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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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Anyone hearing of last minute selections for RMC? I was recently told there were still a few spots left, and depending on people declining their offers, more could open up. I am still on the competition list and haven't been told "no" so still hopeful.
canuck2017 said:
Anyone hearing of last minute selections for RMC? I was recently told there were still a few spots left, and depending on people declining their offers, more could open up. I am still on the competition list and haven't been told "no" so still hopeful.

Remember that everyone has 10 days to accept or decline their offer. That means that within 10 or so days of the final selection they will know how many positions they have left and likely make more selections soon after.
canuck2017 said:
Anyone hearing of last minute selections for RMC? I was recently told there were still a few spots left, and depending on people declining their offers, more could open up. I am still on the competition list and haven't been told "no" so still hopeful.

I just got an offer today for Artillery Officer. Not sure if this'll help, but just letting you know they're still doing offers. When I called my recruiter last week, he said there is another selection at the end of June (for Infantry and Artillery, at least). Hope this helps!
I got my offer yesterday and couldn't be happier.
I was accepted to RMC St-Jean for 4 years, which I am wondering if this means that I will be there for the first year only and then be moved to Kingston for the 3 subsequent years? Is it possible to stay in St-Jean for 4 years?
Question regarding ROTP timelines; After the "application date" some transcripts need to be uploaded to the RMC. How long does it normally take to review these transcripts and get first contact? I took a trawl through this thread but most posters aren't specifying if they are ROTP/DEO.

Additionally, since ROTP deadline isn't technically until Jan 31 2018, do applicants have to wait until around then to write their CFAT? Or would I be proceeding with a 'normal' CFAT timeline?
Question regarding application process times and ROTP; after sending in my application, I have to send in additional transcripts to be evaluated by RMC. Once my transcripts have been uploaded, how long should I expect to wait before I receive first contact from a recruitment centre (assuming my grade are up to par)?

I trawled through this thread but most posters don't specify if they are ROTP/DEO. Thanks.

Edit; oops, posted this to another thread earlier today but completely forgot I made that post. My bad (would still appreciate feedback though)
akm said:
Question regarding application process times and ROTP; after sending in my application, I have to send in additional transcripts to be evaluated by RMC. Once my transcripts have been uploaded, how long should I expect to wait before I receive first contact from a recruitment centre (assuming my grade are up to par)?

Consider yourself responsible for your own application, a week after sending the transcript, call the RC or visit them in person and ask for an update and to book your CFAT(If RMC applicants do this), if they say its not ready do it again in 2 weeks or so, and do that for every stage of your application. They have alot of files so if you want to keep your process moving along you need to push it a bit where you can.

I am a recently finished grade 11 Nova Scotia student well interested in the CAF. I have read a ton on this website and it has helped me very much (such as whether to go to RMC or Civie U). I've been to the recruiting office and they said to apply between September to December as the best times. I was wondering if I could start the application process now instead of having to wait until September. I have my transcripts for my grade 10 and 11 years in case I can. So far I have not found any topics on this matter on this website. Has anyone ever applied the summer before the grade 12 year? Feedback would be appreciated.

yannicklaberge said:
So far I have not found any topics on this matter on this website.

When to apply to RMC

When to apply to ROTP

yannicklaberge said:
I've been to the recruiting office and they said to apply between September to December as the best times.

See also,

ROTP after High School Questions 
9 pages.

As always,  Recruiting is your most trusted source of information.
I'm wondering if someone could tell me what the schedule is between first and second year at RMC.  I understand we do BMOQ mod 2, but is there a "holiday" right after exams or is it straight to St. Jean?  Perhaps there is a break after BMOQ Mod 2 before we head back to RMC?  I'm trying to arrange a trip to Vimy with my family so it would help with long range planning to know when I might be able to swing it.

Great day today! Found out I was selected for Signals officer for the ROTP 2017 selection! Super pumped to attend my local university (U of A) and yet get paid :D
montoya said:
I'm wondering if someone could tell me what the schedule is between first and second year at RMC.  I understand we do BMOQ mod 2, but is there a "holiday" right after exams or is it straight to St. Jean?  Perhaps there is a break after BMOQ Mod 2 before we head back to RMC?  I'm trying to arrange a trip to Vimy with my family so it would help with long range planning to know when I might be able to swing it.


For my summer of first year, I went to BMOQ Mod 2, had a week off had a 5 week SLT course, then had another week off, then in clearance at the school. If you have the appropriate French profile you get leave from the end of BMOQ to the start of the academic year. IF you fail BMOQ or you are hurt/on TCAT, you do a 9 week OJE in Kingston then leave until academic year.
montoya said:
I'm wondering if someone could tell me what the schedule is between first and second year at RMC.  I understand we do BMOQ mod 2, but is there a "holiday" right after exams or is it straight to St. Jean?  Perhaps there is a break after BMOQ Mod 2 before we head back to RMC?  I'm trying to arrange a trip to Vimy with my family so it would help with long range planning to know when I might be able to swing it.


