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reserve unit problem


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  Hi, I have gone through the the recruiting process from start to finish and am now being told by my unit(reserves) that they may not hire me because they would have to pay km's . They have known since I first inquired about the unit, where I live and it has never been discussed as an issue.But, now that I have gone through the frustrating process of "recruiting" it could be. Unfortunately I live more than 16km away from any reserve unit. So my question is, why does all the recruiting literature say they will pay kms when its possible  that they wont? Also, can this really preclude me from employment in the reserves?

I know guys, both reg and res, that live twice as far and don't see a red penny extra for mileage.

If all you want is some coin to be in the reserves and only live 16km away, you may want to re-think why you want to join.

The transportation thing is a red herring.

Reservists are currently entitled to a compensation for mileage above and beyond the 16Km (32 Km round trip).

They may suggest that there is another unit that is nearer to your home.

While this is subject to change at one point or another, it is a right that everyone has.  The unit should not apply that rule unless the distance you have to travel is excessive... how far do you have to travel from home to unit? 
well, Im not sure if you are aware of the reserve pay rates as a new recruit but I can assure you that im not doing this for the money! I do not have a unit close to me that is less than a 100km round trip.
d123456789 said:
well, Im not sure if you are aware of the reserve pay rates as a new recruit but I can assure you that im not doing this for the money! I do not have a unit close to me that is less than a 100km round trip.

Wooo ho ho ho... that's quite a bit of a drive eh? What unit are you joining? I've heard of units her ein the lower mainland that would pay for their members to come from Vancouver Island. Well partially, but hey they still pay partially for their trip.
d123456789 said:
well, Im not sure if you are aware of the reserve pay rates as a new recruit but I can assure you that im not doing this for the money! I do not have a unit close to me that is less than a 100km round trip.

Well that is different, a CO must get authorization to take on a member who lives that far out.
100 Km is 50Km each way not all that far in the big picture of thing - esp in rural areas.
Soo... 100 - 32 = 68km commuting assistance... regardless of the transportation means used by the individual.

I remember when we had our CO balk at commuting assistance for a Sapper who was studying in Quebec City but insisted on parading with the Montreal Engineer unit VS the Quebec City one...453 Km travel (round trip).  The CO reasonnably established a cieling of 100 Km (each way) and we had to put some pressure on the individual to do an attached posting for the duration of his studies.
With only one, maybe two units in most provinces, it is not uncommon for a Naval Reservist to have to travel 120Km or more one way each parade night/day to attend training. TAA is offered to aid in paying for part of the cost in traveling such a distance.
the most a reserve unit will pay is 64 kms total and thats fine with me. It pisses me of that they didnt tell me this in the begining. I dont mind the drive at all i just dont think its fair that I may not be hired based on where i live
d123456789 said:
the most a reserve unit will pay is 64 kms total and thats fine with me. It pisses me of that they didnt tell me this in the begining. I dont mind the drive at all i just dont think its fair that I may not be hired based on where i live

When I joined, they didn't pay anything.  We did not have a severance gratuity and we did not have a pension plan...
As the new benefits have come on line, I have received "mana from heaven" in that I had never asked for it nor expected to receive something.

Would you have joined if they did not pay any transportation assistance?
If the answer is yes - the point is moot - tell them you weren't expecting anything and something is better than nothing.
If the answer is no - then you are probably lining yourself up for one dissapointment after another... IMHO!
d123456789 said:
then tell me why it is advertised as a benefit

Okay... the word of the day is REASONABLE. Keep in mind that money comes from somewhere, and if you really live that far away, a unit's CO can't justify signing that much money away just to get you to and from training. Not to mention the pay required to pay you for training days occurred while you're at the unit.

This is just like the Tuition Reimbursement scheme, it's something everyone has access to, doesn't mean everyone gets it.
There is a question of distance.  Over time, there are a lot of recruits who get tired & fed up with all the travelling - and quit - regardless of the money.  If that is the experience of the unit, it's hard to argue against that.
d123456789 said:
the most a reserve unit will pay is 64 kms total and thats fine with me. It pisses me of that they didnt tell me this in the begining. I dont mind the drive at all i just dont think its fair that I may not be hired based on where i live

Life isn't fair. Honestly, it's a crappy situation but there is nothing WE as an on-line community can do about this situation. It is now up to you to go in and plead your case with the CO of the unit. Good luck.
Another point that you may be missing, is the fact that this benefit is not for everyone.  If you are able to use Public Transit, then you are not entitled to a Travel Assistance Allowance.  So if you live in a large metropolitan area, you are not entitled.  If you lived in a Rural area, you may be entitled.
Personally I plan on a nice long drive and with the gas prices increase I don't expect to make any money being in the reserves from where I am right now. I also don't expect a travel relief fund nor do I care. I've only joined for one reason and benefits and perks are just a bonus to me.
Recce By Death said:

I know guys, both reg and res, that live twice as far and don't see a red penny extra for mileage.

If all you want is some coin to be in the reserves and only live 16km away, you may want to re-think why you want to join.


They don't have to pay you mileage if you ruckmarch in.