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Retro Pay & Allow 1Apr 2014 - 1Apr 2017

Does anyone know who my union rep is I can talk to about all my unpaid overtime, or that I make less then my subordinates/peers?

It'd be nice if they just set a standard annual inflation rate of some sort for our pay and left it at that, rather then tying it to the various PS negotiations, as some of those go for years.

Based on the fact that the MPs voted themselves large wage increases, don't think expecting a cost of living pay adjustment is unreasonable.  Particularly given the current govt penchant for short notice/retroactive changes to a number of different military benefits over the last few years.  I'd be more sympathetic about their desire to cut costs if I didn't see the legions of MPs and their numerous minions burning through hundreds of millions a year without any real accountability.
Navy_Pete said:
Does anyone know who my union rep is I can talk to about all my unpaid overtime, or that I make less then my subordinates/peers?

The "military factor" that is added to the PS comparability includes overtime, so it is paid.

And if subordinates make more than you it likely means that they are in tech trades - and have skills that have been assessed as being valuable.
dapaterson said:
And if subordinates make more than you it likely means that they are in tech trades - and have skills that have been assessed as being valuable.

Spec 1 IPC 4 Cpl makes more than Sgt Standard IPC 4  8).

Think about those MH AES Op Cpls that are on Det.  Spec pay, aircrew allowance, sea duty pay AND PLD.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Eye In The Sky said:
HRM or Valley?  8)

Remember this landmark:  Spring Garden Road    :nod:

At the risk of enraging the east coast fleet, Victoria is still better.  ;)
Eye In The Sky said:
Spec 1 IPC 4 Cpl makes more than Sgt Standard IPC 4  8).

Think about those MH AES Op Cpls that are on Det.  Spec pay, aircrew allowance, sea duty pay AND PLD.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Wow, I had to look just to be sure but you're right and sure enough you were.

Makes me wonder why the CF has problems recruiting into the trades that receive "spec" pay.
DAA said:
Makes me wonder why the CF has problems recruiting into the trades that receive "spec" pay.

Probably because most of their civvie jobs make even more.
dapaterson said:
The "military factor" that is added to the PS comparability includes overtime, so it is paid.

And if subordinates make more than you it likely means that they are in tech trades - and have skills that have been assessed as being valuable.

:off topic:

Not really, ENG 4s make more then LCdrs (until they start topping out the IPCs), who are Eng 5 equivalents.  I'm only a two ringer (ENG 4 equivalent), so will need to get promoted then spend years at that rank before starting to make the same as someone doing my job now as a civilian.  Still, wasn't uncommon on the ship to have a bunch of folks reporting to you to gross more then you due to the combination of time in rank, spec pay, and also the higher end of the sea pay scale, so not really a big deal. 

No real skin off my nose; I thought they were smart to negotiate their retention bonus into their pay.  Same on the ship; anyone getting near the top end of the sea pay rates has put in a lot more time away from home then I'll ever have to not being a hard sea trade, so they deserve it.

The only thing that actually annoys me working in ADM(Mat) is that while we don't get overtime, shouldn't have to jump through a bunch of hoops to get the short leave at xmas.  My section was rubber stamped, but others were given a blanket denial.  Little thing, but pretty big disatisfier, and another one of the small things that have people looking at second careers already.  Does make the ENG 5 jobs look attractive though!

Anyway, not really relevant to the thread, but I'm sure there are probably lots of folks in uniform making more then their civilian counterparts, so it probably all balances out in the end.

Do miss Halifax this time of year though!  Although have to admit that much to my surprise Ottawa (Gatineau in particular) has it's own charm this time of year.  Not quite Spring Garden Road, but have been distracted enough to trip while jogging around the river by OttawaU.
PuckChaser said:
Probably because most of their civvie jobs make even more.

Agreed.  Even with spec I'd be making about $15-$20 k more a year, not including overtime, if I did the same job civvie side. 

