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Reserve initial kit issue ( merged )

Talk to your TSM about getting some class A work. Speaking from experience - It may be a little mundane as painting and then watching the paint dry to be repainted again, but its F/T right ? :P
Hello, I am joining the CF Reserves, I have all my stuff done including my CFAT Medical, PT, and Interview, and am just now waiting on Ottawa to process my medical.
A Few months ago I remember seeing a post about the Kit that is generally issued when you first get enrolled, it basically had a list of all the kit and the quantity of the items, but for some reason i can't find that topic anymore. I tried to search and find the topic that i viewed before but i had no luck on finding it.
If anyone knows the topic i am talking about or a topic with the General Kit issue for Infantry Reserves or if you have a list you self, I would appreciate the help find the information.
You will be issued equipment in accordance with the scales of issue.  If there are shortages, you will be issued those items at a later date.  You will be eligible for issue of your dress uniform on completion of your basic occupational training or one year, whichever comes first.

Note that the majority of equipment issued is on loan - you are responsible for its security and responsible to return it on your release from the forces.  It is worthwhile every few years to request a list of all your clothing docs and temporary issue cards to ensure you have everything; I've known people to have rude surprises on release when they discovered that they had lost a pair of $200 snowshoes or an $80 pair of pants.
Thank you for your post dapaterson. I got caught up in their specific post for an Infantry kit list and lost sight of the facts you posted. +60 for your post.
.......and don't take the bus the night you're going for your kit. Take a car or have someone with one pick you up.
In Ottawa also make sure you have someone with a few more hooks around when getting your initial issue of kit. One of my buddies when he still had his cornflake went in and asked for a gerber to which the supply tech replied with "Do you have your gerber qualification?". They just love screwing people over down there. For the first six months or so I was wearing pregnancy tunics until one of the MBdr's decided he didn't like looking at them anymore and went with me to get new ones.  All the best of luck to you!
Can anyone mention when you are issued kit (other than 'when you need it') in the reserves. I swear in this coming wednesday, and was wondering what I could expect right away (given that it's in stock), and what I will have to wait until BMQ to get. It really doesn't matter, but I'm excited as hell, so I keep thinking about it.

Thanks for any help.
The short answer is, "It depends".  Your unit will book you an appointment to pick up your kit.
Generally ,they wil try to get you kitted out before your BMQ starts, but there are many variables in the equation - your availability ,when clothing stores is open, when your Quartermaster is open (as you'll be drawing items from both).

Just remember to not get overwhelmed when it's being issued, and count and check to make sure you are getting the correct number of each item.  It's a pain for you and those above you when, a month later, you write a memo to say "I signed for three shirts, but I only got two."
I just got my initial kit issue, and in short form, it's two large duffel bags of green stuff, with some green stuff left over.

Off the top of my head, as I'm not with my kit list right now:

Forgive me if I don't use the correct CF terms, I haven't had them burned into my noggin' yet.

3 sets of fatigues
1 set cold weather gear
2 sets of fleece
1 set of rain gear
some PT gear - sweats, hoodie, runners, socks, shorts t shirts etc.
neck gaiter
boonie cap
mortar gloves
leather gloves
combat boots
cold weather combat boots
tac vest
gas mask
safety glasses with spare lense
multi layered sleeping bag assembly
thermarest style air mattress
ground sheet
rain fly - I think
fly screen
mess kit
sewing kit
wash basin
2 duffel bags
1 multi part rucksack assembly
carriers for both
a couple sets of little velcro maple leafs
a few belts
some towels
laundry net bag
more socks

There's probably more I'm forgetting.

There were a few items I didn't get as my size was out of stock. Much of it was new, some of it had been previously enjoyed. All the used stuff is very clean and in good order though.

As mentioned, don't go by bike or bus for your kit issue. You'll need a car, preferably something bigger than a roadster.

Sorry to bring up an older topic, but is anyone having trouble getting a hold of boots? I went in for my initial issue, and the supply clerk said that there were absolutely no Mk 3 boots in the system at all for sizes 9-10; he had something like 28 pairs on backorder from 1 Nov. All he could give me were Goretex, and everyone knows how well those work in winter.
EVERYONE is having trouble getting new boots. There's a national shortage. You will likely NEVER have a pair of Mk3s in your size, as you've got a common size, and they're due to be replaced. Instead, you'll likely get a pair of GP boots. In the mean time, you'll live. 1 pair of Goretex boots in the winter is better then 1 pair of Goretex boots in the summer.
Yeah, figured as much. Still, though, I've been told the Goretex are like wearing ice blocks at anything below -10, so not looking forward to finding out personally.

Correction: More like wearing friggin' ice skates. Went for a little walk down to Starbucks down the block, and these things slipped more than an unprepared MP in QP.
Whats the name of the boots with the rivets halfway up and the eyelets to the top? I was issued them and I love em. Best bits of leather I've ever put my feet into.

I also wasn't issued any coldweather gear (other than a parka and scarf etc), but a ton of rain-related stuff. Its like they think I live near the coast or something... I'm not too worried though, and the OP shouldn't be worried either. Its just less stuff to get lost floating around my house  ;)

Were you guys issued small packs too? I was only given a rucksack, and all the trappings that go with it. Many of the as yet untrained Privates in my unit were also given small packs, but I don't even see it on my initial kit issue form. Just wondering if I had an old form or something.
I got a technically-NS smallpack (missing the pouches) and a ruck that looked like it had been in stores since the 70s, because that's what they had.
When you get kitted out, you will receive whatever is available for your scale of issue. If they don't have it, you won't get it. Make sure you check back to see if anything missing has come in. Stores likely won't be keeping track for you. If you get something used, it's been deemed reusable by the system. All the grousing in the world isn't going to get you a new one. If you get an incomplete item, ensure the definciency is noted on your docs. Better to have a small pack without the pouches, than none at all. If you perceive some sort of insurmountable problem with the system or the staff, have it addressed through your CoC.


Milnet.ca Staff
I'm scheduled to pick up my kit at my unit's armoury (Dennison, Toronto) in just over a week. Does anyone know, how long does it typically take (hours) to get all your stuff, complete any paperwork etc, at the armoury? I'm asking because I've heard it's wise to take everything home in a car (as opposed to public transit) and I need to know when my ride should get there. I did a forum search and didn't find the answer, but if my post is off/in the wrong section my apologies.

Thanks for the help!
Canuck10 said:
I'm scheduled to pick up my kit at my unit's armoury (Dennison, Toronto) in just over a week. Does anyone know, how long does it typically take (hours) to get all your stuff, complete any paperwork etc, at the armoury? I'm asking because I've heard it's wise to take everything home in a car (as opposed to public transit) and I need to know when my ride should get there. I did a forum search and didn't find the answer, but if my post is off/in the wrong section my apologies.

Thanks for the help!

I would appreciate it if someone could give an updated 2018 answer to this, I was wondering the same question. It would be a lot easier if I could bring it home by bus. Would it be possible to arrange two trips to get my stuff home?
Our unit provides transportation from the unit to clothing stores. That being said, every unit is different. Personally, you are getting paid a half days pay for showing up. I'd use some of that money and pay for a cab ride home. The kitting will take some time as you'll need to be fitted for everything and not mention a few people may be ahead of you.