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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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There is a specific summer training progression that you get streamed into once you arrive at RMC depending on your trade and you level of bilingualism.

Prior to arriving at RMC you will have already completed BMOQ-MOD 1.
The 1st summer (after 1st year), you will be completing BMOQ-MOD 2 then be doing a 5 week OJE (On the job experience). This year the OJE for first year include, opposition force, outdoor leadership training, working at a CFRC, and french training.
The 2nd summer you will be completing summer long  second language training. However if you have already achieved a BBB profile or higher, you will skip SLT and complete BMOQ-L in Gagetown.
For your 3rd summer you will complete BMOQ-L, or if you are bilingual then you will do DP1.1 for artillery.
For your 4th summer (after graduation and promotion to 2Lt) you will go complete DP 1.1 then DP1.2, or go straight to DP1.2 if bilingual.

Therefore if you know French or learn it fast, you have the potential of graduating RMC with having already done half of your trade training. But at the very least you will have completed your environemental training course.

In regards to what you have heard about non-occupational training, it is partially correct. For those cadets whose occupational trainning course are longer than what the summer period allows for (Air Force and billingual Navy Cadets), they complete summer long OJEs. The OJEs are varied and chage from year to year, but Cadets can get actual CF qualifications over the summers (for example become a Ship Team's Diver).

If you have any more question about RMC don't hesitate to ask, and I'll do my best to get you answers (I'm currently at RMC).

DarkPheonix said:
Good Day,

I want to apply to RMC this coming year(2017) and was wondering what my chances were if I wanted to do a double major in Computer Engineering and Computer Science. What do they look at when considering such an application? What about Computer Engineering and Business Administration?

Thank You


Any engineering program at RMC is very academically involved and you would not be able to do a double major. On average you will have 6 classes a semester on top of French classes if required. You can go on the RMC website and see the full academic layout for each engineering degree giving you all the classes you will be taking for that program.


Hopes this helps!

Wow, this was exactly what I was looking for... Thank you a ton. I'm sure other soon-to-be Officer Cadets will also appreciate this up to date information. A lot of the stuff on this website can be quite old sometimes.

Thank you!
I did RMC Kingston Tour today, and those who are accepted should definitely visit and get a feeling of it  ;D

The Tour guide was second lieutenant currently doing masters degree at RMC after graduating, and she was very informative and kind.

Also, she went to CMR Saint Jean, and highly recommended me to go there because I would experience both sides of the college (diversity),
more opportunities to learn French, higher interaction between professors and students, and more military training opportunities. Just some tips to those going to CMR  ;)

P.S. took some nice pictures too!  :D


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I'm pretty sure that's the ONLY building at RMC that doesn't have scaffolding or construction cranes around it.

Is anyone interested in a Facebook group for the 2020 RMC grads? so everyone can find out who'll be one their course this summer and we can organise any neat tips we get.
roborob said:
Is anyone interested in a Facebook group for the 2020 RMC grads? so everyone can find out who'll be one their course this summer and we can organise any neat tips we get.

Yes!  :nod: I am very interested to be part of it. I like sharing good tips and news to help each other. As there have been other facebook RMC groups according to their years, I think it is really a good idea to have ours too for 2020. We will definitely need this ;D

In my official offer letter, it says:

'you will receive subsidy of education towards a Bachelor of Science from RMC Saint-Jean for 4 years.'

I am confused because this statement is little bit ambiguous. Does it mean that I am going to RMC Saint-Jean for one or two year, and then coming back to RMC Kingston for three years to finish my bachelor degree? Or has RMC Saint Jean started to offer bachelors degree from now on?

Even students here in RMC Kingston are talking about this  :o

P.S. I have already talked to the recruiter about this, but she said, to her knowledge, that I would be going to RMC Saint Jean there for one or two year and coming back to Kingston. Just making sure  :D
Hey guys, just thought I'd post a little update on the situation...

So I called my recruiting center to confirm where I will be attending and it will be Kingston for 4 years and they changed my course date for BMOQ mod 1 on the 11th of July now and not the 27th of June. Gives me an extra 2 weeks to prepare, woohoo!  [:D.

Congrats to those accepted and getting ready for Basic this summer! Last year the early BMOQ had cadets going to both Kingston and St Jean even though Kingston started a couple of weeks after the St-Jean school start. So many friends ended up VR'ing since then and will be so missed.
The thought is that CMR St Jean may be offering the ability to complete your degree in full at St Jean starting next year. You never know it that will really  happen though... time will tell. A couple of more weeks and then back to BMOQ2.

jojoe said:
Has a date for final selections to RMC been set?

This year, I was told at my CFRC, selections for ROTP are trying to be finished by "Summer". Don't take this a concrete fact because things rarely stick to schedule. Also, many people VR during Basic or decide to decline their offer after June. So, they do accept people right up until the end of August. However, I don't know how one would make up for missing BMOQ MOD1 (feel free to add to this).

If you're waiting, try to stay patient (even though it is very hard, I know!). I would call about your status every couple weeks because if for some reason you are not selected they will not tell you, they only reach out to applicants who've been selected. So if you call, you'll be able to keep tabs on your status and if you've been chosen or not.

Best of luck! 
After weeks of not being able to contact cfrc and remaining anxious,
I got my EME ROTP acceptance today :D BMOQ July 11th.
DAXTER619 said:
After weeks of not being able to contact cfrc and remaining anxious,
I got my EME ROTP acceptance today :D BMOQ July 11th.

HEY Daxter! Congratulations!! The wait was worth it  ;) come join our Facebook group!
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