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remember this when you go for a jog

A few months ago I was at the base gym with my bud, his wife and his daughter.  As we did laps, his daughter and wife came to do their warm-down.  The daughter (all of 19, full of self-consciousness and all that, and worried about the few extra pounds she had as well as her un-complimentary yet functional clothing) complained that "everyone is looking at me".  I told her, straight up "This isn't a fashion show.  Look around.  People are too busy sweating and gasping for breath in this stale air to worry what you look like when you work out."  From my bud, her motivation level actually went up when she thought about it that way.  Apparently she has since lost those few extra pounds and has moved on to bigger and better things "somewhere" in Ontario.

So, don't worry about fashion.  People aren't watching YOU (if they are, well, that's the exception and not the norm.)  Get in shape so that when you DO go out to be noticed, people notice you for the right things!
welll... I must be special...

besside the fact that im not in shape (did the minimum at my express test)

No one never or tried to make fun of me...otherwise I would have smack those bastard.

I started to train on a serious base in october...and well you know the storry...I lost 85 pounds...Sunday did my first 52km of bike...and now if I cannot got to the gym for any reason...I just feel cheap.

yeah there jerks in my gym...but no one to my opinion never laugh at any ones.

I have the respect for people who are actually trying to get in better shape. and ill try to get a better shape.
As hubby has told some of my self-conscious friends: We work out while looking our worst...so that when it counts we can look our best.

My hair is extremely short, so when I go to the gym I usually have a nasty case of bed head (if I haven't donned my Army.ca hat). I don't shower before going to the gym as I will be in need of a shower afterwards. I am lazy that way.

Yeah, I picked up a bit of "fashionable" capri pants and a tank in technical fabrics to wear to the gym, but that is for me to feel good about myself while I am there (on the base with the soldiers) with my dishevled hair and no make up. By the time I leave, my hair is wet, my clothes are drenched and clinging to me and frankly, I STINK!! But Damn do I ever clean up good if I must say so myself. And after my workouts, and my subsequent showers...I get dolled up and put on a cute sundress or shorts and show off my freshly pumped arms or legs...and that's when I really welcome the attention.

This old married chick has to get her jollies somehow.

I have been working out along side some very large and muscular men as of late, there is a fitness instructor that works out at the same time as me and though none of us are competing against eachother to see who can lift the most or do lunges with the best form...we all have a mutual respect for eachother because we chose to show up. And when one of us changes up our work out and starts swearing and cussing (I'm usually the worst offender)...we laugh and joke with eachother. I'm sure there is a pool to see how many cuss words I can string together to form a complete sentance. LOL

Captain Sensible said:
So, don't worry about fashion.  People aren't watching YOU (if they are, well, that's the exception and not the norm.)  Get in shape so that when you DO go out to be noticed, people notice you for the right things!

Well, I Don't know...  I mean,  it can be quite motivational to have an exquisite physical specimen in front of you on the treadmill... ;) 
I think I've had some dunken college kids yell out "Run Forest Run!!!!!" When I was running by them a few times  :)

Of course I wasn't doing PT, I was just running for no good reason other then to get to my car faster  ;D

I don't really think about people watching me when I run except maybe in the gym on a treadmill. You gotta look good for the hot sweaty ladies in skin tight spandex. ::)
PMedMoe said:
Hey, we get that too!! Girls dressed in their crop tops and low-rise sweatpants.  ???   :o
One day, I had a girl on the treadmill beside me, either checking her emails or texting someone on her cell phone

If I tried that, I would definately... fall off or something!  I do not know how one could concentrate on running/text message/email at the same time as running. Though my cell phone, does have a radio/mp3 player in it for when I do go to the gym that I do enjoy, definately other options on the cell are best saved for after the gym.

good story. when i run it's on the campuss at a christan school so most people respect each other and those that don't are the ones i can flaten :threat: so that ain't much of a problem for me