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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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Hi, Im just wondering if anyone would know if there would still be places in the top up for this year? I applied to be an Infantry Officer at CFRC Montreal, I saw the the trade is still open for next years, could it mean that none or just very few infantry officer cadets got in this year?

OlivierColas said:
could it mean that none or just very few infantry officer cadets got in this year?

I've heard that is the case.

Anyway, I know this really doesn't matter but just out of curiosity, how is the food at RMC?
I would imagine it to be like mid-high quality cafeteria food. From my experience with CF mess food, the food is good, but can get a bit repetitive. Breakfast is basically pancakes, eggs, sausage, bacon, hash browns, fruit, yoghurt, all types of breakfast stuff you can think of. Lunch is some type of meat, with vegetables, sandwiches, some kind of starch, with soup, salad bar, desserts, etc. Dinner is pretty much the same thing, but with dinner type food. Thursdays are normally steak nights, and chicken fingers are served for lunch on saturdays from what I have heard haha.
Cui said:
I would imagine it to be like mid-high quality cafeteria food. From my experience with CF mess food, the food is good, but can get a bit repetitive. Breakfast is basically pancakes, eggs, sausage, bacon, hash browns, fruit, yoghurt, all types of breakfast stuff you can think of. Lunch is some type of meat, with vegetables, sandwiches, some kind of starch, with soup, salad bar, desserts, etc. Dinner is pretty much the same thing, but with dinner type food. Thursdays are normally steak nights, and chicken fingers are served for lunch on saturdays from what I have heard haha.

So you actually don't know but answered anyway?
I meant that I have eaten at CF messes at a few different bases, and the mess halls are similar everywhere that I have been to, so the RMC mess can't be too different. As well, my friends who went to HMCS Ontario for summer camp and the ones who are at RMC right now told me who I said. I didn't say it was from personal experience. But I'm sorry if there are any inaccuracies, or if I spoke too soon...
I have another question:

I cut my hair boy short this summer (I am a female) and it made my life a million times easier. Now I am contemplating going the distance and just going G.I. Jane for Recruit Camp and FYOP, because I envision myself struggling with timings enough already, and it's not like I'm going to see anyone outside of RMC until Thanksgiving anyway.

The only thing I am worried about is maintenance. Will I have to keep it shaven to conform to dress regulations or can I grow it out to about pixie length throughout FYOP so that I don't look scary by the time it ends? (let's just say hairless isn't a good look on me) I don't care how I look during FYOP but after that, I'd rather not get mistaken for a dude when I hit the town  ;D

What do you think?
From what I saw of the girls last year for Obstacle Course, as well as in a couple of past years, those girls who went in with long hair kept it.  They seemed to manage somehow.  I don't think shaving is really a necessity.
My Daughter has medium length hair when she got to RMC and had no problems getting it put up. Her hair got longer through FYOP and she kept it that way as she actually found it easier to get it up and cleaner looking. 
According to the RMC website, a student applying to the Arts program must have a credit in either Functions MCF3M, or Functions and Relations MCR3U, or Advanced Functions MHF4U.

Now, if I were planning on applying to ROTP through a Civillian University, would these requirements still apply? Also, if I apply for ROTP or RMC after completion of one year of University, would these requirements still apply? And if so, how would I go about acquiring them? Online Course maybe?

Any information would be great.
I can't answer your question whether the requirements would still apply, although I would think so. The courses required are easy to get through any school board's adult education center. In Ontario anyhow, you can take almost any high school credit through adult ed for $50, and that will let you get as many credits as you want to take per year.

I had one last quick question!

According to the RMC interactive website, most successful applicants have an 80 percent average or above. Now would this average be calculated by your top 6 grade 12 marks like other Universities, or do they have another method of calculation?

