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Reserve initial kit issue ( merged )

ill be when ill be qualified...now im a basic private with no qualification  :crybaby:
Nfld Sapper said:
Also depends what your element is. Airforce doesn't have the same scale of issue as the Army.

I still want the Air Force rain jacket!  >:(

Derek said:
Every heard of telling a fib. Yes im trade qualified , yes I have my SQ etc.

What kind of advice is that?  Seriously!  Use your melon!  And when you get caught.......?  ::)
mysteriousmind said:
I have question about kit issuing...possibly Vern will be able to help out.

for Pres member, when do we get the "other stuff" not issued being not "qualified"  (I'm BMQ qualified only) like:

- Gerber
- Wet weather boots (got only 2 pairs of Mark III when I was issued my stuff)
- The Patrol pack
- At least and other pair of gloves (I only got the cadpat gloves which are crappy to my opinion)
- Other fun stuff I should get that I am not aware of that I might get...

If some one is able to help me out I would appreciate, at the clothing store of the base they kind of shove me off telling me to come back when ill be trade qualified which should be at the end of august 2008.

Thanks  :salute:

I think you answered your own question, didn't you??

If you need it, it'll be issued to you.

If you don't need it, it's just more useless stuff to store, pack, move around, lose, or maintain. When you have to drag it all up to the top floor on your next posting, then find space for it in a room with three other guys, you'll wish you'd waited.
mysteriousmind said:
I have question about kit issuing...possibly Vern will be able to help out.

for Pres member, when do we get the "other stuff" not issued being not "qualified"  (I'm BMQ qualified only) like:

- Gerber
- Wet weather boots (got only 2 pairs of Mark III when I was issued my stuff)
- The Patrol pack
- At least and other pair of gloves (I only got the cadpat gloves which are crappy to my opinion)
- Other fun stuff I should get that I am not aware of that I might get...

If some one is able to help me out I would appreciate, at the clothing store of the base they kind of shove me off telling me to come back when ill be trade qualified which should be at the end of august 2008.

Thanks  :salute:

From the CFS Scale of Entitlement, D01301CFS, effective 05 July 2007:

Gerber:  Entitlement is restricted to personnel posted and employed in LFC CC2 Field Posns only and those posted in posns directly supporting LFC land ops or international ops falling under DCDS control. As you would not be "posted" into an LFC CC2 field posn, or deployed, until after successful completion of BMQ/SQ etc, you would not be entitled until RFD at your home unit upon sucessful completion of your trg.

Boots, W/W: Entitlement begins upon sucessful completion of DP1. Entitlement is restricted to personnel posted and employed in LFC CC2 Field Posns only and those posted in posns directly supporting LFC land ops or international ops falling under DCDS control.

Field Pack Assy (Patrol Pack): Entitlement begins upon sucessful completion of DP1. Entitlement is restricted to personnel posted and employed in LFC CC2 Field Posns only and those posted in posns directly supporting land ops or international ops falling under DCDS control.

Gloves: Most gloves:  CTS glove entitlement is restricted to personnel posted to and employed in LFC CC2 field posns only and those posted in posns directly supporting land ops or international ops falling under DCDS control. Entitlement begins upon sucessful completion of DP1.
BUT: Gloves w/w: Are authorized for all CFLRS recruits and all CC2 recruits at commencement of recruit trg. (They are then turned in to CFLRS at end of course...then ...) Authorized issue to Army DEU pers upon completion of BMQ for NCMs (ie will be re-issued permanently at your new Base) and sucessful completion of both the IAP & BOTP for Officers.

Other "stuff:"    It depends upon what other stuff you happen to be talking about.

Edited to include W/W Boots which I missed the first time around.
Derek said:
Every heard of telling a fib. Yes im trade qualified , yes I have my SQ etc.

Wow. You realize, of course, that you have just counselled a fellow CF member to commit a service offense? Which would be, in and of itself, a service offense by you??

When you sign your clothing docs as received, you are signing as being entitled to hold that item. CF clothing docs are official government paperwork. You fibbing (if you should get away with it) and then signing those docs, is a fraudulent act amongst many other things.

Let me assure you, that should I catch someone like you pulling this crap, that I would deal with it officially.

Why might you ask?? It's only kit ...

Well that's because entitlements are determined based upon many things. But what really does it for me is that people like you who pull stuff like this ...

Only screw your buddies who are deploying internationally and need it a hell of a lot more than you do. That's why shortages exists in the system. You should be proud. Congratulations.

Vern, I totally agree with you, I'm proud to be in the CF and I would never Lie.

Perhaps, yes it is a little lie..but.. it is my name, my reputation, and the reputation of the army that is in stake...

As my W/O said on BMQ...it takes a entire life to build a reputation, and a second to destroy it.
as i was wondering the same question when i joined, i'll tell you my story since i joined up till now

started off in bmq (jan2006), received most of the "basic kit", no cadpat (except for daily uniform) no "good, yet crappy" cadpat gloves. received canvas combat jacket, and black leather gloves with green liner

went to SQ (april2006), received more olive stuff, gortex too, WW boots, gerber, those were the notables

while on my QL3 course, i was able to receive 2 pairs of the new GP boots, due to bad feet.

just arrived (July2007) at CFB edmonton (QL3 qualified, VEH-TECH), exchanged most of my olive gortex stuff for cadpat, received all the "gucci" kit, just about everything you can think of.

so it's taken me about a year and a half to get fully kitted out, i can understand that you "want" all the GOOD kit, but do you really need it? probably not. Good things come to those who wait.
Agreed Barnes,

That is when enetitlement to ICE kicks in. Ergo the reason that you were issued the IECS first.

He got the cadpat gloves because they were brought into the system to replace the combat gloves. Those were the black leather ones that you were issued with the liners. Now the Army types get the cadpat ones.

"Good things come to those who wait..." do you realize how ironic that statement is around these parts?? Good things... CTS  kit...  >:D

Hmmm...I was issued small pack system without any qualification...and they knew I wasn't qualified for anything.  Maybe things work differently out here in LFWA?  Almost all of my BMQ had the small pack.

That said, I have yet to be issued IECS.  Now they tell me they won't bother because I'll probably get ICE before any IECS in my size comes in.  Had a couple of guys on my SQ with ICE fleece but no ICE goretex.

I somehow managed to get a CADPAT bivy.
thats very likely due to the fact that Chilliwack gets what Edmonton gets, Edmonton happens to have 2 Inf BN, 1 Armd Sqn, A CER Regt, and a host of Svc Support types who have been on almost rolling deployments since late 01, ergo Edmonton doesn't get alot of the old stuff, the system isnt designed to hoop you due to your qual, or lack there off, they'll give what you're entitled to, unless they just don't have it and they'll substitute where they can with newer kit (provided theres no ops restriction on said kit) If of course you do end up on a winter course, they wont send you with leather, unlined gloves, and a rain jacket, they will kit you out for winter ops, even if it means temp loan stuff. (and as far as the supply stuff goes, trust Vern, she sorted me out more than once and I'm better for it)
CanadianTire said:
I somehow managed to get a CADPAT bivy.

Thats nothing special/new, I've seen a lot of recruits get it in the last few years, same with the OD one. Just depends on what supply has in stock or whatever is the first one they grab to give you.

Just the way people reacted to my bivy gave me the impression that it was a rare sight.  I had noticed a few others with it, but not many.