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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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TTB4570 said:
North bay, My local recruiting center or RMC. (I have sent 2 emails to north bay asking if any word has reached them from RMC, Spaced around 2 weeks apart, but had no response to those emails as well.)

Yeah I'm on the same boat my local CFRC just before the christmas break told me to call North Bay after the leave was over
Listen up all future RMC grads and listen clearly, RMC/Military in general is painfully slow at processing your applications.  When I applied for ROTP thru RMC I was accepted to a number of other universities as well.  I waited around for months to hear if I had been accepted into RMC, meanwhile I had other universities knocking on the door telling me I had been accepted and wanting to know if I would attend or not.  I was about a week away from replying to Mount Allison in NB saying I would go there when I finally got a call from my recruiting center telling me I had been accepted.  I applied in November and was only told I was accepted into the program around end of May/early June so you do the math. 

One more thing, this is the military you are dealing with, not some civilian university that only wants your money.  RMC/ROTP gets a tonne of applications every year, far more applications then the available spots in the program.  With this being said, understand that the military doesn't need you, it's up to you to convince the recruiters otherwise.  Be patient and work with the recruiters and if you want it bad enough you will get in.  :salute:

RoyalDrew said:
Listen up all future RMC grads and listen clearly, RMC/Military in general is painfully slow at processing your applications.  When I applied for ROTP thru RMC I was accepted to a number of other universities as well.  I waited around for months to hear if I had been accepted into RMC, meanwhile I had other universities knocking on the door telling me I had been accepted and wanting to know if I would attend or not.  I was about a week away from replying to Mount Allison in NB saying I would go there when I finally got a call from my recruiting center telling me I had been accepted.  I applied in November and was only told I was accepted into the program around end of May/early June so you do the math. 

I think most of us (or at least those of us who did our homework) understand that this takes a long time and patience is virtue, but my problem is it seems people who applied AFTER me got their interviews and medicals done BEFORE me and I have no idea what that means if it means anything ???
Sinha said:
I think most of us (or at least those of us who did our homework) understand that this takes a long time and patience is virtue, but my problem is it seems people who applied AFTER me got their interviews and medicals done BEFORE me and I have no idea what that means if it means anything ???

Are you under the impression that the date that you submitted an application is the governing factor to acceptance to RMC?  If so, you are wrong.  It is an application process where the "Best qualified" candidates will be selected from those submitted before the cut-off date. 
Sinha said:
I think most of us (or at least those of us who did our homework) understand that this takes a long time and patience is virtue, but my problem is it seems people who applied AFTER me got their interviews and medicals done BEFORE me and I have no idea what that means if it means anything ???

I wouldn't read into it too much... ps, just because they did their medical and interviews doesn't mean they actually got accepted  ;)
TTB4570 said:
Question to anyone with information relevant to this issue:
What is the general turn-around time from RMC after one has submitted their Academic questionnaire and transcript? and, Is there anyway I can contact RMC directly?
I am asking this because i sent my AQ and transcript to RMC around early mid-November and after receiving an auto E-mail stating that they have received the aforementioned, I have received zero communication from: North bay, My local recruiting center or RMC. (I have sent 2 emails to north bay asking if any word has reached them from RMC, Spaced around 2 weeks apart, but had no response to those emails as well.)
Can anyone assist me? as you can imagine, this is kinda worrying for me.
Thank you for your time.

From the time you "upload" your documents to the RMC Portal, to the time your local CFRC is notified that you have been found "suitable" for the ROTP program, is running at 45-60 days, give or take.

If your application is currently held at your local CFRC, they can commence your processing at their discretion without having received the academic assessment indicating suitability.
Hello everyone, I am new to this website and had a few questions to share. I recently applied  for the Regular Officer Program under the Air Force category around late November 2013 and received an email from the RMC to complete my questionnaire. I completed the form and sent my transcripts of my high school and college on December 2nd 2013.

Would anyone please let me know how long will the application process take or to get a reply from RMC regarding if I am accepted or rejected. I am aware that it was holidays but the curiosity is growing on to me. Regardless if I got accepted or rejected would it still be possible to apply in the NCM field if I did not get into the officer position? Also would the RMC send a reply or notify me if I were rejected

I would appreciate if someone could let me know. Thanks!
thom0944, I merged your topic with this one as DAA has provided the most recent (reliable) information in regards to your query.

Hatchet Man
Milnet.ca Staff
DAA said:
From the time you "upload" your documents to the RMC Portal, to the time your local CFRC is notified that you have been found "suitable" for the ROTP program, is running at 45-60 days, give or take.

If your application is currently held at your local CFRC, they can commence your processing at their discretion without having received the academic assessment indicating suitability.

Does this mean that since my RMC application is still processing I can go to my local CFRC and continue with step 2 of the application? Please correct me if I type anything wrong but the last time I went to my local CFRC the recruiter said that the next step of the application can only be done once the RMC decides if I am eligible or not to get in.

To put things short, since I have submitted my RMC questionnaire can I hand in the second part of the application to my local CFRC including birth certificate, etc. and book an appointment for the aptitude test? Or do I need to wait to receive an email stating to to book an appointment?

RMC application sent: Dec 2, 2013

thom0944 said:
Does this mean that since my RMC application is still processing I can go to my local CFRC and continue with step 2 of the application? Please correct me if I type anything wrong but the last time I went to my local CFRC the recruiter said that the next step of the application can only be done once the RMC decides if I am eligible or not to get in.

