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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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okk so if i well understood, i might be called in the next weeks...because my file has been sent since the middle of february...so if i'm chosen, i could call the recruiting center tomorrow and ask if i'm taken to rmc?
steven18 said:
okk so if i well understood, i might be called in the next weeks...because my file has been sent since the middle of february...so if i'm chosen, i could call the recruiting center tomorrow and ask if i'm taken to rmc?

Well you could but don't be surprised when they say don't know.

if i'm taken to rmc?

Is that some sort of abduction issue?
steven18 said:
hmm what do you mean in "Is that some sort of abduction issue?"

Oh I get it. It is some horrible attempt with poor English skills to actually say "If I am selected for RMC".
lolll yeah it's what i wanted to say...yes im quebecer! loll...but i wrote that very quickly i didn't think hahaha...in fact you know sylvain cloutier? he's my friend :P
Well then my apologies as I thought that English may have been your first official language.  Good job then. ;D
loll don't worry! :salute: and thanks for all your information all i have to do now is waiting... :boring:
I didn't say that marks are the only thing they look at. It's important to know that marks is the first thing they look at then they look at the rest. If you are well-rounded then your HIGH marks will go a long way, otherwise good luck because you get less study time at RMC than at civvy U, which translates into a lot of dissapointed students and high stress levels.

What about this new IAP/BOTP/FYOP talk? Did they change the way the course is given or something?
Wookilar said:
Yes, parades do suck on occasion. Mandatory functions also suck (I don't have to worry about room inspections, though).

The room inspections and such make UTPNCM and ROTP cadet QUITE DIFFERENT.
After driving back and forth from timmins to Sudbury for the second time, all I have to do now is hand in a medical sheet filled out by my family doctor to the recruiting center. I should get it faxed out by monday mroning. I was just wondering, how long does it take for them to declare you medically fit or unfit so I can get my fitness over with?
Allie said:
After driving back and forth from timmins to Sudbury for the second time, all I have to do now is hand in a medical sheet filled out by my family doctor to the recruiting center. I should get it faxed out by monday mroning. I was just wondering, how long does it take for them to declare you medically fit or unfit so I can get my fitness over with?

If an applicant has to provide additional medical information it can take longer than the usual 3-6 weeks but then again that all depends what the information was in regards to.
It dosen't take too long for the medical to get done. Depending on your medical fitness it could take as little as 3 weeks.
RMC room inspections aren't difficult. Real military inspections are MUCH harder, I'm sure the NCOs can agree with that. The NCOs must think RMC is not the real military life but don't worry, we are learning. We learn new things every day and when we graduate we will be ready for real military life.
Actually, I don't think inspections make me a better officier at all.  I don't think it's part of the real life eighter...  Personnaly, I'd rather have time to study or go to the gym.  That would be some well invested time.  An inspection doesn't prove/bring anything good.  THe only reason why they do this at RMC is that because people are too lazy to dust off their room or clean up once in a while.  It becomes hygiene issues. 

I'm new to this forum btw a little about me :

I'm a IV year at RMC, 2 Squadron (55 DTG yeah)
I study Mech Eng (popular combination, PLT and Mech Eng)
Je suis français
I've done 2 OJTs in Bagotville (around 50 hrs backseating in the Hornet)
I've done PFT in 2004 (PFT 0402)
I'm posted to 402 Sqn (Dash 8, Winnipeg) for a 1.5 years OJT
I live off-campus, with my wife (yup, that's possible!)

Any questions about virtually anything at RMC or about the Pilot Training, I'll make my best to answer or find the answers for you.  A lot of my friends have gone through Moose Jaw / Cold Lake (Fighters) / Portage (Helos and Multi).  Some of them are instructors at Moose Jaw so I can have most of the answers to your questions.  For RMC related questions well I've been there 4 years... Long enough to know everything about this 1 km square piece of land...

The inspections, the dress inspections, dress code at the CDH, etc., etc. are no different from any other course or barracks anywhere. The reason for them is very simple (and two-fold):
1) You (us) are expected to maintain a certain standard that is above normal (i.e. civy life). Whether you believe it or not, you do represent the CF at all times (as for as the public is concerned);and,
2) Some people are extremely lazy and are filthy slobs. If left to their own devices, most people in the shacks would be sick due to the personal non-hygiene habits of a few individuals.