Then again, I'd lose so many of the other perks (travel, mega paid annual and sick leave, slider time, when needed, gym access...) that I'm quite content to serve where I do.
If you really want to get your knickers in a wad, go take a look at what Medical/Dental Officer (Specialist) rakes in a month.  Makes spec pay look like a penny on the road.  :-\
Eye In The Sky said:
If you really want to get your knickers in a wad, go take a look at what Medical/Dental Officer (Specialist) rakes in a month.  Makes spec pay look like a penny on the road.  :-\

Actually, it would only bother me if I had to do 8 years of university plus a residency to get my Spec 1 compared to what they get.  I dont begrudge them at all for what they get.
Navy_Pete said:
:off topic:

The only thing that actually annoys me working in ADM(Mat) is that while we don't get overtime, shouldn't have to jump through a bunch of hoops to get the short leave at xmas.  My section was rubber stamped, but others were given a blanket denial.  Little thing, but pretty big disatisfier, and another one of the small things that have people looking at second careers already.

Nobody get's overtime, WTF is that?

But my pick up on your post, is the short leave thing.  It's pretty much a given, like old time companies giving your family a turkey for Christmas.  If you are saying that you received short leave (SL), the others in your command didn't, then something could be wrong with that picture.

Mind you, granting of SL, is technically at the discretion of the CO.
Eye In The Sky said:
8)  and the waterfront during the summer.  Lower Deck.  Stuff like that too!

I'm sure the LD is great.  I just never remember it    :cheers:

Link to topic:  You will probably spend a lot of your 1 Apr 14 pay increase in said places.
So apparently getting five weeks of annual leave after five years of service, (plus two special every Christmas), isn't enough?

Your EN-ENGs start at three weeks; after eight years of service get four, and after eighteen years of service go up to five weeks.  http://www.tbs-sct.gc.ca/pubs_pol/hrpubs/coll_agre/nr/nr01-eng.asp#toc234986625

As for overtime:
It is important to note that the T[otal] C[ompensation] analyses, as applied to the CAF, also provide latitude to determine the dollar value of the unique aspects of CAF service. The most obvious example is the Military Factor, which values the major characteristics of military service. Although the unique aspects of military service such as Code of Service Discipline, separation from family and posting turbulence are not easily quantified, the Military Factor was originally valued at 4% of salary for all non-commissioned members and general service officers. As of April 1, 1999, the Military Factor stands at 7.5% for non-commissioned members and for general service officers. These recent increases were in recognition of a higher operational tempo and resulting increases in the incidence of separation, and a new component (Personal Limitations and Liabilities), which further recognizes the implications inherent in the military system of unlimited liability. Another less obvious example is the fact that CAF members are not eligible for overtime. To adjust for this in the TC analyses, values of 6% of salary for non-commissioned members and 4% of salary for general service officers are used.

dapaterson said:
And if subordinates make more than you it likely means that they are in tech trades - and have skills that have been assessed as being valuable.

I suspect this is reflective of most subalterns in non-specialist trades...
Infantry Cpl 3 - 4920/month
Infantry Lt Basic (aka that Cpl's Pl Comd) - Up to 4892/month

Almost all of my subordinates are paid more than me without considering LDA (as was mentioned, it's understandable that they would get more for LDA than I do) :-\
ballz said:
I suspect this is reflective of most subalterns in non-specialist trades...
Infantry Cpl 3 - 4920/month
Infantry Lt Basic (aka that Cpl's Pl Comd) - Up to 4892/month

Almost all of my subordinates are paid more than me without considering LDA (as was mentioned, it's understandable that they would get more for LDA than I do) :-\

Same when I was on the MCDVs.  The only person in my dept paid less than me was an AB that was there for the summer.  The jump in pay for Officers is from LT-CAPT.
So, we're saying a Cpl with about 8 years in is paid more than a Lt with 3 years in?

But once the Lt becomes a Capt, he's on track to make more than every NCM in the unit, including the RSM (Capt 10 is paid more than CWO (non special appointment) 4).
You took the words right out of my gob.....and just to add to your brilliant answer, if it was that easy becoming one of those, everybody will be doing it. I mean some people can't even be bothered going to university (I don't mean those where money is an issue)

Schindler's Lift said:
Actually, it would only bother me if I had to do 8 years of university plus a residency to get my Spec 1 compared to what they get.  I dont begrudge them at all for what they get.