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Religious/Extremist Terrorism: Non-Muslim edition

There was, also, a substantizal anti-British sentiment in America, including in the US military.

Admiral Ernest King, for example, the Chief of Naval Operations, was a died-in-the-wool Anglophobe and, in 1941, because the Anglo-Canadian command recommended coastal blackouts he told state governors and mayors than they were unnecessary.

The Germans had a hard time believing their good fortune and some U-boats we taken away from the mid-Atlantic "black-hole" and sent to the US coast which became the new "happy hunting ground." Many, likely hundreds of US ships were sunk and, probably, thousands of American merchant mariners were killed because of his near criminal stupidity.

All becaus he hated Brits, ostensibly because of the Revolutionary War.
Don't forget Charles Lindbergh.

In the years before the United States entered World War II, his non-interventionist stance and statements about Jews led some to suspect he was a Nazi sympathizer, although Lindbergh never publicly stated support for Nazi Germany. He opposed not only the intervention of the United States, but also the provision of aid to the United Kingdom.[3] He supported the anti-war America First Committee and resigned his commission in the U.S. Army Air Forces in April 1941 after President Franklin Roosevelt publicly rebuked him for his views. In September 1941, Lindbergh gave an address stating that the British, the Jews and the Roosevelt administration were the "three most important groups" pressing for greater American involvement in the war. He also said capitalists, intellectuals, American Anglophiles, and Communists were all agitating for war.[4]

Lindbergh publicly supported the U.S. war effort after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and the subsequent German declaration of war against the United States. He flew 50 missions in the Pacific Theater of World War II as a civilian consultant,[5] but did not take up arms against Germany, and Roosevelt refused to reinstate his Air Corps colonel's commission.


In late 1940 Lindbergh became spokesman of the non-interventionist America First Committee,[155] soon speaking to overflow crowds at Madison Square Garden and Chicago's Soldier Field, with millions listening by radio. He argued emphatically that America had no business attacking Germany. Lindbergh justified this stance in writings that were only published posthumously:

"I was deeply concerned that the potentially gigantic power of America, guided by uninformed and impractical idealism, might crusade into Europe to destroy Hitler without realizing that Hitler's destruction would lay Europe open to the rape, loot and barbarism of Soviet Russia's forces, causing possibly the fatal wounding of Western civilization."[156]

In April of 1941, argued before 30,000 members of the America First Committee that "the British government has one last desperate plan... to persuade us to send another American Expeditionary Force to Europe and to share with England militarily, as well as financially, the fiasco of this war."[157] ...

See also here.

There were some different sympathies in play leading up to the war.  For a time, Roosevelt admired Mussolini and some of what Mussolini was doing.  Walter Duranty gave Stalin some pretty good press, and was not the only American sympathetic to the USSR.  It isn't hard to find apologists for any distasteful regime, left or right, past or present.

I suppose that every person in the Middle East not killed or ruined by a new war today would, if he could know this to be the case, have something good to say about isolationists.
The Marines And The Racist Porn Actor Who Tried To Start A ‘Modern Day SS’
Four neo-Nazis arrested on gun charges wanted to spark a race war, prosecutors said, and their potential targets included Black Lives Matter protesters.
By Christopher Mathias Ryan J. Reilly, HuffPost US 12/07/2020

In 2016, Liam Collins, then just a teenager living in New Jersey, had a very specific vision for his life. He was going to join the U.S. Marines, get the training he needed, and then form a fascist paramilitary group that would use violence and terror to create a whites-only ethnostate.

“It takes a man’s willpower and heart to make a commitment like this,” Collins wrote at the time on a since-shuttered neo-Nazi web forum called Iron March.

Four years later, in early October of 2020, Collins was discharged from the Marines and moved to Idaho, where he settled down with a crew of fellow self-described fascists. The group was allegedly heavily armed, had conducted weapons training, and had even produced their own propaganda videos in which they displayed support for the violent neo-Nazi Atomwaffen Division.

But one day in late October, federal agents arrived. HuffPost first reported that three men — including Collins, another former Marine, and a porn actor — were arrested for a conspiracy to ship illegally altered guns across state lines. Although initial court documents offered no details of the men’s white supremacist activity, a superseding indictment recently filed in federal court (which adds new charges and a new defendant to the existing case) lays out horrifying details of their alleged racism and bloodlust.


Read rest of article here.

Yup, nothing surprising there. Violently radicalized white nationalists remain the greatest real terrorism threat, and unfortunately they have an easy and dangerous inroads into the military. This is going to be an ongoing danger that will not go away in our lifetimes.
What makes it easy for them is that for the most part, they look, sound, and act like us. They just don't think like us, and that's the hardest nut for us to crack.
The differences between our southern neighbour's access to information and abilities to handle right-wing extremists compared to ours and where they're at with the current probes:

I remember one of the only heated arguments I ever had with my dad and his wife (Not my mom) was years ago, back when Islamic extremism was a constant focus of the news.  (I'm not part of the family anymore, so this really is bygones)

My # 1 pet peeve is people who allow their thoughts and opinions to not just be influenced, but completely dictacted, by the mainstream media.  And as they get older, I've realized it's not a hill worth dying on.  Mainstream media will tell them what to be scared of, and what to think - and to suggest otherwise makes me the odd one out.  :facepalm:

There was a news blurb about some car bombing or some nonsense, and the conversation focused around Islamic terrorism.  I was very much on the opposing side, pointing out numerous examples of terrorist incidents - or acts of extreme violence against innocent people (since apparently the world terrorism only applied to who the news said was a terrorist) - about how terrorism really doesn't have a race.

