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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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red12135875 said:
I would greatly appreciate it if someone could let me know if a certain percent exists.

Welcome to the real world, where ambiguity and "it depends" is a very real and reoccurring occurrence. Likewise throughout your military career this will be very apparent.

From the RMC website:

Please note: Students must offer a minimum course mark of 75% for each of the required courses and have an overall average of 75% on the best 6 courses completed in grade 12 including the required courses.


red12135875 said:
If it exists, is my dream over and I am quickly shown the door to civilian life or am I given options?

Seeing as you have an offer in hand, lets say you end up with a 74% are there going to pull your offer in after June? They could, I've even heard stories from friends who applied to CIVY-U and got their offers pulled once they saw their final marks (Though said individuals simply stopped doing the work and going to class once they got the offers).

red12135875 said:
If it exists, is my dream over and I am quickly shown the door to civilian life or am I given options?

When I was declined from RMC I was given four options:
- Reg-F NCM
- Reserves
- Re apply next year.
- Forget the military

Bottom line you have month and bit, buckle down.
Thank you for the reply runormal.

Yes, one needs at least 75% to make it into first year of either military college. Also, when I spoke with RMC, I was told if my mark was lower than 75%, I could be sent to RMC Saint-Jean preparatory year.

To make it into prep year, one must "meet the minimum mark of 70% in academic requirements courses," as said in the RMC Saint-Jean website.


I am definitely not slacking in school now that I got into the program. I'm having a hard time in english but I am doing very well in my other classes.
Trust me I understand, I re took my grade 12 English class because I for lack of better term, "fucked around" when I took it the first time. But I guess all you can do is buckle down and study hard (which I know isn't the answer you want).
Good day,

My name is Max Lewis, I am a 16 year old high school student in Toronto (at the Toronto French School). I plan on applying to the Royal Military College next year as a pilot, intelligence officer and artillery officer. I speak 3 languages (English, French and Spanish), I have my pilot's license, play on 2 sports teams, I am apart of a few clubs and am a prefect at school. My overall average is 82%, I understand that RMC is a very competitive school and I was just wondering what my chances are of getting in, and if any of you have suggestions of anything I could be doing to improve my chances of being accepted that would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you so much for your help,

Max Lewis
mlewis said:
I was just wondering what my chances are of getting in,

You may find these discussions of interest,

Do I Have a Chance?
OP: "Do I have a chance at being accepted to RMC?"
7 pages. 

What are my chances?
OP: "I would like to know what are my chances in getting accepted into the ROTP program either at RMC or a civi university..."

The Odds of Getting into RMC?

RMC entry chances questions 

chances of getting into RMC?

A few questions about acceptance into RMC 
2 pages.


mlewis said:
if any of you have suggestions of anything I could be doing to improve my chances of being accepted that would be greatly appreciated.


Read at least a few of the preceding pages in this thread.

Read the links that mariomike kindly provided - but quickly, as I sense a merge coming on.

And then keep reading through older threads. There is a ton of information here already. There is no need to repeat anything. You'll likely find answers to questions that have not even occurred to you yet in the process.

I was wondering if someone would happen to know the competitive average for engineering and military strategic studies as these are the two field I am looking to get into when I apply. Thanks
Matt, if you're planning on applying for next year, no one can really give you an exact number for how competitive it really is, as it changes everywhere depending on the applicants to those respective programs, also depends how many positions they are planning to give out that year. From my knowledge, engineering has more positions available but more applicants as well. It isn't by the program but more by field itself so it depends on the demand of that position in the forces. You can keep on eye out, on the CF site, in the jobs posting, for jobs in demand and jobs hiring to give you a better idea.

Hope that helps...
The lowest average highschool grades of anyone I met at RMC (and I obviosuly didn't actually ask anyone) was high 60s. What he had going for him was the fact that he was an active reservist, a captain of a soccer team, and he was really well spoken, so he probably did really well in the interview.

Conversely, I had an 86.5% avg when I applied and did not chosen in the first few rounds of offers. I got in once a spot opened up sometime late in the Spring.

Now, MSS being and Arts and Engineering being, well, engineering, you are probably going to see two very different average high-school grades upon application.
Two questions
1. Have you met anyone in MSS and what was their high school avg?
2. Is there a database or website that would contain the admission averages from previous years, many google searches have come up empty?  Thanks
;D After 3 years from my first try at RMC, I was finally given offer as CELE Officer trade today!

My training starts June 27th! Anyone else?  :-X
Fiji_Boy_ said:
;D After 3 years from my first try at RMC, I was finally given offer as CELE Officer trade today!

My training starts June 27th! Anyone else?  :-X

Thank you clownfool! I am just waiting for your offer  :blotto:

Thank you grunman! You have been my help  :-*
Congrats on the CELE offer!

A bit of a rant here, since I am frustrated and unsure what to do, it would be great if someone that knows the process could help!

I received my early acceptance a bit over a month ago, and immediately returned it signed to my file manager. We had a brief talk on what this means (from his tone, the early acceptance didn't mean much) and then I was on my way home. I was told my medical and background check were almost done, and I should get my official acceptance the week after.

Now it's been a month past the week I was to supposedly get my acceptance. The early acceptance states that I must have my medical and background check finished by this friday, 22nd of April in order to be eligible. And quite frankly, my medical and background check are near perfect and I doubt it should take this now.

I've sent multiple emails and called every other day, but absolutely no replies from CFRC toronto, it's extremely frustrating. I can't go down to the office since it is a bit odd distance from my house and currently I have my midterms in school. I guess my next course of action is to contact CFRC hamilton again and ask them for a file update.
DAXTER619 said:
Congrats on the CELE offer!

A bit of a rant here, since I am frustrated and unsure what to do, it would be great if someone that knows the process could help!

I received my early acceptance a bit over a month ago, and immediately returned it signed to my file manager. We had a brief talk on what this means (from his tone, the early acceptance didn't mean much) and then I was on my way home. I was told my medical and background check were almost done, and I should get my official acceptance the week after.

Now it's been a month past the week I was to supposedly get my acceptance. The early acceptance states that I must have my medical and background check finished by this friday, 22nd of April in order to be eligible. And quite frankly, my medical and background check are near perfect and I doubt it should take this now.

I've sent multiple emails and called every other day, but absolutely no replies from CFRC toronto, it's extremely frustrating. I can't go down to the office since it is a bit odd distance from my house and currently I have my midterms in school. I guess my next course of action is to contact CFRC hamilton again and ask them for a file update.

Ah I know the feeling of CRFC Toronto, in my case, I managed to complete Aircrew, and the Aircrew medical before they managed to complete my background and reference check. I guess we both have to wait and hope for the best.
Fiji_Boy_ said:
;D After 3 years from my first try at RMC, I was finally given offer as CELE Officer trade today!

My training starts June 27th! Anyone else?  :-X

I just saw the new posts in this topic as I didn't get notified through my email address for some odd reason but anyways, congratulations Fiji_Boy_! I feel really happy for you; I start on the 4th of July.
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