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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Travis Silcox
  • Start date
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742_guy said:
I am applying out of CFRC Ottawa. It sounded like I was one of the first to be notified from Ottawa.

Here's to hoping that the rest of you get your offers soon!

nic32 said:
By the way I'm from CRFC QUEBEC for info !

I'm going to do 2 years at st-jean and 3 at kingston

Congrats to both of you!  :)
This post is for any one applying out of CFRC Hamilton. I Just gave them a call and they say the results are in but they are waiting on permission to start giving out the offers from higher up.

Just a few more days...

-Phobos  :cdn:
Got the call!
I've been accepted to RMC Saint-Jean, occupation MARS Officer.
Avery said:
Got the call!
I've been accepted to RMC Saint-Jean, occupation MARS Officer.


Phobos said:
This post is for any one applying out of CFRC Hamilton. I Just gave them a call and they say the results are in but they are waiting on permission to start giving out the offers from higher up.

Just a few more days...

-Phobos  :cdn:

Do you know if that is trade specific? I haven't seen anyone receive any engineer related offers yet.  ???
Congrats to everyone who got calls today!!  It's exciting watching everyone post the good news  ;D
742_guy said:
I am applying out of CFRC Ottawa. It sounded like I was one of the first to be notified from Ottawa.

Here's to hoping that the rest of you get your offers soon!

Congrats see you there !

Avery said:
Got the call!
I've been accepted to RMC Saint-Jean, occupation MARS Officer.

Congrats to you also, see you there !
albud289 said:
I got a call yesterday and received an offer for engineering at RMC-kingston. However, I will do my first year at CMR-St Jean, and the MCC was unsure of which kind of engineering (I chose mechanical, electrical, civil). My MOC is electrical and mechanical engineering (EME) officer in the Army.  ;D

matthew1786 said:
Do you know if that is trade specific? I haven't seen anyone receive any engineer related offers yet.  ???

-1  :facepalm:
Finally done my first year of university, it feels good to be home.

Congrats to everyone who got the call, indeed it is exciting for everyone to be sharing such great news!

Meanwhile, I enrolled in an online course for the summer, and going to China for 2 weeks in June...

I'm doing everything I can to not think about the possibility of me not being selected for the second time.

Hope more calls come out this week haha
Phobos said:
This post is for any one applying out of CFRC Hamilton. I Just gave them a call and they say the results are in but they are waiting on permission to start giving out the offers from higher up.

Just a few more days...

-Phobos  :cdn:

Thanks for the update dude. Hopefully you, canada94, MKos, and I will hear of some news by the end of the week!
Congrats to those who received offers today. Hopefully we'll see more very soon.
scriptox said:
Thanks for the update dude. Hopefully you, canada94, MKos, and I will hear of some news by the end of the week!

THIS...scriptox I am thinking of calling my Recruiting Sergeant or File Manager on Thursday if I haven't heard anything...But it is comforting to know nothing has come out of CFRC Hamilton yet. :salute:
Cui said:
Finally done my first year of university, it feels good to be home.

Congrats to everyone who got the call, indeed it is exciting for everyone to be sharing such great news!

Meanwhile, I enrolled in an online course for the summer, and going to China for 2 weeks in June...

I'm doing everything I can to not think about the possibility of me not being selected for the second time.

Hope more calls come out this week haha

Very envious of your trip! Where in China will you be going?

Summer course? You and I are on the same page! It was about 48 hours after I completed my final exam and I hopped on to see what I could take this summer! I decided not to, since my offer came in, instead I decided I might learn a completely random skill this summer, like knitting a pair of socks.

And congrats on finishing the school year  ;D
matthew1786 said:

Do you know if that is trade specific? I haven't seen anyone receive any engineer related offers yet.  ???

PLease see my post from the 17th. Son accepted for Civil Engineering - Trade -Construction Engineer.. . RMC Kingston
scriptox said:
Thanks for the update dude. Hopefully you, canada94, MKos, and I will hear of some news by the end of the week!

I have recently been told that my elbow injury is a permanent injury, so as of now the military is not an option, I am going to get second opinions from another doctor (or a few if need be).

I am very hopeful everyone who has/ or will be offered positions succeeds, as for myself I am quite heart broken that my life long dream of serving within the Forces is out of reach because of an elbow injury I was essentially born with. However I know that as a person I must grow and do something else with passion.

I did not cancel my file, as I don't want to go see another doctor and hear that he can fix me, however 2 Doctors have already told me my injury is permanent. If I am given an offer.. I don't know what to say/ or do.

Anyways, good luck everyone.
canada94 said:
I have recently been told that my elbow injury is a permanent injury, so as of now the military is not an option, I am going to get second opinions from another doctor (or a few if need be).

I am very hopeful everyone who has/ or will be offered positions succeeds, as for myself I am quite heart broken that my life long dream of serving within the Forces is out of reach because of an elbow injury I was essentially born with. However I know that as a person I must grow and do something else with passion.

I did not cancel my file, as I don't want to go see another doctor and hear that he can fix me, however 2 Doctors have already told me my injury is permanent. If I am given an offer.. I don't know what to say/ or do.

Anyways, good luck everyone.

Sorry to hear Canada....

My best wishes. We all know how heart breaking it is to have something you really want become so much farther out of reach. I hope you are still looking into it and possibly a cure? All of us here are rooting for you, please keep us updated

:salute: :camo:
MKos said:
Sorry to hear Canada....

My best wishes. We all know how heart breaking it is to have something you really want become so much farther out of reach. I hope you are still looking into it and possibly a cure? All of us here are rooting for you, please keep us updated

:salute: :camo:

I will keep everyone informed, and I greatly appreciate you're support. I truly hope I can deal with the injury (Congenital Radial Head Dislocation, for those interested in self research). I was born with it, and never had it detected until I was injured in hockey.

If I get an offer.. I don't know how to deal with it, whether I should accept and see if in the near future I can have treatments that help, or decline and try again.. or of course decline and "give up".
canada94 said:
I have recently been told that my elbow injury is a permanent injury, so as of now the military is not an option, I am going to get second opinions from another doctor (or a few if need be).

I am very hopeful everyone who has/ or will be offered positions succeeds, as for myself I am quite heart broken that my life long dream of serving within the Forces is out of reach because of an elbow injury I was essentially born with. However I know that as a person I must grow and do something else with passion.

I did not cancel my file, as I don't want to go see another doctor and hear that he can fix me, however 2 Doctors have already told me my injury is permanent. If I am given an offer.. I don't know what to say/ or do.

Anyways, good luck everyone.

Very sorry to hear that.

Is there anything structurally wrong with your elbow? Or do you have pain and they aren't sure why?

*edit* Just saw your comment on Congenital Radial Head Dislocation
JoBo said:
Very sorry to hear that.

Is there anything structurally wrong with your elbow? Or do you have pain and they aren't sure why?

I have been told I was born with dislocated elbow's (both, one is not "hurting"), so structurally wrong. It doesn't effect my ROM (range of motion..) however it does in most people, and it usually effects strength in most people, and did not for me until I got hurt in hockey..

I am going to a specialist who is well versed in Congenital Radial Head Dislocations (he has been emailing me) as soon as possible, and hopefully I can get answers that are concrete. Because in all honesty, I am putting a lot of effort into getting into the ROTP program, and it could be put somewhere else if in fact I am not fit enough for military service.
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