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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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joolay said:
On another note, does anyone know what would happen in the case of non-permanent injury BEFORE being sworn in and I'm not fully recovered by the time recruit camp rolls around?

You just won't go on orientation camp.  It is not vital to your success nor is it a required course. 
JPye said:
Last weekend I worked a pretty rough shift and got banged up pretty good while working. I decided that while it may affect my income, I won't be putting myself at risk and working with clients who are violent or abuse drugs over the next couple months. And thats my job, not a hobby. There are always alternatives!

That sounds like a rough situation :O Do you mind if I ask what your job is?

MJP said:
You just won't go on orientation camp.  It is not vital to your success nor is it a required course.

Thanks for the heads up. Is FYOP what I should be more concerned about then?
joolay said:
That sounds like a rough situation :O Do you mind if I ask what your job is?

Thanks for the heads up. Is FYOP what I should be more concerned about then?

You should always concentrate at the task at hand regardless of what it is.  All I am saying that being injured for a short period of time is not the end of the world and won't set you back.  Try not to read to much into things ;)
joolay said:
That sounds like a rough situation :O Do you mind if I ask what your job is?

Thanks for the heads up. Is FYOP what I should be more concerned about then?

If you're hurt during FYOP you will receive required medical attention and a medical 'chit' (a piece of paper indicating your limitations).  Whether it's fair or not, there is often a stigma about people who 'chit out' of PT or other physically demanding exercises.

This is unrelated to your question, but good advice for anyone going into FYOP: There's a difference between hurt and injured.  Injured = requires medical attention.  Hurt = having done a lot of running or pushups or whatever and just being generally sore. 

I will never advise anybody to neglect to receive proper medical attention, but I will advise everyone to take good care of their bodies (especially feet- first time in combat boots often means blisters) and do their best to pull their weight and not 'chit out' of all the hard things.  That being said, never let condescending attitudes get in the way of receiving proper medical attention because ignoring an injury can make it worse.


As far as preparing for Indoc/FYOP- I recommend training to meet the RMC PPT requirements if you're coming to RMC.  If you don't pass the PPT (physical performance test) you'll be going to SPT (supplementary physical training) very early in the morning most days.  It is in your best interest to train for FYOP/RMC, but like MJP said, take things one at a time, and enjoy your Indoc! (It really wasn't as hard as FYOP...)
Hate to change the subject but,

Anybody awaiting the Second Round of Selections hear anything yet? I was told the tentative date was Monday the 14th that just passed

MKos said:
Hate to change the subject but,

Anybody awaiting the Second Round of Selections hear anything yet? I was told the tentative date was Monday the 14th that just passed

I spoke with an ROTP File Manager today who said that the selection was made on the 15th and phone calls will be made in about 2 weeks. So, hold on tight!
Conz said:
I spoke with an ROTP File Manager today who said that the selection was made on the 15th and phone calls will be make in about 2 weeks. So, hold on tight!

Thanks Conz!
Hey all!
Turns out there's still hope for me yet. Although things went south for ROTP, turns out for pilots, they're taking in some people for seneca college and subsidizing their schooling there for the flight program. I don't get like, a recognized degree or whatever. But instead it replaces the first bit of flight training I jump straight into whichever of the three disciplines. Not out of the water yet, but I haven't exactly drowned yet either it seems. Aha.

Has any other pilot applicant who didn't get into ROTP caught word of this?
Apparently it's something they've only started recently from what my CFRC says. First I've heard of it too.
I posted a link for the Army Fitness Manual in the FB group. Ill put it here for everyone else. I assume it is probably in the forums here already though.

http://www.48highlanders.com/Downloads/AFM_B_GL_382_001_PT_.pdf .

Good Luck training everyone.

This front has really gone dead in the past little bit.

So here's a topic for people accepted and those awaiting alike:

Any certain squad you're hoping for?

I'm hoping for La Salle or Frontenac like my father before me  :salute:
Youngest son also accepted for engineering and will be joining his brother who is going into 4th year. (pilot doing PFT - this summer at Portage)  New cadet son will not get the same squad as brother for obvious reasons, but I guess it would be nice to be in the same building .... or group of buildings.  There are some that his brother has indicated he prefers.... but you get where they put you.    Swearing in July at CFRC and then to Kingston on the 8th of August..  He has gotten a fair amount of exposure and a lot of discussions .... and very much looking forward to meeting and getting to know the other OCs especially the other engineers.        Nice if you have a tradition and can get into the same as your dad.... not sure if you can mention that it would be nice or not........  See you in your home town in August...
dcs said:
Youngest son also accepted for engineering and will be joining his brother who is going into 4th year. (pilot doing PFT - this summer at Portage)  New cadet son will not get the same squad as brother for obvious reasons, but I guess it would be nice to be in the same building .... or group of buildings.  There are some that his brother has indicated he prefers.... but you get where they put you.    Swearing in July at CFRC and then to Kingston on the 8th of August..  He has gotten a fair amount of exposure and a lot of discussions .... and very much looking forward to meeting and getting to know the other OCs especially the other engineers.        Nice if you have a tradition and can get into the same as your dad.... not sure if you can mention that it would be nice or not........  See you in your home town in August...

OC is actually the short form for Officer Commanding.  OCdt is the short form for Officer Cadet
Hello everyone, I just found this site today and decided to sign up. I found out about a month ago I was accepted into the ROTP and will attend my first year at RMC Saint Jean. Anyone else who got accepted here go through the CFRC Edmonton? I am trying to figure out how many others got accepted within my area.
My application was also through Edmonton. From what I have seen on the forms/facebook group (you should join), and from what my file manager said there are not very many of us. What trade/degree you going for?
I called my recruiter in Mississauga on Monday. He said they will find out this week but as of yesterday there was no news yet.
I am waiting for Rotp for civy-u and Navy Mars officer offer.
OdoyleRules said:
So anyone have any news on the second selection so far....? So far no one is jumping for joy  ???

I was told by people at CFRC Montreal that the offers will roll out starting next week.
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