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Reserve Co-op enrollment 2014-2017

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My school had someone come in to talk to us about the military and doing things for co-op in grade 11 and 12. I found it really interesting but now i do not know who to contact about this? Closest one to me is in Oshawa, and i would like to know how to get into it and what is needed. And for girls how short does the hair have to be?
Hey guys, i'm sure you've heard this many times. And i've searched the forums and found nothing in particular to what I was looking for. My question is that if I do Reserve Coop. What units are availible to do it? and are there any in Ontario, Mississauga. If I by any chance over looked anything I should have read. Please tell me and close this thread  >:D.
Doom said:
Hey guys, i'm sure you've heard this many times. And i've searched the forums and found nothing in particular to what I was looking for. My question is that if I do Reserve Coop. What units are availible to do it? and are there any in Ontario, Mississauga. If I by any chance over looked anything I should have read. Please tell me and close this thread  >:D.

Can't answer questions about Co-op, 'cause I don't know anything about it - but go here:


for info on Mississauga Reserves (I went to www.army.forces.gc.ca and punched "Mississauga" into their Search engine (I thought all you young 'uns were supposed to be computer literate??) ;)

Good luck to you

haha, thank you for your help Roy. I just emailed them via the new recruitment site asking for information and a recruiter to call me (that's what I clicked anyway.) So hopefully i'll hear from them and talk about the Co-op thing or I think i'll give them a call monday afternoon or so.
Hey! thanks again. This helps out a lot. Shows also what I've over looked especially in my own school board! Thanks for the help again!
Pas de problemo,

I'm quite sure it was our pleasure.

And with that a lock.

Depends where you live, but yes BMQ/SQ can be done through Coop in some instances.

Weekend BMQ's usually run on alternating weekends (2 per month) again dependent on where you live and what unit you join.

Do a search for more information, I haven't all the details.

Certain High schools will offer Co-Op courses through nearby Reserve units. I know in my old High school a Co-Op course ran almost every year, and the BMQ for that course usually worked out to be every day during the week but they got to go home at the end of the day. It was also up to whomever qualified to get to the Base every day on time. Keep in mind well over one hundred students tried to get a spot and they only had room for 20. I suspect (assume, not sure, unsure, blah blah) that it is similar with other reserve Co-Op courses.
I'll stay in my lane in regards to the SQ part of it. I suspect that it's done the same way as the Co-Op BMQ, but again I'm not sure.
As mentioned before, to get concrete answers on how reserves work if you're joining outside a Co-Op program, use the almighty 'Search' option.
You can do BMQ through co-op, But you cannot do SQ through Co-op. BMQ for co-op is run differently through out units. I know when i did it, it was tuesday to friday from 1300 to 1630 from feb to june i think, and we did 4 weekends in the field.
Depends on the unit. I WAS going to be doing Co-op with the Lorne Scots but got sick on the last fitness test date before the deadline for the co-op.

Infantry_ , The Lorne Scots website (which is down at the moment) said that by the end of the course I would be a fully qualified BMQ/SQ Private


My advice, if your doing or going for Co-op, talk to your co-op teacher or guidance or the unit recruiter
Infantry_ said:
You can do BMQ through co-op, But you cannot do SQ through Co-op. BMQ for co-op is run differently through out units. I know when i did it, it was tuesday to friday from 1300 to 1630 from feb to june i think, and we did 4 weekends in the field.

Most, if not all, of 32 CBG's coop courses are BMQ/SQ. This is current information. Most also run full day (8-5ish) Monday/Tuesday-Friday.

The whole point is that you're a qualified soldier by June, ready to move onto trades training at the DP1/2 levels during the summer and subsequent training periods.
Well disregard my last. I was wrong. When i did Co-op around 4 years ago that's how it was run. I should have known it would change. But doing BMQ and SQ together does make more sense!
The military coop is where we keep the attack chickens.
There's an RCR joke in there somewhere, but it won't be me that says it.
Ok my friend, first of all, you have a while to wait so for all you know it will be completely different by the time you can even apply in grade 11.  Second of all, no one in here can tell you because it is different depending on where you do it and who with.  Go ask your Guidance Councilor, or your Co-Op teacher (you should have one).  Or if thats not enough information, find out where the reserve activities are held in your city, and go on down and ask someone.  Anyone of those people mentioned will be more help then any of us in my opinion.  Good luck!

Cheers, Kyle
Do a search, I know it's been covered. I know for a fact that there are threads on this forum relavent to the program and your geographical area as well. If you still have questions, message me.
Racioppa said:
ok thanks, but one questions how can it all be different??? doesn't it have a curriculum to follow??? i can see privileges and opportunity's different but doesn't it all teach you the same stuff??

or is this a completely opposite thing like Boot camp ( i know its American i just cant think of the Canadian acronym) that you get 2 credits form..

I'm sure is is a curriculum.  But the details will always be different.  Details are what's important, so like I said, just ask the school because they know best.

Oh and by the way, GOOGLE is a Godsend.

Enjoy bud  ::)

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