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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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AEC2B said:
I stand corrected. My file manager informed me on Friday that I will be going to Recruit Camp, that she gave me incorrect information.

sweet hopefully see you there!
Will be applying for '13/14 ROTP :) While it feels awesome to say, seems so far away!
Right now I'm focusing on my job, retaking some required high school courses to boost my marks as high as I can and taking a few uni courses.  My application is currently open right now for 2 NCM trades but after speaking with an armour buddy of mine he's encouraged me to apply for ROTP.  Very nervous.. I'm going to work extremely hard towards this goal, do what I can and then hope for the best.  If it's meant to be, it'll happen.

scriptox said:
I'm assuming that if the classes are like any other university, then the use of laptops would be up to the professor. However, if somebody who has attended RMC or is currently attending can clear this up, it would be greatly appreciated.

That's what I'm thinking but I just wanted to ask anyway because a lot of things are done differently at RMC so I can never be too sure of how things work there. I'm wondering because my mom has offered to get me a tablet PC as a grad present because not only have i always wanted one (I used to be interested in digital media) but also because it would be convenient for note taking in math/science classes (I'm studying engineering so i can't just have type notes but i hate pen/paper). But if most of the professors are not okay with it, I might as well just bring my old laptop for personal/homework use.
joolay said:
That's what I'm thinking but I just wanted to ask anyway because a lot of things are done differently at RMC so I can never be too sure of how things work there. I'm wondering because my mom has offered to get me a tablet PC as a grad present because not only have i always wanted one (I used to be interested in digital media) but also because it would be convenient for note taking in math/science classes (I'm studying engineering so i can't just have type notes but i hate pen/paper). But if most of the professors are not okay with it, I might as well just bring my old laptop for personal/homework use.

As a university student, I can tell you that most professors don't have a problem with you taking notes in class with a laptop. However, if you go on Facebook or whatever during class, it does pose some problems. Though I'm going to assume that RMC doesn't have wifi in the classrooms, so it's not going to be much of a problem.

Really, electronics are meant to be tools, with some little distractions built in to entertain you, but they are not toys. If you use whatever you have accordingly you shouldn't have much of a problem.
I've been to some of the classrooms and they differ.

I don't know if there is wifi on campus or not but I do know that some classrooms are built like old-style movie underground briefing rooms and have no cell service whatsoever.
the way you guys are talking about sharing your experience, keeping positive, makes me wonder how difficult this process really is.

I was informed by the recruiting centre that it is competitive, but what is so challenging about the process? I would appreciate someone that has gone through it to shed a bit of light on it. As it stands for me I am just waiting until September... the recruiting centre said I can't or shouldn't send in my application until then.
I'll also be applying for ROTP for the '13-'14 school year.

I just wish I didn't have to wait so long before applying.

armyguy1 said:
I am applying to ROTP for September 2013! my top 3 choices are infantry officer, pilot, artillery officer. I am currently enrolled at Vancouver Island University and taking Physical Education. What I am wondering is if this degree counts for ROTP?

armyguy, if you go to your local CFRO, I believe they can supply you with a list of degrees that are eligible for ROTP.
I am in the same situation, and I can't find a lot of info.

I'm a reservist (Sgt), I have completed one year of University (BEng at U Laval) althought it was 10 years ago.

I applied for ROTP, waiting for an offer, I know I'm a mature student but I'm not sure what the difference is with the normal students WRT lifestyle. I'm common law so do I have to live in the shacks, etc.

I have been looking for that kind of info and so far I didnt get a lot of it.

Thanks in advance
Why would someone in your situation wish to subject themselves to 4 years in the Cadet Wing at RMC?

Surely, there are other ways for you to join the Regular Force as an Officer?
Thats a good question. I wanted to apply for UTPNCM but I can't cause i'm reservist. Even though I've been Class B for about 10 years.

My first choice was Civi U but because the program is available at RMC, I'm expecting they are gonna want to send me there.

Because I don't have a degree, I can't just "CFR".

