to think, regardless of the Militarys action or the Captains decision, since 1975 he'll draw a nice healthy PENSION, now that's a real travesty.

Its a pity he didn't work for ENRON, its amazing how people like this always come out smelling like roses.

With his attitude, he should be a shoe in for the Bloc or PQ.


FastEddy said:

With his attitude, he should be a shoe in for the Bloc or PQ.

Oh jebus... don't give people any ideas. Next thing you'll know, he'll be elected to some position that's making decisions and we're all doomed.
MedTech said:
Oh jebus... don't give people any ideas. Next thing you'll know, he'll be elected to some position that's making decisions and we're all doomed.

True True, your absolutely right and I thought it couldn't get any worse.

Officer's complaint a royal pain, judge says
Captain of Irish descent objected to drinking to 'an unelected monarch of foreign origin'

From Tuesday's Globe and Mail

January 22, 2008 at 4:03 AM EST

Outward displays of loyalty to the Queen are fundamental to Canadian military discipline, a judge has ruled, rejecting the complaint of an army officer of Irish ancestry who objected to toasting "an unelected monarch of foreign origin."

Captain Aralt Mac Giolla Chainnigh has campaigned for years to be excused from regimental dinner traditions such as toasting the Queen, saluting the Union Jack or singing God Save the Queen.

However, in a 28-page ruling released yesterday, Mr. Justice Robert Barnes of the Federal Court said confusion would ensue if members of the military could opt out of various protocol requirements.

"A chaotic and unworkable situation would arise in such an environment."

The ruling was the latest setback for Capt. Mac Giolla Chainnigh, who told the court that "he has throughout his military career consistently expressed his disaffection for the British monarchy."

In an interview yesterday, Capt. Mac Giolla Chainnigh, said that Canada, as a sovereign democracy, cannot be at the same time be beholden to a foreign queen. "It's a logical impossibility," he said.

He referred to the Queen as "Elizabeth Windsor."

Another article this AM.

He has long been active in promoting Irish culture in Canada. His office voicemail answers in Irish Gaelic and he is president of the North American Association for Celtic Language Teachers.

Asked whether his background might have informed his views on the monarchy, he said he didn't want to mix culture and politics.However, he added that "Ireland, like most countries that have been colonized and suffered the scourges of imperialism, understands perhaps a little bit better than other nations what the extremely negative aspects are of a government that's not responsible to the people."

When he enrolled at the age of 16 in 1975, Capt. Mac Giolla Chainnigh had been reluctant to take the required oath of allegiance to the Queen and said he proceeded only after being told that it was simply "a figurative way" of pledging his loyalty to the people of Canada.

"I recognize loyalty to the people of Canada alone. I could drink a toast to Elizabeth as a person - if I knew her," the captain told the court. "I could drink a toast to her as the head of state of the United Kingdom, in respect for visitors from that country. But I cannot in good faith toast her as the Queen of Canada."


I wonder if this guy should be investigated for any monies he fronted to the IRA when they were actively operating in Northern Ireland?

He was told it was simply "a figurative way" of pledging loyalty to the people of Canada??? That is like saying saluting a superior officer is " a suggestion if ya feel like it at the time" to demonstrate that you kinda recognize the rank.

Why is this man still in the military and teaching our future officers, seriously!!??
Did I mention a "blanket party" for the lad. :warstory:  >:D :argument:
I must admit this thread shocked me - I just recently found it and finished reading through it and I really can't beleive the man is still teaching.

I'm all for the blanket party or the drumming out - or both

I simply cannot beleive that a member of the CF would discredit themselves, and the erst of the serving members with something so ridiculous.

I'm going to swear in on the 30th of Jan 2008 - prehaps I will swear to the Queen as opposed to the Bible....
The decision of the court is only just out.
The ball is now in this Officer's court.
He must now resign himself to carrying out his duties & responsibilities OR... he can get out.

If he requires matches or financial assitance for a gallon of gas.... I'm willing to chip in 5$
He threw down the gauntlet this morning on CBC Radio stating (in words as close as I can remember to the effect) that the next time the occasion presented himself he had a choice to make. If he choose not to salute or pledge then the NDA must be invoked (Charge him under NDA) or it is powerless and irrelevant.
He threw down the gauntlet this morning on CBC Radio stating (in words as close as I can remember to the effect) that the next time the occasion presented himself he had a choice to make. If he choose not to salute or pledge then the NDA must be invoked (Charge him under NDA) or it is powerless and irrelevant.

Good, then he can be charged and with the previous finding we can be fairly well assured that he will be found guilty and punished - Just another day in his irrelevant life.
Ummmmmmmmm just wondering why it has to be "RMC" Officer, as opposed to just CF Officer, or CF member? Not trying to stir things up here, I agree with everyone else, this guy has a fumbled idea of loyalty and duty, but those three big letters had even me thinking at first that his being such a twit had something to do with RMC.
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