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Religious/Extremist Terrorism: Non-Muslim edition

The problem with the situation at the Capitol is it wasn’t just anarchists & misguided patriots storming the building and committing all the nonsense.

I’m guessing a decent chunk of those people were just there because they could be. “Trump just said to storm the building and he will join us? Damn, don’t get to do this every day!” Combine that with an incredibly toxic mainstream media, and it’s a recipe for stupidity.

Are there extremists on both sides? You bet. But I’m willing to bet a good chunk of those folks were either stupid, or so brainwashed from their daily media
... Are there extremists on both sides? You bet. But I’m willing to bet a good chunk of those folks were either stupid, or so brainwashed from their daily media
... which is one way extremists of all kinds get radicalized, for sure.
Combine that with an incredibly toxic mainstream media, and it’s a recipe for stupidity.
My understanding is he calls MSM he considers negative to him "Fake News", because it is "the enemy of the people".

One of the popular maga rally chants is "CNN sucks".

The former president and Fox News seem to have one of the strongest marriages in political show-business.

But, he also approves of One America News ( OAN ), described as a "Fox News wannabe". He also endorsed Newsmax.

Now that the election circus is finally over, there is speculation of a Trump-TV network for his fans.

His followers can also listen to talk-radio shows like the late Medal of Freedom winner Rush Limbaugh, and maga-friendly internet bloggers.

Since he got kicked off Twitter, Parler seems a popular alternative with the far-right.

NBC News had this to say about Trump TV:
Trump TV would presumably sit to the right of Fox News, but be far more skilled at fear-mongering and race-baiting. Above all, it would be unwavering in its devotion to Trump. That is, it would be Trump. In addition to threatening to lure viewers away from Fox News, keeping Trumpism alive through round-the-clock programming could help fuel a rumored 2024 reelection bid. It’s clear that the network would represent a way to capitalize on Trump’s popularity and finally properly monetize it as voters, viewers, and cable subscribers become one and the same.
I find the MSM pretty toxic both in the US and here in Canada. Most likely Europe also (although I haven’t watched it)

Biased. Twisted. Fear mongering. Either caters to the right or caters to the left. Only reports short “sound bites” of stories with zero context or background info, which leads the general population to believe all kinds of things without knowing what they are actually talking about.

And blatantly lying. Even if by omission. Honestly, I have no idea how what they do is even legal...

I wish the “news” was just that. News. Facts.

Don’t show 5 seconds of a video to create the optic the want. Show the whole video and allow people to decide for themselves.

Stop creating huge racial tensions with headlines like “black man shot by white police officer.” How about “armed robbery suspect dies after pulling gun on the police” - and leave race out of it.

I just wish they would present the facts. Almost like bullet form. Show videos accurately, rather than short clips.

What they do now is painful to anybody intellectual. (No disrespect intended to anybody specific)

Random rant continued 😉🤷🏼‍♂️

When that RCMP officer was accused of “beating up an elderly native man for expired plates” - most MSM only showed like 5 seconds of them tackling him to the ground. The physical part.

The Edmonton Journal, to their credit, posted the entire 10 minute video. No narration.

Let the public see for themselves what happened. Which was very different than what the talking heads were claiming.

Again... I don’t know how what they do is even legal sometimes 🤷🏼‍♂️
msm is more than toxic
If you don't mind me asking, what is your source for news?

I guess because I am a "Baby Boomer", my news sources are relatively primitive compared to some.

I've always subscribed to our city newspaper. I also enjoy buying a copythe Sunday New York Times to read throughout the week. Although since the pandemic, I have fallen out of the habit.

Growing up in the pre-cable TV era, I occasionally watched the CBS News broadcast from Buffalo, N.Y., for American news. Especially during the Vietnam era.

CBC-TV for Canadian news.

I don't watch it now that I am retired, but "back in the day", CITY-TV was my favorite because sometimes they beat our emergency services to scenes!

Any political news they covered had to do with City Hall, our employer, where thankfully party politics was not a factor.

I've always supported politicians who support better wages, benefits, working conditions and improved safety for us, and other working people.
Being municipal, the politics was non-partisan.

It wasn't until after I retired and read political comments on the internet that I realized party loyalty was so important to some.
Much of the distrust conservatives have for the MSM was brought by the MSM. While largely factual (especially compared to the right-wing media ecosystem in the US and their imitators here), the bias usually leaked out in story selection, pursuing scandals affecting right-of-centre politicians harder than those affecting left-of-centre ones and shutting down debate in unsettled matters. Add to this, most journalists are typically from urban/suburban upper middle class backgrounds attending the same j-schools, much of this bias is unintended. It’s just the ecosystem they grew up and live in. However, the conservative reaction has been to embrace fake news, conspiracy theories and ignoring anything that goes against their worldview, instead of fair and balanced reporting that they purport to desire.
Much of the distrust conservatives have for the MSM was brought by the MSM. While largely factual (especially compared to the right-wing media ecosystem in the US and their imitators here), the bias usually leaked out in story selection, pursuing scandals affecting right-of-centre politicians harder than those affecting left-of-centre ones and shutting down debate in unsettled matters. Add to this, most journalists are typically from urban/suburban upper middle class backgrounds attending the same j-schools, much of this bias is unintended. It’s just the ecosystem they grew up and live in. However, the conservative reaction has been to embrace fake news, conspiracy theories and ignoring anything that goes against their worldview, instead of fair and balanced reporting that they purport to desire.

