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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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littlewhitebuddha said:
I'd be good at either
I think I could be a good MARS Officer, but I just have so many skills and experiences that would help me excel in the army.
I just think it would make me so much more combat effective.
I want to be an asset.


Seriously, maybe it's just that I misinterpreted the tone of your post, but I have a feeling that the cocky attitude will not help you at BMOQ...
trampbike said:

Seriously, maybe it's just that I misinterpreted the tone of your post, but I have a feeling that the cocky attitude will not help you at BMOQ...

Is he trolling ?  :P
I didn't read his post like that at all haha. 

Obviously we all think that we'll be good at the trade we applied for or we wouldn't have applied for it.

That's essentially a question we're asked in the interview.  How will you help the CF, he just answered it.

Then again I've made mistakes before...
LOLslamball said:
I didn't read his post like that at all haha. 

Obviously we all think that we'll be good at the trade we applied for or we wouldn't have applied for it.

That's essentially a question we're asked in the interview.  How will you help the CF, he just answered it.

Then again I've made mistakes before...

I agree with you! He is just confident, I'm confident to, I think I would make a great Infantry officer! I just need the chance to prove myself ;)
Hey littlewhitebuddha, I've applied to MARS too. May the best man (hopefully both) get in!

As for selections, I heard from my recruiter that the first decisions will be/have been made today. I was told to wait 2-3 weeks.
That's what I have been told too, guess we'll have to wait. I'm confident that a lot of us will hear of the good news soon :D
My my, this is quite thrilling! As all of you probably are, I am very excited as well :) Hopefully we shall all hear good news!

Once again, good luck to all!
I would love if offers came out today and next week, I am really anxious! I don`t even care which job they pick for me or which university, I just want to get in!
Hey Matt, mind if I ask you how you got your application through for INT?

I was told that it wasn't open.
So did anyone get called today? I didn't. I'd be surprised if anyone was called at all!  ::)

Next week we might see some, but don't hold your breathe! Every single recruiter / CF member that I spoke with said early-mid April for the first wave of offers.
matthew1786 said:
So did anyone get called today? I didn't. I'd be surprised if anyone was called at all!  ::)

Next week we might see some, but don't hold your breathe! Every single recruiter / CF member that I spoke with said early-mid April for the first wave of offers.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe this is the first day where those who review the applicants  on the merit list make the final decisions of who is accepted. In the next week or two, this information will likely be passed down to the recruiting staff at you local recruiting centre where their job is to contact you and to make the offer.

This whole process likely takes a long time and is why most people don't receive news of offers until about early/mid April. 
Phoebe said:
Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe this is the first day where those who review the applicants  on the merit list make the final decisions of who is accepted. In the next week or two, this information will likely be passed down to the recruiting staff at you local recruiting centre where their job is to contact you and to make the offer.

This whole process likely takes a long time and is why most people don't receive news of offers until about early/mid April.

I can't correct you, but this definitely seems like a rational and viable timeline to me!
Might ease the tension a bit if we stop speculating and just wait for it to happen when it happens. Focus on other things for a while.

Good luck everyone  :)
My file manager said to me that final decision for the first wave will be made on March 26 and the official date for receive an offer is April 5.
However she said that they never respect this date and she think that the offer will be between April 5 to April 16 (At my CRFC)
Jakinder said:
Hey Matt, mind if I ask you how you got your application through for INT?

I was told that it wasn't open.

They never told me it was closed, I originally picked one that you can't do thru ROTP, so they asked me if I would be interested in INT, so we put that down.

I am recently interested in Royal Military College because of the engineer program they offer.
I haven't attended any universities yet, but
I am going to attend a civilian university this September.
Is it possible to apply to Royal Military College as a transfer student (ROTP) after my first year of a civilian university?
I heard that all new RMC students must attend First Year Orientation Period.
Is that mean I have to start as a first year student in RMC?

Is it possible to transfer from a civilian university to RMC?
Sorry, didn't mean to sound overzealous. I'm just trying to be the best soldier I can possibly be. I'm not a cocky person, but it's true, I am very confident in my abilities, so sometimes people are mistaken. I'd expect that most of us who applied have a similar sense of self confidence, because it's hard to respect someone who doesn't respect themselves.
We did a 2 week course at RMC for all the ROTP students (both RMC and Civvy U) in our year.  When we were there 10 positions opened up from Ocdts dropping out and deciding it wasn't for them and they were trying to fill them because Civvy U is money to be spent where RMS is money that has already been spent.  So maybe you will get the same sort of opportunity in your training.
did189 said:
Is it possible to apply to Royal Military College as a transfer student (ROTP) after my first year of a civilian university?
I heard that all new RMC students must attend First Year Orientation Period.
Is that mean I have to start as a first year student in RMC?

Is it possible to transfer from a civilian university to RMC?

You can apply to the ROTP for a spot at RMC and entry into an academic program.  You will be required to go through FYOP (first year orientation period) and you will likely be considered a first year for the entire year.  It is not uncommon for people to come to RMC having completed a year of studies elsewhere, and many of them spend their first year at RMC as a first year, for all intents and purposes.

You will fill out a PLAR (Prior Learning Assessment R.......Review? I don't remember what R stands for, but they assess your previous education) and you may receive credits for courses you have taken already.  In that case, you may have the opportunity to take later-year courses while you're in your first year and decompress your schedule, which would be very valuable for an engineering student.  Or you might just have an easy first year.  Some times people are also bumped from 2nd to 3rd year, essentially skipping their 2nd year.

Bear in mind RMC will not necessarily recognize all of your credits so you could be taking courses that you've already taken, or you may have the opportunity to write a challenge exam and earn the credit that way.

Either way, you'll be a first year from a military and RMC perspective, so you'll be doing FYOP.

Good luck.  Apply in September-October, as early as they'll let you.
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