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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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So no news before I finish my finals?  :crybaby:

Oh well, I guess the wait will be worth it in the end.
Since i was a child my brother and I have both always wanted to join the Canadian Forces to serve our country. He will be applying for Infantry and I will be applying for Aeronautical Engineering at RMC in September with Pilot as my first trade choice and Infantry officer as my second. My marks in High school were nothing to be shy about. No science or math classes below 91% in grade 11/12. However i didn't feel like i had yet accumulated the appropriate amount of knowledge to make the most out of my education at RMC. So i did a preparation year at Uvic taking Computer Science and general math classes to better perfect the skills i will require.

Physically I have always been very fit due to both my summer job tree planting and my extracurricular activities involving ski racing, baseball, and field lacrosse. Of course I also follow a workout routine involving a minimum  of 8 hours a week.

Currently my major weakness which i plan to work at with full devotion over the following year is my language skill in both English and French. While focusing on my language studies I will also be taking additional preparation classes through http://ocw.mit.edu/index.htm Which i highly recommend to anyone.

Some people tell me I have over prepared by spending 2 years preparing after High School. All i tell them is that In order to be all I can be there will never be to much preparation, I will always be preparing. For the entirety of my life i will always be  striving  to better myself in order to protect my country, friends, family, and peace as best as I can.

The only aspect this leaves me short on in my application is volunteer work. Which I am currently looking at my options.
Do any of you have any suggestions for volunteer work which you found rewarding while offering the possibility of a leadership role?

Getting very excited now though, only one year left of preparation before RMC!!
:salute: :cdn:
Cui said:
So no news before I finish my finals?  :crybaby:

Heading in for my last exam of the year today.... History of Astronomy. Hope yours go well!

JPye said:
Heading in for my last exam of the year today.... History of Astronomy. Hope yours go well!

You are a lucky man, I still have 3 left to go. Criminology on Monday, French on Friday, and History of WWII on Saturday.

It's gonna be a fun week. Hope your exam went well if you wrote it already, if not, good luck!

Cui said:
You are a lucky man, I still have 3 left to go. Criminology on Monday, French on Friday, and History of WWII on Saturday.

It's gonna be a fun week. Hope your exam went well if you wrote it already, if not, good luck!

Since we are discussing exam schedules:

April 17th: Properties of Materials in Electrical Engineering
April 20th: Introduction to Electronics
April 26th: Electromagnetic Fields

Not looking forward to it... at all!  >:D
AndrewDJ2012 said:
Do any of you have any suggestions for volunteer work which you found rewarding while offering the possibility of a leadership role?

In fact I do. and this might help others that might be looking for some extra volunteering experience.

Volunteering with the YMCA in the weight room as a welcoming staff (W.S.), a personal trainer (P.T.) or Chief instructor (C.I.) was and still is an awesome experience. For P.T. or C.I. positions, first you need to get a personal training certificate, which you can obtain through the YMCA, (it takes a year to complete) or through CAN-FIT-PRO (which takes a month around).  the advantages of volunteering as a P.T. instead of a W.S. when you are hired by the YMCA, you will be placed with a co-worker on the gym floor and your volunteering job will be to :

greet the members,
assist the members,
making sure that members are following the rules of the floor,
enforcing the rules of the floor,
solve disputes between members,
seeing that all the equipments and instruments are in proper and functioning order,
seeing that the welcoming staff on the floor are doing their job,
forming all new welcoming staff and personal trainers that will work along side you,
giving personal training sessions while keeping an eye on the floor,
administrating first aid.

So like you can see, it helps you on multitasking, initiative, leadership skills,  people skills, keeping fit and you are giving back to the community in time and assistance. And you might be surprised by how many Regs and Reservists train at the YMCAs.

the minimum hours that they require from a W.S. or P.T. is 3 hrs a week. If you are good and dedicated, they will promote you to Chief Instructor. C.I.'s have more responsibilities than P.T.'s and you will be payed for your hours, but you will need to give a minimum of 5hrs a week and if you want, you can keep your 3hrs of volunteering a week as well.

Hope it helps

And good luck to all in the up coming weeks
Cui said:
You are a lucky man, I still have 3 left to go. Criminology on Monday, French on Friday, and History of WWII on Saturday.

It's gonna be a fun week. Hope your exam went well if you wrote it already, if not, good luck!

It went well! Thanks for the well wishes though.

Your classes sound much more interesting, although after taking this course I am a wonderful repository of UFI.

And.... I'm female  :nod:
JPye said:
It went well! Thanks for the well wishes though. 

Your classes sound much more interesting, although after taking this course I am a wonderful repository of UFI.

And.... I'm female  :nod:

Ooops, sorry about that  ;)

Glad to see that it went well, I used to do Reach for the Top in high school; so I know what it feels like to be a repository of UFI  ;D
Something that my little brother sent to me. I found it very interesting, and thought ya'll like to see it!

Peter van Uhm: Why I chose a gun
gawnewiththewind said:
Something that my little brother sent to me. I found it very interesting, and thought ya'll like to see it!

Peter van Uhm: Why I chose a gun

It has been floating around on here for quite some time now. I'm actually a really big fan of TED talks, and it's a really good talk.
matthew1786 said:
Since we are discussing exam schedules:

April 17th: Properties of Materials in Electrical Engineering
April 20th: Introduction to Electronics
April 26th: Electromagnetic Fields

Not looking forward to it... at all!  >:D

Wow, sounds like an intense exam period for you! I'm sorry if I've missed it in a prior post, but where are you going to school?

Cui: Good luck with the Criminology exam today!

JPye said:
Wow, sounds like an intense exam period for you! I'm sorry if I've missed it in a prior post, but where are you going to school?

Cui: Good luck with the Criminology exam today!

Thanks!  ;D

As well, I think Matthew goes to school in Montreal...
JPye said:
Wow, sounds like an intense exam period for you! I'm sorry if I've missed it in a prior post, but where are you going to school?

Cui: Good luck with the Criminology exam today!

McGill, in Montreal.

matt1994 said:
A new week is here! Hopefully we get some news!

did189 said:

I am recently interested in Royal Military College because of the engineer program they offer.
I haven't attended any universities yet, but
I am going to attend a civilian university this September.
Is it possible to apply to Royal Military College as a transfer student (ROTP) after my first year of a civilian university?
I heard that all new RMC students must attend First Year Orientation Period.
Is that mean I have to start as a first year student in RMC?

Is it possible to transfer from a civilian university to RMC?

Which civilian University do you plan on attending? I guess if you start your schooling elsewhere and end up at RMC one year later, you only have to gain. From what I have seen on youtuve, FYOP seems really fun, so that is a plus!
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