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Retro Pay & Allow 1Apr 2014 - 1Apr 2017

Given that military pay raises are benchmarked against the public service, and the public service are still in negotiations, I would not expect to see a 14/15 increase any time soon. It would not surprise me to see a mid to late 15/16 increase with retro for 14/15 and for 15/16 year-to-date (assuming we still have programmers who can handle the ancient CCPS and RPSR code to input the increase).

EDIT TO ADD: And even if the government has already decided on the military pay increases, they wouldn't want to tip their hands in negotiating with the public service - "Look, you gave the military X%, so the public service deserves X% - or X+Y% if we change the sick leave provisions".
There are a whole lot of different unions in the PS, and it seems like one of them is always in negotiations.  A few of the larger ones got a contract in the last year, but guessing this is getting deferred until after the election to save a few more artificial dollars for the polls.
I believe you're going to find that very nearly all of the federal PS unions have expired collective agreements, and the ones which aren't expired will do so very, very shortly. 
CAF pay increases are tied to the contract negotiations with PSAC, representing the Program and Administrative Services (PA) categories - the largest chunk of the Federal Public Service. Contract expired 20JUN14.

From my local rep, PSAC is trying to wait out the current Government, in hopes of a new federal party in power, with better CBA terms.
blackberet17 said:
CAF pay increases are tied to the contract negotiations with PSAC, representing the Program and Administrative Services (PA) categories - the largest chunk of the Federal Public Service. Contract expired 20JUN14.

From my local rep, PSAC is trying to wait out the current Government, in hopes of a new federal party in power, with better CBA terms.

I think you'll find that CF pay is based on a much wider range of PS occupations than what you've stated, and is further divided by the Officer/Other Ranks scales.  See http://www.forces.gc.ca/en/caf-community-pay/faq-pay.page and http://www.forces.gc.ca/en/caf-community-pay/index.page.

That said, I can speak for my own union and say that yes, there isn't a lot of activity going on.  Both sides seem dug in for the long haul.
blackberet17 said:
CAF pay increases are tied to the contract negotiations with PSAC, representing the Program and Administrative Services (PA) categories - the largest chunk of the Federal Public Service. Contract expired 20JUN14.

From my local rep, PSAC is trying to wait out the current Government, in hopes of a new federal party in power, with better CBA terms.

Technically they are not tied to the unionized play raises, there are no TB policies preventing the GoC from giving the CAF a cost of living pay raise before the unions.  They chose not to do so, so as not to set a precedent ahead of negotiations....
I can think of at least one instance where an "interim economic adjustment" was given to the CF while the PS and TB did their dance.  However, with TB only offering 0.5% per year for each year of a four year contract (at the last offer), it's hardly worth going through the headaches of implementing anything.
Hey folks, has there been any rumors about of our next Pay Increase ??  My records show the last increase with our pay was back in April 2013 when we received a 2% pay increase IAW a CANFORGEN announced in March 2012.  I can't tell you how many bills/services have increased their rates everything from electricity, gas, cable, phones, property taxes, buses etc etc.  We're all effected by this, yet I don't hear or see much discussion on this important topic. My pay has eroded more and more and we are on the losing end.  I would hope to at least see an economic increase to cover the increases we have been stuck with.  Inflation has grown since 2013 too.  I know the Public Service is negotiating a contract, but it would be nice to hear an update from the CAF leadership on this subject.  Thanks for your consideration.
CAF pay is benchmarked against the public service; with no increase for the PS to date, it's unlikely that a CAF pay increase would be provided.  (If only to avoid telegraphing plans to the PS bargaining units.  As well, if there are material changes to PS benefits such a sick leave, that may result in a one-time pay increase for the PS that the CAF would not receive).

That said, if you want a sense of where things may be going, look at  http://news.nationalpost.com/news/canada/federal-public-service-executives-get-small-raise-while-bonuses-now-tied-entirely-to-individual-performance.  Executives in the public service received a 0.5% increase for 14/15 and the same for 15/16.

Were I a betting man, I'd put money on those responsible within DND and the CAF as having done most of the work , and are waiting for a final Government decision.  That said, any such documentation would be considered as a Cabinet Confidence, and thus can't be shared.

Action Man said:
Hey folks, has there been any rumors about of our next Pay Increase ??  My records show the last increase with our pay was back in April 2013 when we received a 2% pay increase IAW a CANFORGEN announced in March 2012.  I can't tell you how many bills/services have increased their rates everything from electricity, gas, cable, phones, property taxes, buses etc etc.  We're all effected by this, yet I don't hear or see much discussion on this important topic. My pay has eroded more and more and we are on the losing end.  I would hope to at least see an economic increase to cover the increases we have been stuck with.  Inflation has grown since 2013 too.  I know the Public Service is negotiating a contract, but it would be nice to hear an update from the CAF leadership on this subject.  Thanks for your consideration.

