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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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How about a subject change to get our minds off "the call".

I was doing some day dreaming today and came to a question. Do graduate studies at RMC require a bachelors from RMC or can anyone with a prerequisite degrees apply?

This is of course far in the future but nothing wrong with planning ahead!
KY-Ottawa said:
How about a subject change to get our minds off "the call".

I was doing some day dreaming today and came to a question. Do graduate studies at RMC require a bachelors from RMC or can anyone with a prerequisite degrees apply?

This is of course far in the future but nothing wrong with planning ahead!

I think so, it's just like any other university, you don't need to do undergrad at that school to do graduate school there.
KY-Ottawa said:
How about a subject change to get our minds off "the call".

I was doing some day dreaming today and came to a question. Do graduate studies at RMC require a bachelors from RMC or can anyone with a prerequisite degrees apply?

This is of course far in the future but nothing wrong with planning ahead!

Are you looking to continue on and do your Masters after? And it's never a bad thing to look ahead!
You can do graduate studies at RMC with a prerequisite degree from RMC or anywhere else.

For breadth of knowledge, it's generally preferred to move between universities for your degrees so that you're exposed to different professors' biases......er, schools of thought...but even that isn't mandatory.

For graduate studies there's a greater tendency to choose based on a specific programme, research facilities, or professor's expertise you'd like to tap into.

JPye said:
Are you looking to continue on and do your Masters after? And it's never a bad thing to look ahead!

That is definitely the plan; to return to school for a Masters in Engineering. At the moment I would like aerospace/nautical, but by that time I may have found a different field. I am a bit older than your average bachelors degree student so RMC wasn't really an option for me this round, but I think I may still get to experience RMC through a masters.

I know that there are opportunities through the CF for returning for a masters, I am just unsure on what a typical timeline would be. I don't imagine it would happen before the end of the first term of service following the bachelor's degree.
KY-Ottawa said:
. . . I am a bit older than your average bachelors degree student so RMC wasn't really an option for me this round, but I think I may still get to experience RMC through a masters.
Although most first years at RMC are 18-19, there are quite a few in their early twenties, and a few who are 24-26, and one I know of who's 30.  That's just first years.
matthew1786 said:
Anyone applying from the province of Quebec receive any news yet?

I know it is hard, but be patient.

I am sure there will be no shortage of time between when one finds out and shares their news with family and friends.

I've just called CFRC Toronto and I've been told that I have been Merit Listed. From other threads I've found out that "Merit list is basically a Ranking list for people at the exact same stage as you." And that the people on the top of the Merit List get called. So, does this mean that my file is still pending or perhaps a polite way of saying I was not selected?
Azaryev_SN said:
I've just called CFRC Toronto and I've been told that I have been Merit Listed. From other threads I've found out that "Merit list is basically a Ranking list for people at the exact same stage as you." And that the people on the top of the Merit List get called. So, does this mean that my file is still pending or perhaps a polite way of saying I was not selected?

I don't believe that the answer you received tells you anything. Being merit listed means that you qualify for the trades you picked. You are still in the waiting boat with the rest of us. Get comfy.
Azaryev_SN said:
I've just called CFRC Toronto and I've been told that I have been Merit Listed. From other threads I've found out that "Merit list is basically a Ranking list for people at the exact same stage as you." And that the people on the top of the Merit List get called. So, does this mean that my file is still pending or perhaps a polite way of saying I was not selected?

Merit Listed means that you have been put on the list that ranks all suitable candidates in a linear fashion. All aspects of your application contribute to a certain score, and your position on said list is based on this score. Number 1 on the list is first to get called, number 2 is second, and so on... There is only one list. They will fill all available positions by going down the list. Example:

Positions available for Pilot: 2
Positions available for InfO: 1
Positions available for ACSO: 1

MERIT LIST: Name (trade 1, trade 2, trade 3)

1. John MacDonald (Pilot, ACSO, -)
2. Pierre Dube (InfO, ACSO, Pilot)
3. Chris Lasterman (InfO, Pilot, -)
4. Jessica Hays (Pilot, ACSO, -)
5. Matthew Smith (Pilot, ACSO, InfO)

John gets offered Pilot, Pierre gets offered InfO, Chris gets offered Pilot, Jessica gets offered ACSO, Matthew does not receive any offers and will advance to phase 2 of selections.

Important: I am under the impression that this is how it works, but I may very well be 100% wrong. Its best if an actual recruiter can confirm any of this.

For ROTP, there are three phases of selection per year where the top candidates on the list are given offers. The first phase has already been complete, and the second will begin during the week of May 14th. The list is dynamic and is always changing as people are always added and removed. So for now, in terms of the process, there is absolutely nothing you can do. Try not to get too excited until the week of May 14th, because it will make the wait even harder to bear!

Also, I do not think that it is possible to inquire about where on the merit list you rank. But, you can ask a recruiter to be sure.
amcanucks1 said:
Anyone out of CFRC Vancouver hear anything?

Congrats to everyone who have recieved their offer!

Good luck to you all.

I'm in Kelowna so I did all of my ROTP application process through Vancouver as well. I haven't heard anything either, but that may simply mean I didn't make first selection. You should give them a call and see what's up. I'm sure their call volume isn't as bad as Ontario's or Quebec's CFRC's.

Good luck to you too.
P.S. Do me a favor and find the Canucks, and beat them all up. They're embarrassing themselves out there!
matthew1786 said:
Anyone applying from the province of Quebec receive any news yet?

Nothing from Quebec (Rimouski) too... I've asked to the recruiter and he said that they started to work on Quebec applicants yesterday.
They got a mail from Ottawa
matthew1786 said:
The first phase has already been complete, and the second will begin during the week of May 14th.

Really? I contacted my recruiting centre and they said they haven't even started calling yet.
scriptox said:
Really? I contacted my recruiting centre and they said they haven't even started calling yet.

In the context of the rest of my post, the selections have already been made; that step is complete. They are still however in the process of distributing the selections across all CFRCs in Canada, and also contacting those applicants that were selected. My recruiter advised that if we do not hear anything by the end of next weak, then that is most likely because you have not been selected and your file will move to phase 2 in May.
Congratulations! Mind sharing what recruiting centre you were with? Definitely some exciting news!
matt912 said:
Accecpted offer for Civi-U in 2012 - Infantry Officer


Seems like Ontario was first to get word. Most people yesterday were also announcing their offers from Ontario CFRCs.
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