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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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From what I am gathering here, the first wave of ROTP acceptances have gone out, and they will do another one soon. Is that true? Any idea when the second wave of selections happen? In the 2015-2016 thread the first wave went out beginning of may, and the second wave was the end of may and beginning of june.

Also I am in the middle of a civilian university program and was marked not valid for RMC (if I got ROTP it would 100% be at civil uni). Any idea when the civil uni selections happen? Is it before or after the RMC ones?
Hi all  :D I received my offer for Nursing Officer today!  BMOQ July 4th, then continuing my studies at Trent University!
Congrats!! There's a Facebook group linked on a previous page if that's a thing you want to join.
Good Afternoon,

I am new to the forum and was wondering if I could get some advice/opinions on their aeronautical engineering program at RMC.  I got accepted into the ROTP program at RMC for aerospace engineering and was wondering if you guys could help me out a little bit. So, I applied to basically every aerospace engineering program in Ontario and its now time to make my decision. At the moment I am leaning towards RMC but after doing quite a bit of research I realized there really isn't that much information about it on the Internet. I've looked over the course trees for the program and read all that there is to read on the forces and government of Canada websites but I still have a few questions about the program that I would really appreciate if you guys could answer. My first question is; how does engineering at RMC compare to engineering at a civilian university like Carleton? In particular is the aerospace program at RMC very specific in terms of preparing you for Aere officer job as opposed to just being an aero program (for example is it less focused on design/theory and more focused on application). My other questions pertain mostly to the Aere officer career, I've read the job descriptions and I really like the idea of having the opportunity to work in the hangar as opposed to sitting in an office all day. However, I was wondering does the work you do count towards obtaining a P.eng? Are there design related opportunities/projects? Also, if you choose not to stay in the forces after your initial contract ends would the education and experience gained through the ROTP program allow one to relatively easily pick up a civilian job in the aerospace/engineering field?

I have pretty much decided to give RMC a go but would greatly  appreciate any first hand knowledge and thoughts on the program.

Thank you for your time and consideration
For reference, perhaps Aeronautical Engineering at RMC will be merged with, Royal Military College of Canada (RMC).
18 pages,
Welcome to Army.ca, AE109.

As you can see from the link most generously provided by mariomike, there is a ton of information already here on this Site about this and almost anything else Canadian Forces-related. Please explore relevant topics. In doing so, you'll likely find answers to questions that have not even occurred to you yet.

If you cannot find answers after an honest and solid effort, we'll be happy to help further.
I have done a thorough search of the forums and the Internet in general and have found very little in regards to the standing of RMC engineering relative to similar programs offered in civil university. What little I have found worries me greatly as it is mostly negative in nature with a number of people questioning the quality of the engineering degree given the necessity to provide an all round education based on the pillars; bilingualism, athleticism, military, and academics. Although I am really into the Aere officer career I do not want to be limited to it should I not want to extend my initial contract and therefore would really appreciate if someone could offer some insight into how the education and experience gained through ROTP are viewed in the civilian environment (In other words as an Aere officer who has completed an engineering degree at RMC would it be relatively easy to pick up an engineering/aerospace job down the road or is the education limited to the tasks carried out by an Aere officer?
I will make a rare apology - there appears to be nothing of value on this Site regarding the AERE occupation, much to my surprise. The best (and that's being generous) is http://army.ca/forums/threads/96236/post-0.html#new.

There is at least one AERE active on this Site, and that is Scoobs.

RMC grants degrees. AERE training is additional to that.

I do know former AEREs who have found gainful employment elsewhere.
random123 said:
From what I am gathering here, the first wave of ROTP acceptances have gone out, and they will do another one soon. Is that true? Any idea when the second wave of selections happen? In the 2015-2016 thread the first wave went out beginning of may, and the second wave was the end of may and beginning of june.

Also I am in the middle of a civilian university program and was marked not valid for RMC (if I got ROTP it would 100% be at civil uni). Any idea when the civil uni selections happen? Is it before or after the RMC ones?

From talking to other people it appears that it has not been necessarily in waves. It really more looks like people have gotten in consistently rather than in large bunches (don't take my word for it, though). I received my early conditional offer early/mid March and they apparently do not give enrolment offers until April 1st. I received my enrolment offer April 5th. I have not heard much of Civvy uni offers but I know that many have been given and primarily for degrees which are not offered at RMC (ie. Nursing, Social Work, etc.). If you don't get any contact about it by July, I suspect you were not selected and will have to work hard and try again the next year. Keep your head up, though, people will be dropping/failing out and you might just get a call/email depending on your position on the merit list. Best of luck!

Edit: Many other people received their offer for their roles mid and early march. Earliest I have heard was January- February for the early offers. Appears as though the bulk of Enrolment offers came out in April and the rest of the slots are being filled with others from the merit list. I think.
No need to apologize I've been around a number of forums and I understand the wealth of information that can be found in previous posts. I guess what I'm really trying to figure out is what would be more beneficial/better becoming an AERE through ROTP and RMC or go the civiu route and do direct entry later if I'm still interested.
Loachman said:
I will make a rare apology - there appears to be nothing of value on this Site regarding the AERE occupation, much to my surprise. The best (and that's being generous) is http://army.ca/forums/threads/96236/post-0.html#new.

There is at least one AERE active on this Site, and that is Scoobs.

RMC grants degrees. AERE training is additional to that.

I do know former AEREs who have found gainful employment elsewhere.

Scoobs made a really informative post in this thread.

I cannot compare an RMC degree to a civilian university degree. I've not heard too many complaints from those who went there, though.

The four years spent at RMC would be pensionable, your degree would be paid for, and you would be paid while there. That is worth considering. You would also have the AERE training on top of that, again paid for, and pensionable time, plus a few years of experience to pad your resume.

Can you think of a better student-debt-free deal?

And then you can post about your experiences and fill that gap in here...
Honestly, in the end it never matters. Any procedures or regulations during the selection process in the Forces, just like at any job or institution, can change in the blink of an eye. Unless someone is directly linked to a position or information which can confirm any probabilities or "secrets," then they are useful facts. There was an absurd amount of speculation regarding the chances of being accepted to universities like UBC or U of T among my peers that it got ridiculous. Those "gurus" who people went to ask for help on their essays did not even get selected in the first place into colleges. Try your best and hope everything goes well. It's difficult to not try getting an insight of relief; I'm guilty of this but just don't get too caught up on it and try to relax.  :salute:
From what I've got from my MCC down at Toronto. It seems that HQ is late in processing files this year, and he estimates that the bulk of the offers should be given out mid-June. He says at worst case BMOQ could be deferred to August which apparently has happened before in the past.
Nomulous said:
From what I've got from my MCC down at Toronto. It seems that HQ is late in processing files this year, and he estimates that the bulk of the offers should be given out mid-June. He says at worst case BMOQ could be deferred to August which apparently has happened before in the past.

For RMC offers I'm doubtful that BMOQ would be deferred to August, there wouldn't be enough time before classes started.
Hello everyone,

I got the call today for Artillery Officer at RMC!!!  ;D

I swear in on June 28th and my BMOQ starts July 11th!

It's been a long wait but absolutely worth it! I'm looking forward to seeing everyone in St. Jean!  [:D
Is there anyone from Toronto who got an offer yet? Also out of curiosity since I'm still hopeful, around what time did you guys receive your calls? Midday? Afternoon?
Time of day for someone else's call doesn't matter. They could get to your name at 1530, and decide to call the next day first thing. Or maybe they get to you at lunch. Completely random.
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