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reserve basic training difficulties

Would bringing a Swiss Army Knife to BMQ/SQ be of any use? .. I'll ask the MCpl when I get to the armouries next weekend..but I'm going to ask here anyways.
Well the knife may help more than the kneepads, but it depends on if you want top candidate or not.  :D Danjanou, if you were so inclined to drink at the glorius sanctuary that was the breezeway, well then I'd consider that enough. (You do know that the old breezeway is now the Inco center  ::), can't stop progress I guess) And then you throw some George Street into the mix, well you're about 90% I'd say.  8)
Island Ryhno said:
Well the knife may help more than the kneepads, but it depends on if you want top candidate or not.   :D Danjanou, if you were so inclined to drink at the glorius sanctuary that was the breezeway, well then I'd consider that enough. (You do know that the old breezeway is now the Inco center   ::), can't stop progress I guess) And then you throw some George Street into the mix, well you're about 90% I'd say.   8)

Are you saying if I wanted top candidate, I shouldn't bring my knife?

Not saying I do, just wasn't too clear on that.
Pte. Gaisford said:
Well congradulations, I almost choked and died after seeing this...

You can read into that however you want   :P.

On an unfortunate note, this should probably end before some sort of line is crossed.

Well I guess all good fun must come to an end....ah well. I don't want to be responsible for crossing any lines though.
Brendo_51 said:
or just stick with the gerber.

I wouldn't bother with kneepads and elbow pads.  The system will issue those to you when you need them.  The Gerber is good enough unless you need a place to store an optical screwdriver, or open a bottle of wine.

The kit list is usually good enough, though I had one (DP4) that didn't include underwear.  I guess they expect those candidates to use a bit of initiative :) You shouldn't at this point in your carrier feel the need to go out and buy allot of high-speed kit.
Card, Gaisford, we haven't crossed the line here yet, come close I'm sure but that's it.

I certainly won't be the one locking this, hey I'm as guilty as anyone of horsing around here and therefore would see that as an abuse of the position Mike gave me and a double standard.  That does not exist on this site I'm happy to say.

Besides we do need to let off steam now and then. There are plenty of serious threads here. The mark of the true professional is getting close to but not crossing the proverbial line.  8)
Danjanou said:
...before Darth Infanteer gets medieval on me (love mixing my pop movie metaphors for sh!ts and giggles)...

Maybe I'm wrong, but I seem to remember after Pulp Fiction came out and everyone started threatening to get medieval, someone pointed out that Beavis and Butthead had been using that phrase for a while....  :salute:
Appart from what's on the kit list, bring non-gel workboot insoles. There are some other little things that make life easier, but you have to atleast figure out some things on your own. I survived with only what was on the kit-list.
I took along pneumonia with me on basic, it was rough. Other than that, I was goddamn poor when I did my basic, I went with crappy running shoes and crappy pt shorts and crappy pt t-shirts. I made it through. I purchased a Swiss army knife for my dad while on was on basic and sent it to him, he loved it. On what is now called BIQ, I made it through without a knife or kneepads or elbow pads or any other fancy kit. Jesus, we even had to listen to tapes....tapes for Christ sakes for our entertainment. Here is what you need to get through basic training, a never bending will, tattoo this on your forearm "That bastard will not get the best of me" and you'll make out just fine. And have fun on your weekends off, my friends and I have been drunk in Kentville, Wolfville, Ormocto, Fredricton, Moncton, Saint John, St.John's, St.Jean, Montreal and Edmonton and those are the times that get you through courses.  8)
Island Ryhno said:
I took along pneumonia with me on basic, it was rough. Other than that, I was goddamn poor when I did my basic, I went with crappy running shoes and crappy pt shorts and crappy pt t-shirts. I made it through. I purchased a Swiss army knife for my dad while on was on basic and sent it to him, he loved it. On what is now called BIQ, I made it through without a knife or kneepads or elbow pads or any other fancy kit. Jesus, we even had to listen to tapes....tapes for Christ sakes for our entertainment. Here is what you need to get through basic training, a never bending will, tattoo this on your forearm "That ******* will not get the best of me" and you'll make out just fine. And have fun on your weekends off, my friends and I have been drunk in Kentville, Wolfville, Ormocto, Fredricton, Moncton, Saint John, St.John's, St.Jean, Montreal and Edmonton and those are the times that get you through courses.   8)


On my Basic, which we had to teach ourselves including detailed strip and assemble of the Ballista as all the instructors were killed by rampaging Vikings, we had all that plus we had to sleep in a hole in the ground covered by a piece of tarpaulin, all 3567 of us.

Plus we had to walk 6 miles to training every morning, and back, up hill both ways through thigh deep snow drifts in August.

And you tell that to the kids these days and they don't believe you. 8)

Seriously Ryhno has it down pat. The best piece of kit to take, the right attitude. Anything else will either be issued or not needed.
Danjanou said:
The best piece of kit to take, the right attitude. Anything else will either be issued or not needed.

Don't worry if you take the wrong attitude.  Most courses have a 1 for 1 exchange policy administered by MCpls.
Don't worry if you take the wrong attitude.  Most courses have a 1 for 1 exchange policy administered by MCpls.

But you know on course, nothing you have is ever the right size.
Funny you should say that, none of the regular stuff fit me real well, so I got the "other" stuff issued. As an example I didn't get the white pt t shirt with the grey ringer sleeves and neck, no, no I got something that was akin to a ground sheet, seriously it was like xxxxl. Oh and that exchange rate c4th, has gone down considerably I hear with the new PC way!
Island Ryhno said:
I got something that was akin to a ground sheet, seriously it was like xxxxl.


Island Ryhno said:
Oh and that exchange rate c4th, has gone down considerably I hear with the new PC way!

Careful, we'll start debating the merits of the FN over the C7 again....
Got bored with the whole string, by the middle of the 2nd page it didn't seem like you were getting any real help so...

It's been 21 yrs since my intro to the army and about 8 yrs since I got to teach on a course of decent length.  The same basic rule applies to all army courses, you're toast if your feet fail.  Thanks to current rules all running is done in running SHOES.  Find a really comfortable pair and pack those with some decent socks.  Cost isn't the big thing here, just comfort.

Don't bring any shiny toys like Swiss Army knives or maglights because you'll have to carry your issue Gerber tool and big green issue flashlight regardless.  If you think a good pair of gortex socks will keep your feet dry think again, the swamps you'll be humping through will be neck deep.

If you don't have a chance to break in your combat boots use your wet weather boots for any long humps, they're good to go straight out of the box.

Bring cards and a few paperbacks, your down time will be very unpredictable.  A spare lock for your barracks box is usually a pretty good idea also.

Go with the flow and don't smile too much or someone will take it upon themselves to see to it that you don't.

Have fun but don't let the staff know you're having fun.
sjm said:
If you don't have a chance to break in your combat boots use your wet weather boots for any long humps, they're good to go straight out of the box.

All good advice except for this one.  Do not wear your cold wet weather boots in the summer on long humps.  They are heavy, provide next to no cushion and your feet will sweat increasing the likelihood of peeling and blisters.  Save the cold wet weather boots for cold wet weather.

Even if you don't get a chance to break in your MKIV's before course, the work-up to the BFT is very gradual.
Good trick that has always worked for me,  is taking the Wet Weather insoles and stuffin into the regular cmbt boots...