If there is any other options I am open to suggestions.
There are former PRes members that have CT'd and Commissioned at the same time that have attended RMC. While they were technically under the ROTP program, they were administered through the UTPNCM sqn at RMC. I do not know if any such pers went to civi u. Even the Cadet Wing knew it would be a bad idea to put a 40-year old former Sgt in with the 17-year old OCdts.

We had former PRes come into Otter Sqn in all of my 3 years there. How the recent changes to the UT program at RMC will affect this, I do not know.
Wookilar said:
There are former PRes members that have CT'd and Commissioned at the same time that have attended RMC. While they were technically under the ROTP program, they were administered through the UTPNCM sqn at RMC. I do not know if any such pers went to civi u. Even the Cadet Wing knew it would be a bad idea to put a 40-year old former Sgt in with the 17-year old OCdts.

We had former PRes come into Otter Sqn in all of my 3 years there. How the recent changes to the UT program at RMC will affect this, I do not know.

Wow! that would be great if I could pull that off. How should I find that out? email RMC directly from their website?
Honestly I do not know. It would have to start with the recruit center as I know they were "ROTP" but I am not aware of the decision process that led them over to Otter Sqn. Contacting the Registrar wouldn't hurt.
Wookilar said:
Honestly I do not know. It would have to start with the recruit center as I know they were "ROTP" but I am not aware of the decision process that led them over to Otter Sqn. Contacting the Registrar wouldn't hurt.

Thanks for the info brother!
thomf said:
So the time has finally come! Anyone who's applying for ROTP 2013-2014 post here! Let us know what you're up to and what your plans are for the coming year!

Myself, I'm currently in grade 11 so in September I am going to apply with Pilot as my first choice(still working on the others) and to go to RMC.

Looking forward to hear from everyone else.

I'm 23 and hold an Associate Arts Degree from Vancouver Island University. I just submitted my online application for the ROTP going to RMC (3 professions: Pilot, MPO, Int O). Good luck to everyone!
armyguy1 said:
the way you guys are talking about sharing your experience, keeping positive, makes me wonder how difficult this process really is.

I was informed by the recruiting centre that it is competitive, but what is so challenging about the process? I would appreciate someone that has gone through it to shed a bit of light on it. As it stands for me I am just waiting until September... the recruiting centre said I can't or shouldn't send in my application until then.
For the most part, the competition lies in the merit list; the other candidates who have completed the application process and are awaiting selection. In the future you may be serving with these men and women, but until you sign the line, you should be doing any upgrading (of marks, extra curriculars etc.) now in order to come out ahead of these fine people.
With regards to the application process, you have a direct impact on whether it is easy or challenging. The amount of time you spend researching your possible trade, studying for the CFAT and practicing for the interview will pay dividends in the form of a phone call come a year from now.
(this all coming from a guy who just got said call a month ago, having gone through and successfully passing the selection process for pilot)
joolay said:
Does anyone know if the professors at RMC will allow us to use electronics (namely laptops/tablets) in class for note taking purposes? I have searched for threads addressing this, but they were all from several years ago, when such a practice was not as common.

Yes you can use laptops or whatever but not many do. You'll find the pace is too fast for that. There is only wifi in some areas right now. Also, you'll be lucky to get cell reception in any academic building period. I've found only Telus users get reception.
Does anyone know if the selections have been sent out for the third and final round yet? Thanks!
matthew1786 said:
Does anyone know if the selections have been sent out for the third and final round yet? Thanks!

2nd Round is done.

Third and Top Up still to come, though from my exprience in application, the chances of people making it in on the 3rd and Top Up is generally slim to none.

I'm sorry, but now would be the time to start accepting that you didn't make it and start finding alternate routes. And if by chance you are selected for top up or third, it will be a pleasant surprise.

Welcome to the club.
I am going to be applying in September.

My lack of work experience is what worries me the most about my application. I just hope that my volunteer experience and extra-curricular activities make up for it.
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