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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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scriptox said:
Well my VIE is 13 years and I'm Signals. My room mate (his trade is Pilot) has his VIE set at 15 years or something. From what I've seen here at RMC, the VIE for Pilot is typically longer than most.

This is true. Excluding university education, ( 4 years at RMC for instance) you would have to serve a period of 7 years due to the cost of training as a pilot. For most of the trades (excluding medical) the service period is normally about 5 years.
Also note: the service begins after earning your wings.

4 years university (if not DEO) --> 1-3(or more) years until you earn your wings--> Remaining mandatory service. (7, 9, XX years.)
Yep, and if you go to RMC, you'll be 1/3 way to a C.D. by the time you graduate.
A friend of mine is interested in going to a civi uni, how would he go about that if he was accepted into RMC instead? Do you guys think changes are possible? Obviously the recruiters would be the best place to go to but what are your opinions on this?
211RadOp said:
Possibly.  My son was accepted Aerospace Control Officer last year, but failed out on the testing.  His other choices were Logistics Officer and Intelligence Officer and he was not offered either one. (He knew the chances for Int O was slim to none, and Slim was walking out the door.)

What test are you talking about? And when do you pass it?
Globemaster77 said:
A friend of mine is interested in going to a civi uni, how would he go about that if he was accepted into RMC instead? Do you guys think changes are possible? Obviously the recruiters would be the best place to go to but what are your opinions on this?

Apply for a trade not offered at RMC (eg, nursing) or go through the process and list Civi U as 1st choice, if only offered RMC, decline it and try again next year. If there's one thing I learnt in my years of service is that military offers are pretty much non-negotiable.
Motard said:
Apply for a trade not offered at RMC (eg, nursing) or go through the process and list Civi U as 1st choice, if only offered RMC, decline it and try again next year. If there's one thing I learnt in my years of service is that military offers are pretty much non-negotiable.

Ah, good answer. Thanks for this.
Daishi said:
I'm not sure, there was a paper that stated that if I accepted I would stay with the forces for 7 years.

Variable Initial Engagement (VIE) =/= Obligatory Service.
can you try ROTP for one year just to see if you like it or not? and then stop or continue it?
It is my understanding that you can voluntarily release until you finish BMOQ at the end of your first year.
Khaalid said:
can you try ROTP for one year just to see if you like it or not? and then stop or continue it?

I don't think you should apply at all. The military isn't a joke, make a solid decision before applying. If you were to quit in the middle, you will have to pay off that year's tuition fees out of your own pocket.
i meant, do i apply every year again? or just once?
what if i join do 1 year and i didn't like it, can i just stop doing it after the first year? and do the 2 years of service that is mandatory
If you're already enrolled in a civilian university and you begin ROTP (receiving wages) in September, your BMOQ will take place the following summer. Now, if you are in this scenario you CANNOT voluntarily release; for you have already begun your commitment to the CF.
what does BMOQ stand for?

and how close do nurse officers usually need to live to the base?
Khaalid said:
what does BMOQ stand for?

and how close do nurse officers usually need to live to the base?

You might benefit from talking to a recruiter. There's a recruiting centre in Edmonton, since that's where you are. They can provide answers to your questions better than we can. There's also an FAQ section on forces.ca worth checking out.

As well, since you were the one who posted about concerns with your parents, have them go with you to the recruiting centre and have a recruiter explain to them what the CF is about, and what serving in the CF entails. They are professionals at this kind of thing, and I am sure that they are a lot better at quelming concerns from parents than you are, it might turn into a worthwhile trip.
Conz said:
If you're already enrolled in a civilian university and you begin ROTP (receiving wages) in September, your BMOQ will take place the following summer. Now, if you are in this scenario you CANNOT voluntarily release; for you have already begun your commitment to the CF.

A CF Member can voluntarily release at any time. The question is will it get approved?
Khaalid said:
i meant, do i apply every year again? or just once?
what if i join do 1 year and i didn't like it, can i just stop doing it after the first year? and do the 2 years of service that is mandatory

Like civilian universities, you don't reapply once your already in. Once your in, your in, unless you start failing or do something that gets you kicked out. As well, if you quit in your first year, you are not obligated to serve any time in the military.
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