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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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This forum is great, definitely answered many questions I had. I am in the application process and hoping it all works out. I am applying for Infantry, Armour, and Pilot. Thanks for all the information.
I am currently in grade 10 and up until now have done nothing in terms of extra-curriculars (grade 9-now). I have around an 80 average and am looking to add some extra curriculars in. In the coming months, I plan to join my school dragonboat team. At the beginning of grade 11, I plan to join my schools student council, Prefect (something my school does where the students organize big events) and a leadership course, join a sport or 2 and join air cadets in September. I was wondering what kind of volunteering I can do that will look good on my RMC application. I don't think walking a dog will look as good as helping at a school gathering. What valuble volunteering options is there that won't interfere with my schooling?
Get a job.
Buy a car.
Join your local Red Cross disaster response team. We're always looking for more people.

This will have accomplished 2 things:
1) You'll have a job, with money. For a young lad, this is a great display of responsibility.
2) You'll get volunteering experience, you'll have a car (necessary to pick-up chicks, bicycles aren't Cool anymore)
3) You'll be the coolest kid in town.  :threat:

Seriously though, getting a part-time job is probably the best thing you could do right now.  Work on weekends, and spend time in the gym on week-day mornings/evenings.  If you need a job and you're here in Montreal's South-Shore, I could hire you at my store and give you good rep if you're a good worker. (p.s.: it's an airsoft store, aren't you excited? :P)
Any places that look better than others in terms of a part time job? I would love to work at an airsoft store but I'm in Toronto and only ALMOST 16 years old :)
Any job will do, it just shows you are responsible. Make sure your employer respects you and sees that you do a good job.
Best place to apply is a grocery store, they hire 365 days a year, usually fresh, young meat as yourself.
Give it a swing! You'll make some money too, ain't that awesome? :) Great for your resume and it will give you something to talk about during your interview.
Even McDonald's provides a good promotion system and gives young employees plenty of qualities and opportunities to advance in their system.

They've been one of Canada's best employers for young workers for years.
Alex.Landry said:
Even McDonald's provides a good promotion system and gives young employees plenty of qualities and opportunities to advance in their system.

And a very structured and regimental work environment, EXCELLENT experience for the forces, and will give you lots to talk about during your interview (especially if you get promoted to be a manager! That would be awesome!!)
Whereever you choose to work, make sure you give it your 100%. Your employer needs to be extremely satisfied of your performance.

Good luck champ, make us proud!  :salute:
It's important to note that quality should prevail over quantity in this case. Sure you can have a lot of extra curricular activities and can have the ability to recite all that you've done in the past 4 years under 30 seconds, but what does that prove? You'll need to be able to relate what you've done in the past with how it has helped you grow in a responsible aspect and a leadership aspect. Emphasis on the latter of the two. I applied to RMC with around 4-5 extra curricular activities on my application but was able to elaborate on what those activities have taught me in terms of, like I said before, responsibility and leadership.

Just something to think about.
Hey Everyone,

This is my first post but I have been a lurker on here for a couple of years.

Just thought I would Introduce myself.
My name is Katrina.
I am applying for ROTP Nursing Officer.
I am a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) and have been doing it for about 2 and a half years. 
I have applied to the BScN program at University of New Brunswick and University of Ottawa.

Here is my timeline so far.

Applied Online:  Oct 30th, 2012
First contact from the recruiting centre: Dec 10th, 2012
CFAT, Interview and Medical: Dec 12th, 2012
Supplementary Medical forms submitted: Dec 13th, 2012
Deemed Medically Fit by Ottawa: Jan 23rd, 2013
Good luck on your interview, Katrina! Also, welcome to the waiting game.
Just completed my one day processing, consisting of CFAT, interview and medical.

Applied for Pilot, Aerospace Control Officer and Aerospace Engineering Officer.
Anyone else apply for these?

My CFAT score was "above average" and I was told that I "did very well" on your interview.
I feel that I did fairly well.
waiting game now I guess.
So, after doing the medical and interview, I am now again merit listed for MARS and Logistics Officer.

