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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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Millerov said:
Ahh ok. Thanks for clarifying and providing a link! Much appreciated. Would it make any difference if the program you would like to take isn't offered at RMC?

The way it was explained to me would suggest no.  You list your choices of academic institution along with your choices of program at each institution.  I did not even include RMC in my options, but I will be attending RMC Kingston this fall.

When I spoke with my file manager about it, he indicated that the types of people who were actually receiving Civi U offers were currently enrolled students (doesn't make sense to pull them out of the middle of their degrees) or those people who required programs that RMC didn't offer- ie. nursing.  Nurses must study nursing, and as I understand it, nursing is not offered at RMC.

Good luck though- the recruiting climate it not always the same, and there was a time when a lot of Civ U offers went out.  Of course, that was also when a lot of offers in general went out, which doesn't seem to be the case these days.
Intercepted said:
I realize that becoming a pilot is extremely competitive and most people who get in have been working towards that since they were little.

There are some Pilots in the CF who got their private pilots licences when they were 16, prior to receiving a drivers licence, and have years of cadet experience.  There are others who have never sat in the pilot seat of an airplane until their Primary Flight Training in the military.  Although there may be a slight advantage for people with prior flying experience, many of those people don't make it through the selection either.  Just because you haven't lived and breathed aviation since you were young doesn't put you at enough of a disadvantage (if at all)... Just go for it and give it a try.
So I applied to the ROTP program last year (while in 1st year Aerospace Engineering at Carleton University) as Pilot,Aerospace Engineering Officer and Air Navigator. Unfortunately they ran out of room at the Air Crew Selection Centre for my pilot option. So I am applying again this year ASAP around September. My question is that I have heard in these threads that if I put ANAV and pilot, they offer you ANAV over pilot (even if you pass air crew selection). I have already taken the ANAV test and passed. So what are people's opinion/ personal experience on this?
I don't think Intercepted was specifically talking about flying experience of even aviation in general, although I can't speak on his behalf. The way I interpreted what he said was that most people who get accepted as pilots are generally driven and motivated people, who excel in many areas (as are most people who get accepted into the CF) and are usually people who have had their sights set on getting wings in the CF for a while. I may be wrong though, it wouldn't be the first time.
amayzer said:
Congrats on the decision milley, its good to hear from you.

So do you plan to continue your education under ROTP at the University of Waterloo?

My apologies on the late response. I hope to, considering this program is offered at UW in all of Canada, however if they would rather put my into a more Navy-like program I suppose I would give it some serious consideration. However, this program is just as good at the typical Mechanical, Electrical etc. Engineerings which they offer at RMC. Systems is a mix of the typical disciplines, plus a large component of Design. I have talked to several alumni that have graduated from this program and become officers in the CF in various positions. I'm hoping to make it down to the Centre this week to discuss with a Recruiter.
I can tell you that isn't true, jathukor. If you put down Pilot as #1 and Air Combat Systems Officer as #2 (what I assume you are referring to as AirNav), and you get offered a position for ACSO, then that is because you didn't make the cut for Pilot, and you did make the cut for ACSO. If you didn't put down ACSO, you still wouldn't make the cut for Pilot. What I was told is that they look at your first choice ONLY, see if you are suitable or not, and if you make the cut. If you don't, then they will start to look at your second and third choices.

I was worried (VERY worried) about the same thing. But that was pointless in the end. On my application I applied for Pilot, Engineering Officer, ACSO, in that order. I was offered Pilot. Engineering Officer was an in-demand trade when I applied.

The best thing you can do to ensure you get the job you want is beef up your application. If the ONLY job you are willing to work is Pilot, then don't put anything else down. If you want a job in the CF, and you are willing to do something other than Pilot, then put whatever else you are willing to do on your application. If you don't make the cut for Pilot, then at least you have a chance of being offered something else.
pudd13 said:
The best thing you can do to ensure you get the job you want is beef up your application. If the ONLY job you are willing to work is Pilot, then don't put anything else down. If you want a job in the CF, and you are willing to do something other than Pilot, then put whatever else you are willing to do on your application. If you don't make the cut for Pilot, then at least you have a chance of being offered something else.

What sort of things would beef up your application/resume if you are applying for a pilot?

jwtg said:
The way it was explained to me would suggest no.  You list your choices of academic institution along with your choices of program at each institution.  I did not even include RMC in my options, but I will be attending RMC Kingston this fall.

I see. Thanks for the info!
Millerov said:
What sort of things would beef up your application/resume if you are applying for a pilot?

What will help you beef up your application if you are applying for Pilot are the same things that will help you beef up your application for any trade you are applying for in the CF, and especially through ROTP. In short, be the very best you can be in every aspect you can think of, and don't ever be satisfied with mediocrity. You know what your own weaknesses are, so start by improving those. It is impossible to know what is "good enough" because it changes every year. You will be stacked up against the other people that are applying, not to some rubric where they say "yup he makes the cut for pilot, so we'll give him a job." You need to make the cut, as well as beat out all the other people who also make the cut. (By "making the cut," I mean having passed the CFAT, medical, interview, Aircrew Selection, and Aircrew medical). Never stop improving yourself! Every small little thing counts. Work harder at school, play more team sports, and do more volunteering. The CF will never tell you that your application is too good, or that you have prepared too much. However, they may tell you that you didn't do enough to be competitive. You are in control of it, so if this is your dream, then pull out all the stops to accomplish it. That applies for any job that anyone is applying for in the CF.
Makes complete sense. Thanks for the info!

pudd13 said:
You are in control of it, so if this is your dream, then pull out all the stops to accomplish it. That applies for any job that anyone is applying for in the CF.