My guess would be an average of 4 or 6 top marks, but maybe someone from recruiting can chime in with more information. I do know that if you take upgrading and do well, your mark will improve. Let's say you have your Grade 12 English credit and finished with 65%. If you were to take the course again through adult education and finish with 85%, your new transcript will show that 85%. This is how it works in Ontario anyhow. It also reflects well on you as it shows a desire to improve and that you are a "lifelong learner".
I applied in 2011-2012. I passed the CFAT, the interview and was accepted to Nursing school at Dal, UNB and St. FX. I have a friend who is a clerk at the recruiting center. After all that, the potential number assigned to my file was VERY competitive. I am married to a CF member and already have a BSc and a BEd, My GPA is 4.1 on a 4.3 scale. I am 25 with lots of work and life experience.

My application was put over for a year because I was on a medication to help me sleep. I was devastated. We are currently posted to CFB Bagotville, and I have found it hard to find work here because I did not know French when we first moved here. The forces told me to have a doctor follow me and if I could stop the medication, and show evidence of being off of it for 6 months, then I was golden!

I am 8 months off of it now, with a military doctor's endorsement. So, I am not as young as many of you - but I am in a similar boat. I have gone through the aptitude test and interview very successfully if any of you would like pointers, what to expect etc. I am a very competitive candidate, so I fully expect to be in the forces next year.

Good Luck to all!

I have one week left of summer leave, and then I return to RMC for my second year. I remember the stresses of the application process, but stick with it. The stress is neither worth it, nor fully warranted. If you are honest with yourself and work on your own weaknesses, you have nothing to worry about. There are some incredibly high calibre people that study at RMC, and there are also a lot of people that don't deserve to be there (but then again, who am I to say?). As long as you beef up your application anywhere you can, you will be fine (e.g. instead of asking yourself "do I have enough volunteer time" just go out and do more volunteering).

That being said, if you have any specific questions about RMC, the application process, the Basic Military Officer Qualification Course, the Air Force, engineering at RMC, or the pilot trade, do not hesitate to PM me, and I will get around to it when I can.

The entire knowledge base that I had regarding the military before leaving for RMC was attained almost entirely through these forums (probably about a 90/10 split between these forums and the CFRC). You folks are lucky that you found this website, so use it to its fullest extent and ask questions.
I graduated 2011 from RMC at the age of 38. If I can do it, so can anyone else. I lived in the shacks, did everything all the regular ROTP cadets did, etc. For those who are married already, it's a crapshoot as to what would happen, as there is no more live-off program as of this academic year (4th year cadets could apply to live off campus, or those who were married). Especially for the First Year Orientation Period (FYOP) - you pretty much need to be on campus, that's part of the deal. Whether you could live on campus during that period then live off, who knows, but I wouldn't count on anything. In first year you are very much the bottom of the totem pole, so if you are living off then you wouldn't be doing inspections, etc that everyone else would be, which wouldn't be fair. It's different with the UTs, they've been there done that, they don't participate in FYOP or other stuff like that. It would likely be a decision made by the Director of Cadets as to whether you were fully part of the cadet wing or not, but it's not like you can just call up and ask either, the decision would be made on a case by case basis.

As far as the age thing, it's all good, the more "mature" cadets have experiences that the younger cadets can draw on, and vice versa. Just make sure you're fit enough to pass the RMC PPT (like a CF Expres fitness test but way harder), as you will be tested 2-3 times a year, and that's a huge part of being at RMC. And being a more mature cadet usually results in a lot of entertainment when those around you go full retard because they thought *random event/idea* was a fabulous idea. ;)
ChrisDennison said:
According to the RMC website, a student applying to the Arts program must have a credit in either Functions MCF3M, or Functions and Relations MCR3U, or Advanced Functions MHF4U.

Now, if I were planning on applying to ROTP through a Civillian University, would these requirements still apply? Also, if I apply for ROTP or RMC after completion of one year of University, would these requirements still apply? And if so, how would I go about acquiring them? Online Course maybe?

Any information would be great.

No the requirements for your civy courses would apply, just keep in mind that for ROTP, RMC is the preferred educational institution for the CF if you plan on studying something that is available at RMC, and while people do not list it on their application and still get accepted for ROTP at a civilian universtity in the future this may change due to budget tightening.  As far as obtaining credits, if you are in Ontario, you can obtain the credits from the Independent Learning Centre, which offers the courses via correspondence.
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