To build on what JackMerridrew said, there's too many factors to accurately say when Mod 2 of BMOQ will end for you. We're not released for summer training, be it BMOQ, SLT, or any other course, OJE/OJT until mid May. We have one week of trade specific training, and then another two of "marching up and down the square" in preparation for Grad Parade / Sunset after exams. Typically they'd send you to Mod 2 directly after, or within a week or two of this period ending, however I do know others who started approximately a month later due to other circumstances. Probably, the most reliable period that we have off would be reading week in February; I'd say this is the most popular time for OUTCAN travel for us OCdts. The good news is that these dates are usually posted well in advance, you'll just have to find the academic calendar for the year.

Hello, I just joined the site and have been searching through it for a couple of hours now and had a few questions about joining a RMC to get a degree in aeronautical engineering and hopefully end up work in the airforce as a pilot.

1: I have asthma but haven't had an attack since I was 4, ever since I rarely like 1 time a year take a puff of my medication as a precaution, it never is that bad. So my question is how big of a problem would this be in my enrollment process. From what I see the best thing to do is to have my doctor clear me of my asthma?
2: I am allergic to animals and have hay fever, would this be a problem?
3: I currently wear contact lenses with a  prescription of -3 and -2.75, if I got laser corrective surgery would that pose a problem.
4: What do they take into account when applying for a pilot academic wise.

I know im just another person hoping to be a pilot in the air force one day but I would appreciate if anyone could answer my questions and give me any advice, thanks :D.
TheMailSquirrel said:
1: I have asthma but haven't had an attack since I was 4, ever since I rarely like 1 time a year take a puff of my medication as a

Asthma & the CF (merged thread)
17 pages.

TheMailSquirrel said:
2: I am allergic to animals and have hay fever, would this be a problem?

Allergies in the CF 
13 pages.

TheMailSquirrel said:
3: I currently wear contact lenses with a  prescription of -3 and -2.75, if I got laser corrective surgery would that pose a problem.

Vision Questions Megathread, Categories, Problems etc.
31 pages.

All things LASIK surgery (aircrew/other -- merged)
22 pages.

The CF policy on laser eye surgery for Pilots? Unfair?
3 pages.

TheMailSquirrel said:
4: What do they take into account when applying for a pilot academic wise.

The "So You Want To Be A Pilot" Merged Thread 
55 pages.


As always,  Recruiting is your most trusted source of up to date information.
mariomike said:
Asthma & the CF (merged thread)
17 pages.

Allergies in the CF 
13 pages.

Vision Questions Megathread, Categories, Problems etc.
31 pages.

All things LASIK surgery (aircrew/other -- merged)
22 pages.

The CF policy on laser eye surgery for Pilots? Unfair?
3 pages.

The "So You Want To Be A Pilot" Merged Thread 
55 pages.


As always,  Recruiting is your most trusted source of up to date information.

Hello everyone,

Background history: I experienced a loss in family that led me to a big spiral, resulting in dropping in my 2nd year of uni.

I wanted to join the military and have taken a year off since dropping out, I've been working and volunteering since. I know now that i want to continue my studies and am determined more than before.

I did alright in first year but the year after was very bad, so my question is: Should i mention that I went to university and that i dropped out (even though this will hinder my ability to get into ROTP) or should I apply with only my highschool grades?

TheHaddadz said:
Hello everyone,

Background history: I experienced a loss in family that led me to a big spiral, resulting in dropping in my 2nd year of uni.

I wanted to join the military and have taken a year off since dropping out, I've been working and volunteering since. I know now that i want to continue my studies and am determined more than before.

I did alright in first year but the year after was very bad, so my question is: Should i mention that I went to university and that i dropped out (even though this will hinder my ability to get into ROTP) or should I apply with only my highschool grades?


I would recommend full disclosure. If you don't disclose it, and they find out...it will look like you have no integrity. Don't start off your possible career by lying or hiding things from the people offering you said career...doesn't look good..at all.

Edit: Especially if you're trying to get into a position of leadership...
Hi, I have dutifully searched this thread and haven't found the answer to this.

My kid is interested in doing an undergraduate degree via the ROTP (3-4 years), followed by law school (3 yrs). I've read the replies about scholarships, etc. He is highly motivated to get the law degree and doesn't want to just wait and hope he gets some kind of extraordinary scholarship (but is an A+ student, so it's not impossible). So his question is this:

Can someone complete an undergraduate degree via the ROTP, take a leave/deferral to complete law school (at his own expense), and THEN begin his required years of service?
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