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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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RMCMum, my question was essentially, do they even look at first semester marks, if so, how do they acquire them? If I were to drop them off at the recruiting center, it wouldn't be til mid February (at the earliest). In Ontario, all the civilian universities have access to them through the OUAC program, but RMC is not listed in the program, so I am assuming they can not obtain the first semester marks through that system. If they really did require an updated transcript (including first semester of grade twelve) I kind of figured they would have informed me much earlier.
Yeah, I was pretty confused about this as well. I personally asked my application manager during my interview and he told me that it is not required and I should not even bother. However what I am going to do is as soon as my semester is over and my transcript is updated I'll just contact him once again and see whether or not he wants to take it. I suggest you do the same as if you achieved good marks this semester it may improve your chances of being accepted.
Not necessarily, as when talking to my recruiters they explained to me that although the majority of my courses are advanced, they will not give it a higher standing towards academic courses. However I have a different curriculum than what you do and as a result I cannot truly say what RMC will or will not do based on your marks. My advice is to contact a recruiter and ask them whatever is on your mind.
Thanks blcbandit!!! This is the answer I was looking for  ;D
Good luck with your application!
Don't forget, they send offers for ROTP in April-June.  Anything you can do to upgrade your application before then will be considered from what I'm told.  I am submitting my last semester's college marks as soon as the CFRC opens again after the break, and I will give updates regarding volunteering, work and sports/fitness at any point I can.  Especially considering my high school marks are average and my college marks are straight A+ it will hugely benefit me.  I will submit my winter semester marks as well when the time comes, unless of course I have already received an offer, or not.  I would suggest everyone to do the same.
There's no set time for anything.  Look through the forum "The Recruiting Process" specifically the first sticky "Application Process Samples".

This is the link: http://forums.army.ca/forums/index.php/board,35.0.html

Times are so wildly varied it's impossible to say it's 15 days this 15 days that.  But you are correct some trades to require more extensive medicals than others, and extra tests and I'm sure there are more variations.  I can't give you detailed information about that, but there are differences between trades.  The only certainty is that you will be notified between April and June about the status of your application (accepted or declined).
Amarko87. I would guess that you're a tad misinformed of what aircrew selection is. It is roughly a weeks worth of testing to determine whether or not you meet the minimal standards to become a CF pilot. Unlike the dates for the CFAT, the medical, and the interview, where the dates are all different for everybody, this is more of a set timing and there are only a certain number of these testings every year.

Here is a link if anybody is interested in reading up on it:
It doesn't mention any specific dates, but it gives an overview of what transpires at the testing.

Simon, I never mentioned the ASC as the post I was specifically replying to was speculating about medicals and tests.

How does your post move this conversation forward any further?  Explaining what it is doesn't help us answer this question.  In the Application Process Samples there is solid evidence of timelines regarding attending CFASC.
First of all, I misinterpreted your post. Secondly, if someone makes a mistake, it is not an invitation for you, or anyone else for that fact to act like an ass. I was not trying to "move this post forward," but rather trying to enlighten you on what the Air Crew Selection run. If it makes you any happier I MADE A MISTAKE!!!
The merit list is submitted around February and the board sits in early spring.

It's great to keep doing those volunteer activities, but they'll focus mostly on what they have acquired and learned from you before they merit list you.
Hello, I apologise in advance if someone else has already asked about this but I was wondering if I can apply for ROTP right now? I'm in grade 10 and I'm 15 years old... On the application it says 16 but do I need to have gotten my Diploma to apply? Or can I do it in grade 11 which is when i turn 16... I have really good grades, I'm fluent in French, Spanish and German, I'm in Air Cadets, and I also attend a Military academy...
Thank you so much!
jumbum16 said:
Hello, I apologise in advance if someone else has already asked about this but I was wondering if I can apply for ROTP right now? I'm in grade 10 and I'm 15 years old... On the application it says 16 but do I need to have gotten my Diploma to apply? Or can I do it in grade 11 which is when i turn 16... I have really good grades, I'm fluent in French, Spanish and German, I'm in Air Cadets, and I also attend a Military academy...
Thank you so much!

To qualify for ROTP, you must have completed high school with the appropriate university-oriented credits, or be in Grade 12 in an appropriate program with full expectation of successful completion. You must also be willing to complete four years of obligatory service after graduation from university
Hi there,

I'm a 17 year old turning 18 soon. I am in grade 12 and plan on going to post secondary and doing ROTP. I just have a quick question I'm hoping you can answer!
I was just wondering if I go to civvy university after the summer will I need to go to basic training this summer coming up?
I appreciate any answers!

I mean ROTP but from my understanding you are allowed t go to a civilian university and do officer courses in the summers.
someone else might help you with that , i pretty much always assume ROTP to RMC ....
I know that if you ever go to RMC , you pretty much always do your Basic training in 2 sessions , the first one at RMC for the first 6 weeks of the time you being there , where you would learn the basic drill and commands , after your school year , you would go to "LA MEGA" which is the training facility of the CF in st-jean-sur-le-richelieu to complete your whole training.

then you would complete your degree in Kingston Ontario.

someone might say what's gonna happen if you attend a civi uni while being on ROTP , or you might also call your local recruiting center , they are gonna open back on Monday

Either way, RMC or Civi U, you do  the 2 week INDOC orientation Course at St Jean your first summer. The next summer, you're back at St Jean to do BMOQ (15 weeks for civi, 11 weeks for RMC/CMR). If you are at RMC/CMR, after INDOC at St Jean, you do FYOP (First Year Orientation Period) at RMC/CMR. The summers after BMOQ, you go on to trade specific training.
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