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remember this when you go for a jog


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My father told me a funny story the other day I thought it was good to share.
Here it is:

My father was practicing his PT the other day. He was running a walking trail behind some houses. He was passing one with three young guys (late teens/early twenties) mowing a lawn, and he noticed that they were laughing and pointing at him. He immediatly came to a dead stop and said "you must be f-ing joking me right?". The guys were kind of of surprised, so they kept quiet while my dad tore into them.

He said "you are going to laugh at me?. I get paid 70,000 dollars a year to do this. The lawn you are mowing belongs to a leuitent-general who makes 100,000 a year. You make minmum wage, mow lawns, and probably live with your parents. I should be laughing at you".

They stood there flabbergasted and probably feeling pretty stupid. My father shook his head, smirked, and went on with his jog.

I got quite a laugh out of that. They next time I decide to practice my running, I will remember this story and ignore those who would make fun of me.  ;D

edited to include teens job
???  I've never had anyone make fun of me when I've been doing PT.
I don't feel able to make a comment without pictures of formerarmybratt23's dad and beach_bum...
That story is off-beat in my case.
I am currently doing landscaping to "tide me over" until I am through the application process. When I am not working I am doing PT exercises.
Granted, I have YET to hand in my application.
But a side note to add, I am making more than double minimun wage mowing lawns in Calgary and area. But how true, the people/company lawns I mow, are worth alot more than what most people could afford.
As long as those kids keep blowing their paycheques on pot and booze, they can laugh at me all they want.
Im confused... was he being laughed at because he was running, or because he was wearing military gear or an army t-shirt or something while doing it?
I make it a point to never make fun of any one who works out in any way and I don't stand for the people around me doing it either.  Many times I have told some of the boys to STFU when it comes to poking fun at larger people working out in the gym cause ya know what?  They're doing something about it!!!!
well he had his ruck on and is an older guy (mid-40s). I know how boys are they make fun of everything. In that town in particular alot of them don't care for military personnel.
BernDawg said:
I make it a point to never make fun of any one who works out in any way and I don't stand for the people around me doing it either.  Many times I have told some of the boys to STFU when it comes to poking fun at larger people working out in the gym cause ya know what?  They're doing something about it!!!!

Amen Bern. Good on you. They are making the attempt and power to them.
Good on your Dad for standing his ground, but on the darker side, he was lucky he was not pounced upon by these guys.


to be fair Wes if he's in his mid 40's and still doing ruck-runs for pt he could probably take all 3 mower jockeys.
For me at 47, 6ft, 100kg taking on one, one hopefully, two maybe, three well not too sure, and I can be a nasty bastard when I gotta be  ;D .


tis true but these kids nowadays would rather watch thier buddies get beaten but good before helping out, then it;s more like taking 1 and 1/2
ArtyNewbie said:
tis true but these kids nowadays would rather watch thier buddies get beaten but good before helping out, then it;s more like taking 1 and 1/2

Not over here, and its worse if some ethnics corner ya. The face of Australia has changed, and even when your down, they don't stop kicking.


I can sympathize with your father, formerarmybrat. Yesterday I was out for a 5k run in the park and was slowed down by a class of kids attending the local high school. I was nearing the end of my run and a couple of them smirked at me, which was fine. I passed them and the next kid purposely stepped in front of me to block my way. After I got around him, his friend stuck out his foot and tripped me flat on my face.

If I wasn't so eager to be getting my best running time, I would have spared the moment to kick that kid's ass.  :threat:

Good on your father for stopping and putting them in their place.
Anyone who would make fun of someone exercising is a waste of rations.  :threat: My youngest boy is big on lifting weights and routinely sorts out arseholes who ridicule the "skinny guys" in the gym. The ironic thing is the comments are being made by guys who couldn't run 100m, lift any weight, or even do more than 4 or 5 pushups/situps!
I have to agree. At my gym there is a very large girl and I am just really respectful that she is trying to get into shape.
Of course half the people at my gym are there to hook up and dont even break a sweat.  ::)
FascistLibertarian said:
Of course half the people at my gym are there to hook up and dont even break a sweat.  ::)

Hey, we get that too!! Girls dressed in their crop tops and low-rise sweatpants.  ???  :o
One day, I had a girl on the treadmill beside me, either checking her emails or texting someone on her cell phone.  I would LOVE to see how that would go over on Unit PT!!  :D  But, I think she was a civvie so probably a moot point.  :-X
I jog around my neighbourhood and have never had anyone laugh, if they did, it would probably be due to my utter lack of co-ordination or the fact that I'm really not in shape.  ;)
Kudos to all who work out, regardless of what others think!!
same here, I'm not in the shape of my life but every couple of days a few of us get together in fighting order and take or dogs for a brisk walk (10k or so)