If you can't keep yourself in order (and your room) in garrison, how are you going to be able to do it in the field/ on ship/ or in the Hilton (for you Air Force types  :P).
I'm also an RMC applicant this year, I've seen it posted a few times that it's important to apply EARLY, I went to CFRC Ottawa (I'm from Ottawa, btw) early September and the recruiting officer told me they wouldn't have the application packages in until a bit later, like, November later.  If I remember correctly I got my application in early January (I'm applying for Pilot, so I thank you for any time you may spend discussing with me Max), so far I've done (and passed, I guess) the aptitude test, the medical, the aircrew medical (stage 1?) as well as aircrew visual, the interview (the day I got back from my 7 day grad trip, thank god for Contact C) and the fitness test (3 days ago to be exact), I'm booked for CFASC in Trenton April 10th through 12th and if I pass that I will be booked for the medical segment in Toronto (they couldn't put it all in one week due to Easter).  I was wondering, how exactly is the CFASC, and is it difficult to pass?  Also, life at RMC, if I've got a car, is it worth switching it over to first person insurance and taking it with me, or do I have sufficient free time (first year), would it be better to leave it with my parents?  If I do bring it, where do I park/is it free, do I need special permission to leave the base/RMC grounds? And finally, this one is a bit further down the line, after I get my degree (assuming everything goes well, I'm also applying for Mech Eng. and Pilot) and do the basic flight training, when selected for specialisation (Rotary Wing, Multi Engine or Jet Engine) does the individual get to choose, is he given the choice and they consider, or is he simply told where he is posted based on who they feel they need where (they being the people in charge of that segment of training/qualification)?

Thank you for any and all help on this topic, comments, criticism (it helps) and/or questions are also appreciated.
                                                                                                                            Sheldon Roy
Hi, Sheldon.  Some of your questions are answered here :  http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/16749.45.html

Having a car at RMC is allowed. There is a free parking on site but it's about 800 meters from the barracks.  As a first year, you are allowed 8 days a month to leave the college grounds and you need a leave pass if you go farther than a certain distance from Kingston. 

On BFT, you get to give your choices for your prefered stream.  (Jets, Multi of Helos)  Usually, the top candiate of a serial gets his choice if the stream offers a slot on the course.  I've seen courses with 100% helos at the end... The people out there are going to try to give you your choices but they have to fulfill CF requirements.  Also, if you want jets, you have to be in the 1st or 2nd third of you serial. 

Again, any questions, don't be afraid to ask me.

Awesome, thank you for the information.  It's been my goal to fly jets since I'm 8 or so, about 10 years now, and I'm still strong on about it.  Also, 800 meters isn't too bad, I can jog that in full clothing on a hot day without breaking a sweat  ;D .  But my parents are divorced, my father lives in Sudbury and I currently live with my mom here in Ottawa, would those require passes (most likely eh?) and are passes difficult to obtain?  Also, only 8 days a month to actually leave college grounds, is there a lot to do, or many facilities on the grounds (socially)?  How does visiting on the base (grounds) as far as family and friends go?  And after first year, how does it change for leaving the grounds and such?  (It's a family visiting thing, I'd be alright with the 4 month visit or so, but I've gotta do one for my dad and one for my mom or tensions arise, they're hoping for a little more often than that.)
SupersonicMax said:
On BFT, you get to give your choices for your prefered stream.  (Jets, Multi of Helos)  Usually, the top candiate of a serial gets his choice if the stream offers a slot on the course.  I've seen courses with 100% helos at the end... The people out there are going to try to give you your choices but they have to fulfill CF requirements.  Also, if you want jets, you have to be in the 1st or 2nd third of you serial. 

You're basing this on experience? You haven't even been to Moose Jaw yet so how have you "seen" courses with all helo slots?

I was in Moose Jaw from Nov 2002 until the beginning of Oct 2003 and there wasn't a single course that went all helo while I was there nor did I ever hear of one going all helo. Every course while I was there had at least two jet slots and approx 50% went helo, the remainder went multi.

Moose Jaw is all timing, the course after mine had two jet slots but only one guy wanted them, so the slot was given to someone from a previous course that was in the right place at the right time.

No one on my course got their 3rd choice.
I'll echo what Inch has said, and add that there was a course fairly recently that had five jet slots out of (I think) ten students. Just goes to show that you really can't predict anything when it comes to MJ.
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