I'll try my best! I've played on a lot of sports teams and have at least 40 hours of community service. Always room for improvement though!
i am currently in grade 12 and was unsure about what i wanted to do after school. I finally decided to pursue my childhood dream of the military but it was too late to apply to RMC, so for this reason i will be staying back for a fifth year of high school. will this affect my likeliness of getting accepted? my grades range widely but my top six U courses are all in the 80's. i have played hockey 10 years, football 4, rugby 2 and soccer one. i have voluntarily worked in orphanages in both the Phillipines and Ukraine and this summer and next year i plan on taking French courses. I would like to study history and be an infantry officer.

What are my chances of getting in? what can i do to improve them? and would joining the reserves this summer help my chances?
milley said:
My apologies on the late response. I hope to, considering this program is offered at UW in all of Canada, however if they would rather put my into a more Navy-like program I suppose I would give it some serious consideration. However, this program is just as good at the typical Mechanical, Electrical etc. Engineerings which they offer at RMC. Systems is a mix of the typical disciplines, plus a large component of Design. I have talked to several alumni that have graduated from this program and become officers in the CF in various positions. I'm hoping to make it down to the Centre this week to discuss with a Recruiter.

No problem. I guess it does make sense to continue at UW if you already go there. Good idea talking to the recruiter, hope that goes well.

Chanbomb11 said:
]What are my chances of getting in? what can i do to improve them? and would joining the reserves this summer help my chances?

Well I cant say i know much about your chances, it's all about how you stack up against the other applicants.
As for improving your chances pudd13's post was great, more volunteering, sports, anything that can improve your application.
Regarding the reserves; from what I've heard military experience is valued but I dont know if it would be too late to join the reserves, maybe someone else has more insight?

It might be good to share what everyone is planning on doing this summer to improve their application/prepare for the selection process.

Personally, I'm planning on working a fair bit, volunteering at a local Day Camp for a week or two, and playing hockey.
I also plan on reading up more about the CF and the application process and working out and running to stay in shape.
I would like volunteer some more and I plan on looking into that.
At the moment though I just want to finish exams for this year aha. Although thinking about applying so soon is great motivation for studying!
Chanbomb11 said:
i am currently in grade 12 and was unsure about what i wanted to do after school. I finally decided to pursue my childhood dream of the military but it was too late to apply to RMC, so for this reason i will be staying back for a fifth year of high school. will this affect my likeliness of getting accepted? my grades range widely but my top six U courses are all in the 80's. i have played hockey 10 years, football 4, rugby 2 and soccer one. i have voluntarily worked in orphanages in both the Phillipines and Ukraine and this summer and next year i plan on taking French courses. I would like to study history and be an infantry officer.

What are my chances of getting in? what can i do to improve them? and would joining the reserves this summer help my chances?

Please pay more attention in English class.  Your writing skills are woefully lacking.  If you can not communicate here, you will not be able to communicate at RMC, nor in the CF.  The end result will be FAILURE. 

As for joining the Reserves this summer; you are too late.  You should have thought of that last Fall.
amayzer said:
No problem. I guess it does make sense to continue at UW if you already go there. Good idea talking to the recruiter, hope that goes well.

Well, I went in today and my degree is the only Engineering degree that isn't accepted for MS ENG by the Forces.
I'm kind of extremely frustrated, and now have to decide on whether to change my program (degree), whether to switch schools and degrees, or to just give up and work at a civilian job. Major sigh ...
milley said:
Well, I went in today and my degree is the only Engineering degree that isn't accepted for MS ENG by the Forces.
I'm kind of extremely frustrated, and now have to decide on whether to change my program (degree), whether to switch schools and degrees, or to just give up and work at a civilian job. Major sigh ...

Damn, thats unfortunate. Good thing you went in now as opposed to later; now atleast you have some time to mull it over.
I plan on applying for Infantry, Armoured and Artillery.

The plan is to apply at these two civi universities; Brock or Mount Allison, however RMC will be my third pick. I am so excited and although I am in grade 11

I took 2 grade 12 classes last year and I finished with a solid 90%, which was extremely motivational for me as I have never pushed myself academically

that hard!

PS: Is anyone else who is applying from around the Niagara region?
Is it possible for someone who has applied for pilot (choice 1) , AERE (choice 2) and ACSO (choice 3), to be offered choice 2 or 3 even if they passes air crew selection for pilot?

and also... What is the air crew selection medical process. I have tried to find information about the medical process but haven't had any luck. Is it like a physical fitness examination or more of a thing to determine if you would fit inside a cockpit.

Simple answer, yes.
There's more candidates that pass ASC than there are available slots for Pilot. I passed the ACSO Exam and was offered my 3rd choice as AEC instead. Happens all the time.
jathukor said:
and also... What is the air crew selection medical process. I have tried to find information about the medical process but haven't had any luck. Is it like a physical fitness examination or more of a thing to determine if you would fit inside a cockpit.


It's both, but primarily a physical fitness evaluation.  Additional vision tests, lung function tests and a heart ultrasound are the biggest checks that I recall, then a doctor gives you a once over and final thumbs up or down.  That takes most of the time.  The measurement portion just takes a couple of minutes, but you have to be able to fit in a certain number of aircraft in order to pass.
I will be applying as soon as possible in Sept too. I was too late this year to get my application in, so hopefully this year around! I am going for an engineering degree at RMC, looking to go for Marine Surface and Sub-Surface, Naval Combat Systems Engineering, or Marine Systems Engineering. Right now, I'm just doing several distance ed courses to improve grades, working out (those pushups get me every time!), and volunteering in any spare time :P I graduated this June, so I'm intending to spend 2011 prepping for selection. I am so glad I found this site, there's SO much info, I don't even know where to start :D
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