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Reserve Call Outs/Employment Full Time

Haggis said:
As I said in an earlier post a Reserve POSITION can exist for a maximum of three years. Any longer and it becomes a Reg F position. 

Haggis, this doesn't make sense or CMP policy is not being followed anywhere.  Is this for an established BA position or a casual position?

Example:  A Range Control position is established at CFB Somewhere for three years, expiring 31 March 09.  Cpl Bloggins applies for and is hired into this position for the duration.  Two years in, he does something stupid and is terminated.  Cpl Smith is hired to fill the same position, essentially finishing off the lifespan of Cpl Bloggin's position.  Cpl Smith's expiry date must be on or before 31 March 09.  Cpl Smith cannot work beyond that date in the ORIGINAL position.  If Range Control wish to extend his employment, they must first create a new position number for him to occupy for up to three more years.

Same question.
First, a caveat:  I'm posting from home so I may have to amend my responses in the morning when I have access to the DIN and my e-mail.

dapaterson said:
CMP 20/04 places the limit of six years in a position.  Para 4.9 reads (in part)

With the concurrence of the employing unit, an extension to a period of Cl “B” Res Svc for the same mbr at the same rank against the same posn, which has not expired, does not require an additional notification msg.  The incumbent cannot exceed a maximum of six years in the same position without an additional notification message.

There are two kinds of full-time reserve positions: temporary and permanent.  Temp positions are lime-limited; permanent ones are not.  In theory, permanent full-time reserve positions are those in support of the reserve force; temp positions can be for almost any purpose.

Permanent Reserve positions do not expire.  As dapaterson stated these positions are in direct support of Reserve activities (i.e. Bde HQ or Res unit clerk positions).   The fictcious positions I noted (that Gunner refers to) are Temporary positions, based on dapatersons definition (and I should've made that clear).

Also, as  quoted from CMP 20-04, the incumbent can remain in these Permanent positions for no more than six years before the position has to be competed again (i.e. a notification message published).

Temporary Reserve positions have a life span of 36 months.  The incumbent cannot be held against a position that has expired. The contract end date must be on or before the expiry date of the position.

dapaterson said:
Establishment management is a voodoo art all its own; ....Sometimes I think the intent is to ensure full employment for all staff officers.

It does seem that way at times.  I deal with DFPPC quite often and have been a guest speaker for the O&E managers course.  They have a tough nut to crack.

One of the reasons behind these perishable positions is to ensure that the number of Temporary positions, those not DIRECTLY and SOLELY in support of the Reserve Force, do not cause the number of CF Regular Force positions (of which these Class B(A) and C are part of) to exceed thier posted strength ceilings.

Gunner said:
Haggis, this doesn't make sense or CMP policy is not being followed anywhere.  Is this for an established BA position or a casual position?

As I said earlier, if a Temporary position is established for more than three years, conventional wisdom indicates that this postion is no longer "temporary" and must be a Reg F position, filled by a Reg F member.  HOWEVER, many of these positions are filled with Reserve "backfills".  The danger in these for the Reservist is that if a Reg F member becomes available s/he can be posted into the position, costing the Res F member the job.

How units get around this is to create a new position (with a new position number in HRMS), when the old one is about to expire, and "compete" the new position.

Lastly, as the line between Reg F and Res F continues to blur (most notably in the Air and Naval Reserves) it becomes harder and harder to find Class B or B(A) positions outside of units/Bdes which are solely and directly in support of either the Reg or Res F.
.... which ties in with the CDS' vision of a soldier who is part time flowing to full time and back....