The conversation went back & forth, and was pretty heated.  Decent argument.

And at one point, one of them said "Not every Muslim is a terrorist.  But every terrorist is a Muslim."


WTF did I just hear a family member say?  Excuse me?  That - to this day - is literally one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. 

Right wing extremism is a real threat.  As are active shooters in schools, malls, etc.  As are folks who bomb abortion clinics & government buildings.  Extreme beliefs that allow one to feel justified in hurting others is dangerous & crazy.

On the other hand, how do we feel about Canadian authorities not having as much leeway in terms of investigating these kinds of things as our US friends?

On the one hand, it could be viewed as a good thing that our government is restricted in being able to investigate / spy on citizens.  On the other hand, it could put us at a real tactical disadvantage in terms of detecting/preventing threats.
[quote author=CBH99] back when Islamic extremism was a constant focus of the news. 

It's not a constant focus in the news anymore but it doesn't look like it's for lack of activity.

Jarnhamar said:
It's not a constant focus in the news anymore but it doesn't look like it's for lack of activity.


It’s been a shitty year.
The enemy of my enemy ....
Benjamin Ryan Teeter, a member of the ‘Boogaloo Bois’ movement, pleaded guilty Wednesday to a charge of conspiracy to provide material support and resources, namely property, services and weapons to Hamas’ al-Qassam Brigades, a U.S. Department of State designated Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO).

As previously covered on FDD’s Long War Journal, Teeter, along with another ‘Boogaloo Bois’ member, Michael Robert Solomon, were arrested and charged by the U.S. Department of Justice on Sept. 4.

Teeter and Solomon were initially investigated by the FBI in May after a witness who interacted with the pair alleged Solomon carried firearms openly in a Minneapolis neighborhood during the nationwide protests that were sparked by the killing of George Floyd.

In June, the FBI received information from a confidential source who Solomon and Teeter believed was a member of Hamas. In audio recordings, the pair conveyed their support for Hamas’ anti-U.S. government view – which closely aligned with the view of their own movement.

According to the DOJ publication, the pair communicated the idea of becoming “mercenaries” for Hamas as a way to raise funds for the ‘Boogaloo Bois’ movement, which included funding for recruitment and the purchase of land for a training compound.

Additionally, the two also negotiated the sale of gun suppressors and a “drop in auto sear” — a device that converts semi-automatic weapons into illegal machine guns.

Teeter acknowledged during his court hearing on Wednesday that he believed the suppressors were intended for Hamas’ military wing, al-Qassam Brigades ...

The latest, via Google News:  pleads guilty to "conspiracy to provide material support and resources, namely property, services and weapons, to Hamas, a designated foreign terrorist organization".
The investigation was started with the Canadian who got arrested when he tried to visit the Ohio teen:

FBI: White supremacists plotted attack on US power grid​

White supremacists plotted to attack power stations in the southeastern U.S., and an Ohio teenager who allegedly shared the plan said he wanted the group to be “operational” on a fast-tracked timeline if President Donald Trump were to lose his re-election bid, the FBI alleges in an affidavit that was mistakenly unsealed.

The teen was in a text group with more than a dozen people in the fall of 2019 when he introduced the idea of saving money to buy a ranch where they could participate in militant training, according to the affidavit, which was filed under seal along with a search warrant application in Wisconsin’s Eastern U.S. District Court in March. The documents were inadvertently unsealed last week before the mistake was discovered and they were quickly sealed again.

The teenager wanted the group to be “operational” by the 2024 election because he believed it was likely a Democrat would win, but “the timeline for being operational would accelerate if President Trump lost the 2020 election,” according to the affidavit. An informant told investigators that the teen “definitely wanted to be operational for violence, but also activism.”


This investigation apparently began after a fourth man, from Canada, was stopped while trying to enter the U.S. The man told border agents that he was going to visit the Ohio teen, whom he had recently met over an encrypted app, according to the affidavit. Agents found Nazi and white supremacist images on his phone.

Apparently local police and the FBI were tipped off more than a year ago that Anthony Quinn Warner was building a bomb in his RV.

On Aug. 21, 2019, the girlfriend told Nashville police that Warner "was building bombs in the RV trailer at his residence," the MNPD report states. Nashville police then forwarded the information to the FBI.

Franco A was a lieutenant in the German army. He posed as a Syrian refugee – and got away with it. For 16 months he lived a double life. Prosecutors say he planned a terror attack that would be blamed on his refugee alter ego and unleash a national crisis

Franco A’s arrest was a wake-up call for the German authorities long blind to far-right infiltration of their institutions. His superiors promoted him even after he detailed his views in a master’s thesis. He spoke publicly at least once at a far-right event

Franco A was a lieutenant in the German army. He posed as a Syrian refugee – and got away with it. For 16 months he lived a double life. Prosecutors say he planned a terror attack that would be blamed on his refugee alter ego and unleash a national crisis

Franco A’s arrest was a wake-up call for the German authorities long blind to far-right infiltration of their institutions. His superiors promoted him even after he detailed his views in a master’s thesis. He spoke publicly at least once at a far-right event

The bundeswehr has a not so secret problem with far-right extremists and anti-semitism in their ranks. (Concerning given their history) Ursula Von Der Leyen was the defense minister who presided over the dismantling of some of the more nefarious elements in their special forces during her tenure a few years back.

Francos cases is not surprising given the underbelly of hate that is still very alive in European culture today.
Always thought we should be more strict to contain this pandemic:

Yeah... the military judges are still using Leading Seaman / Master Seaman because the table of ranks has never been properly amended.