I did my CFAT 2 years ago and I was told that my score was above average. As well I think I did pretty well on my interview.

I'm going to drop off an updated transcript to the recruiting centre next week. However, I'm a bit worried as I didn't do as well as I hoped last semester, but let's just see how it goes.

Good luck to everyone still in the process, I have a good feeling about this year
Cui said:
So, after doing the medical and interview, I am now again merit listed for MARS and Logistics Officer.

I did my CFAT 2 years ago and I was told that my score was above average. As well I think I did pretty well on my interview.

I'm going to drop off an updated transcript to the recruiting centre next week. However, I'm a bit worried as I didn't do as well as I hoped last semester, but let's just see how it goes.

Good luck to everyone still in the process, I have a good feeling about this year

They told you you've been merit listed already? When did you have your interview? The only thing they told me was my weakness was the fact that I didn't have noticable work experience, they told me that if I get rejected, get some work expeirence and university and try again next year.
I was told I was competitive but they also told me that there are thousands of applicants, some better than I. I think they want me to remember that it will be very competitive and that there is chance I may not get in. They showed me the slots they had for this year, AEC was only 12 and AERE 26. Pilot 51. They pick from thousands.
Globemaster77 said:
They told you you've been merit listed already? When did you have your interview? The only thing they told me was my weakness was the fact that I didn't have noticable work experience, they told me that if I get rejected, get some work expeirence and university and try again next year.
I was told I was competitive but they also told me that there are thousands of applicants, some better than I. I think they want me to remember that it will be very competitive and that there is chance I may not get in. They showed me the slots they had for this year, AEC was only 12 and AERE 26. Pilot 51. They pick from thousands.

I did my interview in December before the winter break. Though I was never told the number of slots available. Though I did have some work experience, it's not a lot, and being a second year university student, it's my last chance at getting in. If not, then I have to go back and try for DEO when I finish school, oh well.
Cui said:
I did my interview in December before the winter break. Though I was never told the number of slots available. Though I did have some work experience, it's not a lot, and being a second year university student, it's my last chance at getting in. If not, then I have to go back and try for DEO when I finish school, oh well.

The occupations I applied for are as follows:
Pilot (will replace due to vision) 51 slots, the most applicacants
AEC- only 12 slots year, one of the worst years for this occupations.
AERE- 26 slots this year, decent.
Noctis said:
You can also start your own business with an employee while holding down a full-time job and volunteering. That helped me tremendously during my interview and can more than compensate average-ish grades.

Just food for thought.


What do you mean? I am not understanding fully
It means it gave him the opportunity to talk about things he experienced. Those experiences are generally the kind of things that interviewers are looking for.
Cui said:
I was never told the number of slots available.

When I first went to the recruiting centre I didn't know either, but I asked the woman at the front desk and she was able to pull something up with all of the occupations and how many applicants will be accepted for them.
Hey guys!
I just wanted to post an update for my application.
Background Info:
- High School Gr. 12 Student
- Applied for ROTP; trades MARS and LOG
- Applied for the Arts Program
- Applied early in September

So the whole application process went okay.
My military counselor said that my Aptitude Test was average and that I qualified for my trades.
He also said that if I was to be accepted into ROTP,
I would most likely go to St. Jean for the first year.
Also when I finished my interview, the counselor said that he found me eligible for ROTP,
and that I was an average applicant.
My medical was passed, my background check went smoothly, the telephone interviews were completed,
and I was merit listed the day the recruiting office came back from winter break.
Also I was told that selections will be made Late March 2013.
I'm not sure if we are allowed to state how many spots are available for the trades since my counselor did state
that no information is allowed to leave the room (but I'm pretty sure he meant that for the questions).

Overall, I'll say that I'm not very competitive for ROTP and I have my options open, but the experience has been great.
I'll come back to say if I got in or not.
P.s I would love to answer PMs, but I apologize beforehand if I do not come around to answering them as I rarely come online anymore.
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