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Reserve Service Dress Uniform (aka "DEU") Issue

Haggis said:
That still happens, but much less so than in the past.  Usually a phone call to the local supply MWO gets it sorted out.

Especially if that MWO was ArmyVern I'm thinking.
Niteshade said:
Respectfully Mid Aged Silverback, my question wasn't meant as a "crack" and is a legitimate question.

Certainly we as soldiers are required to wear our DEU uniforms in order to conduct certain duties. However the fact is many a reservist can conduct his duties without them (or at least up until they are finally issued). Armyvern has mentioned why this occurs (earlier in this thread). Clearly this is a cost savings issue as she mentions a lot of money is saved.

At the same token we are also trained to be responsible soldiers and not waste things.  If he is truly in need of his uniform (IE a parade coming up in 2-4 weeks time (I know about my parades well in advance)): He can order them in, and if need be on rush order. But if he doesn't need it (which is more likely the case and I have not heard otherwise yet), then why issue simply because "he is entitled" when he is fully aware of a component transfer to a different element. Ergo, he will not use it, and is expending resources with no clear benefit.

My opinion on this matter.


This soldier is QL3 qual'd OR has completed one year of service; therefore, he IS ENTITLED to his uniform now. The Army "saved" it's money via it's very own cost-cutting measure by "making soldiers of the Land reserve Force wait 1 full year or until 3s qual'd" to receive it, finally, in the first place! The CF has already saved itself LOTS of bucks on DEUs via offloading that "cost-saving" onto the back of Land Force reserve members. No one else is subject to such differential treatment or delay of their entitlement. he's already "done his part" in the grandscheme of "cost-savings".

This soldier has already been precluded from parading in DEU, participating in formal functions with his peers/Unit  for a full year delay because of this policy. That is NOT good for morale. He has EARNED his uniform just as someone "earns" their capbadge.

Nor is the recommendation that this soldier NOT ask for his uniform under some presumtion that he won't use it, or that it will save money.

NEVER would I suggest that the CF save money by keeping YOU from having something that you are entitled to. He is entitled to his uniform and it really is that simple.

As for his CT - he has NO CT offer. He has NO CT message. He has NO guarantee that he will even BE CT'd at any date let alone in July or August. Especially so given the RegF recruiting/intake freeze. What he has is heresay ... it's all just talk until he's got the offer and message in-hand.

He IS entitled to his uniform - sans delay. Period.

His is a totally different situation from a soldier who has CT message in hand with a CT-date - who is guaranteed not to be in the DEU in the future. And, even in that case - there is not a SINGLE supply regulation that ceases that members entitlement to his initial issue of DEU prior to that date occuring; not a one.

There is ONE supply regulation that precludes us from having to purchase LPOd or custom footwear for any member with less than 6 months remaining to serve IN THE CF, but that's it. If that pers needing custom combat boots is CTing to a blue trade, or navy ... we STILL need to buy those custom boots that he'll wear for 6 months.

As for him thinking that he's making a bad name for himself ... it's not him who's the bad name here; it's the sup techs that are failing to DO THEIR JOBS in this situation.  That pisses me off entirely. The kid is now afraid to insist that he get what he is entitled to, that which will permit him to participate in all areas of unit functions or activities as a full member alongside his peers, because some sup tech is spouting bullshit --- all based upon a CT that may/may not even happen.

Next step: have your supervisor contact the supervisor of the Sgt Sup tech.
Ahhhhh davidson, just noticed where you are located; it's not you. Check out his profile Mid-aged Silverback ...

Sounds like SNAFU for army pers.

PMing you with my DIN email addy ... will advise from there.
ArmyVern said:
Ahhhhh davidson, just noticed where you are located; it's not you. Check out his profile Mid-aged Silverback ...

Sounds like SNAFU for army pers.

PMing you with my DIN email addy ... will advise from there.
Why am I not suprised. Vern, get out here and sort these f***ers out. Please.

I'm a reserve force OCdt Army Logistics Officer, anyway I'm heading out on BMQ in 5 days if all goes well and my Cpt manages to secure me my spot. (Courses are really full right now apparently, surprise  :o )

Anyway at the end of the summer, Aug.28th, my Girlfriend's brother is getting married and frankly a tuxedo is out of my league (cash wise), though I understand DEU is acceptable wear at such functions (if I'm wrong let me know). Basically the question is, is it likely I will be issued a #3  service dress by then, or am I expected to purchase my own similar to ceremonial?

I'll probably just end up renting a tuxedo, but if someone could answer this question anyway it would be very nice! Thank you for your consideration!


Please read the topics on DEU issue to Reservists.  They will inform you as to when you are entitled to be fitted for DEUs.

Topic Locked !
I tried searching for some key words on this issue but I turned up with nothing.

Anyways, I have found out that with Naval/Air Force reserve personnel, they can obtain their DEUs immediately after they swear in. However, with Army reserve personnel, they must wait a year until they can order theirs.

Is anyone able to explain why this is in place? I understand that it's in the supply pam and 'it's just the regulations', however, there has to be some explanation for it.

Any help would be appreciated :)
Actually it is 1 year after joining or trades qualification which ever comes first. As far as why this is I can only go by what I was told at the QM. Far to many people were getting in, getting their DEUs then getting out with in that first year. Now this might be only speculation on the supply guys part or it might be true, either way it makes sense.

Tank Troll said:
As far as why this is I can only go by what I was told at the QM. Far to many people were getting in, getting their DEUs then getting out with in that first year. Now this might be only speculation on the supply guys part or it might be true, either way it makes sense.
And as for why the Navy/Air Reserve opt to supply a full DEU issue upfront, my understanding is that it's because those reserve components do the Reg F BMQ, which assumes a full DEU kit issue.
Hmm. I just always find it's a hassle when it comes to remembrance day and mess dinner events. The unit has to try and scrounge DEU parts just to have the troops looking good and so they aren't the odd ones out. I just wish there was something other than scrounging for these parts..
What do you mean scrounging for parts? In my experience, youve either been issued the complete deu set after a year in or still only have cadpat.
C.G.R said:
What do you mean scrounging for parts? In my experience, youve either been issued the complete deu set after a year in or still only have cadpat.

There are various shortages every year, I remember a few years back they had no LFC Command badges, and members were looking to the older folks to see if they had an extra. I've heard of similar issues with rank pins, but never experienced it myself.
Until recently we were short every thing from cap badges to collar dogs to shoulder titles. Rank insignia is an other issue along with gabardines. As per a normal Army unit we only wear them if it is needed, however when parading with Marlant they want us to wear them regardless of the weather and actually kicked my guys of parade last Nov 11th for not having them. Then sent the Area RSM a whiny e-mail about how the LFAA contingent wasn't properly dressed and how we were short pers for parade.
(rant over)
In my regiment, traditionally we've given out DEUs after one becomes SQ (now BMQ-L) qualified. Generally. Some of us get after trades qual., depending on timing. The once exception was in 2010 for our Centennial/colour presentation - the CO wanted as many members in DEUs as possible.
Good day, I'm just curious as to when I'd be able to obtain the CAF uniform once I've been accepted to a unit.

Thank you,

Thanks for the response! I was searching with the wrong keywords it seems, thanks again for the information.