Some discussion here,

I am a CAF member & I want better pay and benefits (a merged thread)
Good Day,

Figured I'd make a post since I didn't see one.  Does anyone know anything about the supposed pay raise/back pay we are rumoured to be getting?  As most people know our usual annual 1.5% pay raise was put on hold back in March 2013.  Apparently it went under review and is being reversed.  So for Cpl's we are looking at between $200-$300 extra each month and possibly between $2500-$3000 in back pay.  No idea when it's supposed to happen though.  Does anyone have any insight/clarification for this?
Nothing is too god for our troops, and nothing is what they shall get!!

Sorry, I just had to...
CombatMacgyver said:
More like <$80/mnth. 
$300/mnth would be like 10k in back-pay. 
We wish....

I think Ice97 means this:

3% of a Cpl's pay would be roughly 150 - 200. If you were to erroneously double (2013 / 2014) the 1.5 you get your 3%. Prior to deductions you would potentially be looking at about 5K (based on 32 months of back pay at 3%)

But I said "erroneously"... IF there were a backdate in play (I am not by any means inferring there is a raise coming or not - I have no idea...) the retro it as such (this is for Ice97):

2013 - YOUR rate of pay in 2013 X 1.5%
2014 - YOUR rate of pay in 2014 X 1.5%

Etc... make sense? Keeping in mind - you always have to take deductions into the equation. I do quick mental math. I make roughly 75,000 a year. 1% of that is 750. so the .5 makes it about 1000 bucks. Take off a third for the deductions it's now about 650.00 for 2013. Add 100 bucks for 2014 and another 100 for 2015. I will MTL recieve about 2K in retro.
Well i havent heard the rumors however the psac is at the barginning table next week. Historically what they get for an increase we get something similar.


I wouldnt mind a backpay from 13 but not getting my hopes up yet
The last pay increase took effect 01 Apr 2013.  Therefore, any increase would be from 01 Apr 14.  There was no "reversal" of the 2013 increase. 

If we assume that the CAF gets the same increases as the Public Service executives, (0.5% per year), then retro pay would be 0.5% for 14-15, and 1.0% for 15-16 (two years at 0.5% each year).  For a Cpl, no spec pay, at max incentive, that would be about $900 in back pay (before taxes and deductions), and an increase of about $50 per month (again, before taxes and deductions).
It's amazing how a half percent make that much of a difference!

So, Dapaterson - forgive my memory (or lack of) but DID we get a raise in 2013?
BinRat55 said:
It's amazing how a half percent make that much of a difference!

So, Dapaterson - forgive my memory (or lack of) but DID we get a raise in 2013?

Yes.  A raise on 01 Apr 2013.  So a pay increase would be for 01 Apr 2014; and another for 2015, and we'd be caught up... until 01 April 2016...
CombatMacgyver said:
More like <$80/mnth. 
$300/mnth would be like 10k in back-pay. 
We wish....

Yeah...I'm not a clerk...but quick math was something like this:

You would be looking at 3 payraises (provided they actually do this).  1.5% in 2014, 2015 and 2016

I'm Cpl 4, Spec 1.  Pay is $5649

5649*1.5% = $84 = new rate of $5733
5733*1.5% = $86 = new rate of $5819
5819*1.5% = $87 = new rate of $5906

So 3 payraises equals $257 extra/mth...and close to $3100 in back pay.  But after taxes i'll probably owe money  ;)

Anyways...Haven't seen anything official...was just curious if anyone had heard anything.  I'll believe it when the money is in my account  ;D

At this point, with the deficit spending we're starting to see, I'll be delighted if we keep getting our annual incentive increases and don't get the pay freeze that we saw in the 90's, where the only pay-raise you got was for a rank-change.  (Note, this was where the 'advance promotion' for LS/Cpls started, it was the only way to us up to a reasonable living wage.  My pay was frozen at $1625/mo as a OS IPC1 for almost 3 years.  My next pay-raise was to LS Spec 1 IPC0 at just about 3600 a month. 

If I was a betting man, I'd bet that there will be no pay-raise this year, and next year there will be a pay-freeze for all Federal Gov't employees.  If there isn't, then I'll be happy and enjoy my annual IPC increase.  I'm not holding my breath, nor writing any cheques based on a possible pay raise.
