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Reserve initial kit issue ( merged )

ArmyVern said:
These are still quite a rare sight. They are not a CTS item. Rather, when the new contract was issued for their delivery into the Supply system by non-CTS means was last issued, it called for the cadpat pattern. They both are the exact same item, save for the colour. As the stocks of the OD type run out and they go N/S, the cadpat bivys will eventually take over.

Id like to trade my CADPAT biv bag for an OD one, I keep losing my bag when i go for a midnight whiz in the hide
toughenough said:
I'd just like to weigh in here with an opinion that seems to be contrary to most.

First of all, need is a relative term. I made it through a winter bmq with the old winter stuff with the jacket with the corduroy collar, MK3's, etc, and have no complaints there.

The issue, to me, comes in this whole attitude that, particularly in the PRes (not so much with Reg force) that you need it more after you're trained. The one weekend a month that most reservists spend in the field is very different to the nearly 50% of the time you spend in the field on SQ and DP1. On SQ we spent 6 out of 9 consecutive weekends in the field. Are these recruits not relying very heavily upon their kit, in comparison to a garrison soldier going to the field once a month at most?

And to reiterate, before any flames are thrown, I do respect the position of the PRes in line right after the Reg for guys. They obviously need it, especially those deploying. I am not comparing their needs to ours.

i was in the same situation (old winter stuff) and same with the sq feild time. didn't get to wear my wet weather boots till the last week of the feild. the thing you have to remember is that rank, paper, scissors always wins. just came back from wainwright after 10 days in the feild (mod tents and working in the shop the whole time) and it was a total turn around from the "feild time" i did in bmq and sq. the biggest thing that i found made a difference was my cot.
Barnes888 said:
i was in the same situation (old winter stuff) and same with the sq feild time. didn't get to wear my wet weather boots till the last week of the feild. the thing you have to remember is that rank, paper, scissors always wins. just came back from wainwright after 10 days in the feild (mod tents and working in the shop the whole time) and it was a total turn around from the "feild time" i did in bmq and sq. the biggest thing that i found made a difference was my cot.

1) Bullshit. Rank has SFA to do with it.

2) A cot?? Aren't you lucky.

I echo what Vern has to say, the only time regarding kit that I ever saw that was when a young supply tech (sorry Vern) had aquired for himself a gortex combat jacket (the old style OD ones when they first came into the system). The SSM had only this to say Pte Bloggins you will not wear that paricular piece of kit until you have one for everyone in the sqn. Leaders had an obligation to ensure thier soldiers needs are met ahead of thier own. In fact it comes second only to accomplishment of the mission. Rank paper scissors may win alot of battles but not the clothing one, you are either entitled or not.
ArtyNewbie said:
I echo what Vern has to say, the only time regarding kit that I ever saw that was when a young supply tech (sorry Vern) had aquired for himself a gortex combat jacket (the old style OD ones when they first came into the system). The SSM had only this to say Pte Bloggins you will not wear that paricular piece of kit until you have one for everyone in the sqn. Leaders had an obligation to ensure thier soldiers needs are met ahead of thier own. In fact it comes second only to accomplishment of the mission. Rank paper scissors may win alot of battles but not the clothing one, you are either entitled or not.

No need to apologize; there's assholes in every trade.
Barnes888 said:
better than sleeping on the ground....

Funny, never could fit those darn "cots" in a crew tent...well not enough for the whole crew.  Heck, depending on the SOR, you didn't even have a tent up lots of the time!  Guess we had it "rough" all those years... :P
Mud Recce Man said:
Funny, never could fit those darn "cots" in a crew tent...well not enough for the whole crew.  Heck, depending on the SOR, you didn't even have a tent up lots of the time!  Guess we had it "rough" all those years... :P

Yepper, I know how you feel. 19 years and I've never been issued a cot; not even on a temp loan basis.

Was in Edmonton 2 days ago. I was returning my Tan Kit. I saw TF 108 getting their Rain Jackets. Boy am I jealous but I know they need it more than me. I wish I was deploying on TF 108 rather than been deployed on TF 107 so i would get the rain gear. I know that is a terrible excuse lol. I hoping it will not be too far off before it is general issue. 2 years for general issue? I can dream can't I? lol ;D

Seriously though, I hear about all these people wanting this and that and complain that they don't have it (not necessarily on this thread). I have only been in for 11 years and I have seen the huge difference in kit that we have been issued over the years. It is great to see. I did read somewhere that CF soldiers are some of the best in the world. I have been on 2 tours and I can see that there are many other countries far worst off then we are. I have learned to be patient in getting the lastest and greatest kit.

My 2 cents.
Good Afternoon Army.ca

I am joining the Reserves as i am only 17, However i have one question.

What does the CF issue me when i join??

Thanks for the help


Here's some links;



But this link will help you the most;


Heads Up;  Incoming blasting from DS for not searching.

Haynes said:
What does the CF issue me when i join??

Everything you need to do the job.

Welcome to Army.ca, I hope your stay here is enjoyable.
Haynes said:
I am joining the Reserves as i am only 17, However i have one question.

What does your age have to do with it ? I joined the regs at 17.

As for what you get issued well......you get a bunch of stuff. Why dont you worry about that when they issue it to you.
Since I have all kinds of time at work (don't ask), I've done some of your foot work;

This is a really good site for what you're looking at;

Here's some kit info;

And some "clothe the soldier" info;

Oh... try this one too;




After sworn in, and you receive a date for basic months away. Will you receive your uniform prior to basic if you have been enrolled in PAT with your reserve unit?

Basically, will you have a uniform during PAT?
Yes you will likely be kitted but that will depend on the availability of an appointment with supply. In the meantime, focus on your physical fitness and don't worry too much about your uniform. The army will give you everything you need (probably) before you need it.
I am currently in the Res F with no training, not even BMQ yet. I got cold feet, you could say, and decided Reg F is what I need right now. I was told by my unit that until my CT has gone through, I will be assigned to a PAT platoon. Now because I am reserve, will I only get work on parade nights and maybe weekends, or is there a chance of getting full time work. I'll be speaking with my unit today, anyone have any related personal experience? What about experience with CT's.

stefwills said:
I am currently in the Res F with no training, not even BMQ yet. I got cold feet, you could say, and decided Reg F is what I need right now. I was told by my unit that until my CT has gone through, I will be assigned to a PAT platoon. Now because I am reserve, will I only get work on parade nights and maybe weekends, or is there a chance of getting full time work. I'll be speaking with my unit today, anyone have any related personal experience? What about experience with CT's.

I can't see where you would stand a chance of getting full time employment having "no training". Full time positions have certain requirements that have to be met. You can't operate as part of a section or platoon in a military environment. I suggest you do your night and weekend parades as directed and volunteer for any extra taskings. Do a good job on those and you just might get more opportunities before the budget runs out.
Usually the QuarterMaster is looking for strong back individuals.