Media bias is always a popular topic of conversation,

70 pages.

Just a quick response to what you mentioned above.

When I’m thinking MSM, I’m thinking CBC, CTV here in Canada. CNN & Fox in the US.

I don’t mind the local news, I find it pretty decent. But they have the advantage of only needing to fill 30 mins to an hour at most, whereas the MSM usually has to fill their 24hr network with “something”.

And that something isn’t usually great in my opinion. And in the case of the US, it’s created a real divide & fuelled some pretty dangerous developments in society. (Just my opinion)

Both right wing and left wing.

I’m actually with you on some newspapers. I find them as unbiased as can be expected, and usually pretty good. (For you younger guys - a newspaper is this big collection of paper that you hold with your hands and read. No screen included. For us well seasoned older folks 😉)
I guess this is as good a place as others to post this:

CPAC Organizer Denounces Critics Spotting What Looks Like Nazi SS Symbol On Stage​

CPAC head Matt Schlapp angrily denied any resemblance, and touted the organization’s excellent relationship with the Jewish community.


Critics on Twitter have been chilled by a major design element of the stage at the Conservative Political Action Conference that eerily resembles the insignia of a volunteer unit of Adolf Hitler’s notorious Waffen SS.
A square whose corner juts out from the CPAC stage from connected back-to-back “check marks” bears a striking resemblance to the ancient Norse Odal Rune adopted by the SS unit, which would be particularly apparent from the stage side.
The Anti-Defamation League has noted that after World War II the Odal (or Othala) Rune became commonly used by white supremacists in Europe and North America.
In response to some 100,000 tweets about the issue and climbing, CPAC organizer Matt Schlapp angrily blasted the “stage design conspiracies” as “outrageous and slanderous.” He touted CPAC’s “long standing commitment to the Jewish community.”
CPAC was forced earlier this week to cancel scheduled speaker Young Pharaoh after his anti-Semitic rants calling Judaism a “complete lie” (and worse) were revealed in the media.

Interesting reads.

The first article... They wanted to combat those they perceived as terrorists by becoming terrorists themselves... The irony.
Different Capitol, different threat ...

"FBI: Florida man plotted attack on pro-Trump protesters"

More on his indictment, this time of someone threatening to do something different at a different Capitol ...
In a case arising from anticipated protests at the Florida Capitol last month, a federal grand jury returned an indictment today charging Daniel A. Baker, of Tallahassee, with two counts of transmitting a communication in interstate commerce containing a threat to kidnap or injure. Lawrence Keefe, United States Attorney for the Northern District of Florida, announced the indictment.

Baker was arrested by FBI agents on January 15 after he issued a “Call to Arms” for like-minded individuals to violently confront protestors gathered at the Florida Capitol in the wake of the January 6 riots at the U.S. Capitol. He specifically called for others to join him in encircling any protestors and confining them at the state Capitol complex using firearms ...
More from a local media outlet ...
... Baker posted an 18-second video on his YouTube channel showing him print out fliers with the headline, “CALL TO ARMS JANUARY 20TH!” The flier said “armed racists” planted the Confederate flag in the U.S. Capitol and that they would continue to wage an armed coup of every statehouse in the country, including the Capitol in Tallahassee. “We need ALL FLORIDA RESIDENTS to RISE UP!” the flier said. “Here in Florida we must circle the terrorists who attack the Capitol! Let them take the capitol and fight with the cops. SURROUND THEM AND TRAP THEM INSIDE.” ...
Putting this here under the banner of incel terrorism;

Judge finds Toronto van attack killer guilty of murder​


Glad they threw his defence in the garbage; what a load of BS. Also like how the judgement refers to him as 'John Doe' to undercut his desire to be famous.
See also,

5 pages.
Sharing this latest Predictive Threat Assessment from New Jersey's DHS (4 pg PDF) mostly to share one agency's terminology for assessing various threats:
  • Anarchist Extremists
  • Animal Rights Extremists
  • Anti-Abortion Extremists
  • Anti-Government Extremists
  • Black Racially Motivated Extremists (BRMEs)
  • Environmental Extremists
  • Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs)
  • Homegrown Violent Extremists (HVEs)
  • Militia Extremists
  • Sovereign Citizen Extremists
  • White Racially Motivated Extremists (WRMEs)
Sharing this latest Predictive Threat Assessment from New Jersey's DHS (4 pg PDF) mostly to share one agency's terminology for assessing various threats:
  • Anarchist Extremists
  • Animal Rights Extremists
  • Anti-Abortion Extremists
  • Anti-Government Extremists
  • Black Racially Motivated Extremists (BRMEs)
  • Environmental Extremists
  • Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs)
  • Homegrown Violent Extremists (HVEs)
  • Militia Extremists
  • Sovereign Citizen Extremists
  • White Racially Motivated Extremists (WRMEs)

Just a small point. These threats are listed in alphabetical order and not in order of threat.

Based on Homeland security's Oct 2020 report:

, racially and ethnically motivated violent extremists—specifically white supremacist extremists9 (WSEs)—will remain the most persistent and lethal threat in the Homeland.


Something out in the past few weeks from NYPD (source)


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