To put things short, since I have submitted my RMC questionnaire can I hand in the second part of the application to my local CFRC including birth certificate, etc. and book an appointment for the aptitude test? Or do I need to wait to receive an email stating to to book an appointment?

RMC application sent: Dec 2, 2013


Seeing as you only submitted your documents on 2 Dec 13, give it until around 17 Jan 14.  If you have not received any notification by then, I would suggest you get back in touch with your local CFRC and press the matter.

The turn-around time is starting to shorten itself up and I believe is now in the 30 day range, give or take.  Regretably, it is a slow and painful process.


If you applied for ROTP prior to 1 Nov 13, uploaded your documents to the RMC Portal and have not heard anything since, you need to start asking questions NOW!!!!!
DAA said:
Seeing as you only submitted your documents on 2 Dec 13, give it until around 17 Jan 14.  If you have not received any notification by then, I would suggest you get back in touch with your local CFRC and press the matter.

The turn-around time is starting to shorten itself up and I believe is now in the 30 day range, give or take.  Regretably, it is a slow and painful process.

Thank you for the quick reply! Also one more question regarding the RMC application. If by any chance I did not get accepted into the RMC could I still apply as a NCM and continue on with the application process i.e- reliability screening, aptitude test, etc.

Like you mentioned I will wait until the 14th of Jan and if I won't get any notification I shall contact my local CFRC. 
thom0944 said:
Thank you for the quick reply! Also one more question regarding the RMC application. If by any chance I did not get accepted into the RMC could I still apply as a NCM and continue on with the application process i.e- reliability screening, aptitude test, etc.

Like you mentioned I will wait until the 14th of Jan and if I won't get any notification I shall contact my local CFRC.

Absolutely, it's referred to as "re-orienting the applicant".  So, should you be found unsuitable for ROTP or not selected in competition later on down the road and if you so desire, you can change your application over to NCM on request.
Honestly just do you best and be confident. No one can tell you what your competitiveness is as there is no clear line for that. And worrying about it is a waste of time. This has been said many a time on these forums if you did a quick search you would see that. Stop the ridiculous worrying and just prep for the interview, CFAT etc.
You are what you are.  Don't try to be something you are not.  The best thing you can be in order to succeed* is to be yourself.  In my opinion, you sound like a pretty good candidate.  Perhaps there are a few things that could be tweaked, but I don't think there are any drastic changes necessary.  Do not, however, sacrifice academics for extra-curriculars and/or volunteer work.  And don't burn yourself out - that won't do anyone any good.  Having said that, if you have the time, getting involved again with cadets could be beneficial.

If it makes you feel better, I am a UofT grad (Scarborough as well), but my GPA was considerably less than yours and I was not in an honours program.  My only extra-curriculars prior to enrolling in ROTP were sports (generally one at a time), cadets and the Reserve (again, not both at the same time.  I never had a part-time job (only full-time jobs in the summer) before ROTP.  In fact, I only ever needed a part-time job AFTER I got into ROTP (the pay really sucked then - still does I believe)  ;D.  Mind you, I graduated over 25 years ago and getting into the CF then does not seem to have been as tough as it is today (there were still waiting lists though).

*I consider success to include happiness, a positive outlook and individual fulfillment.  These things do not necessarily lead to higher rank and pay.  In fact, I have made some choices over the years that have actually held me back, but which I don't regret for one moment.  They were the right choices for me at the time.  I have not progressed in rank at the same rate as some of my peers, but I am still married to my first wife (of over 20 years), my children still talk to me and I live a pretty comfortable life nevertheless.  The best part is that my higher-ranked peers who were my friends when we were all sub-lieutenants are still my friends now.
One of my recruit has asked for a reference letter, which I am quite happy to help with as he has been a fantastic troop.

While putting some thoughts into this and doing a bit of google research, I found that what I had in mind is pretty close to the advice found here:


Anyone with advice here? I'd like to give that troop the best chance.

Thank you,
I'm curious what you believe is missing from that linked article that you believe could be improved upon here.  Seems pretty straight-forward to me.
One tip:

RMC reference letter - Help for the writter

Spell check can be your friend, especially in this kind of a "trust me, I think he's a great guy" kind of letter.
Journeyman said:
I'm curious what you believe is missing from that linked article that you believe could be improved upon here.  Seems pretty straight-forward to me.

I know that I don't know what I don't know. :P

I'd rather ask and be sure than be worried that I missed something.
milnews.ca said:
One tip:

Spell check can be your friend, especially in this kind of a "trust me, I think he's a great guy" kind of letter.

On that note, here is an honest to goodness true life experience.........

Career Manager interviews.  All the interviews were complete and as the senior ranking person in the occupation, I met with the CM's last to get a de-brief on my staff and what the plan ahead was for them and to address any concerns.  Had a Sgt that requested an OUTCAN posting and a "Letter of Recommendation" had been sent up for consideration so I asked what the chances were.  The response I received, "Yes, they do have all the checks in the boxes and would make an ideal candidate.  However, the letter of recommendation was so littered with spelling, punctuation and gramatical errors, that it was a clear indication to us, that not much thought or consideration went into it.  So they won't be considered for an OUTCAN any time soon."    :facepalm:
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