Not to be discouraging, but there appears to be some structural challenges re: employment with the Federal Government. This has to do with the current Federal government's directive to save $4 billion a year to reduce the Federal Deficit (and not to raise taxes, corporate or otherwise reducing tax loopholes for the very wealthy, to keep taxes low):
Edited: rambling :-[ (I jump in as a civvy, and then I catch new info, I wasn't aware of at time of posting- sleep deprivation is another factor :-[ )
New news today re: cuts to DND:
So, there's changes re: opportunities, different that before. . .?
I sincerely hope the following announcement pans out to some practical level support for those seeking career transitions:
Best of luck
Federal government job cuts: the story so far
The Conservative government has promised to balance the federal budget by 2014 and has asked 68 departments to offer up scenarios for five and 10 per cent reductions to their bottom lines over a three-year period.
Here's how the process was described in an internal message at one department, obtained by CBC News:
"The Strategic and Operating Review provides a focus for us to reflect on how we currently meet our mandate and to explore how we can modernize the way we do business to improve the services that we deliver to Canadians. We would like to call on all of you to look at this as an opportunity to focus, transform and renew our activities so that they are effective, relevant and affordable. We encourage you to speak to your manager should you have any ideas or suggestions."
Cabinet will decide what gets cut prior to the 2012-13 budget next spring. These kind of budget-cutting efforts could eventually result in job losses across the federal civil service. But this review has only just begun, and the job reductions that could result won't be confirmed for months.
Edited: rambling :-[ (I jump in as a civvy, and then I catch new info, I wasn't aware of at time of posting- sleep deprivation is another factor :-[ )
New news today re: cuts to DND:
So, there's changes re: opportunities, different that before. . .?
I sincerely hope the following announcement pans out to some practical level support for those seeking career transitions:
Best of luck