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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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Thanks jwtg! I mean, im going for military strategic studies... So, I guess the reason why im not excelling more academically speaking- is because I am not so passionately fond about the idea of the school curriculum; don't get me wrong I love learning and all but I would rather learn something that I love- history, military, being on the field directing troops, getting information about the enemy, serving the country... But i will try to improve my marks- thanks again :)
You're going to have to get those marks up, plain and simple. Your extracurriculars look really strong as well as everything else. However I do believe that if you do not get your average to at least a 70% in your grade 12 year then you would not qualify to be accepted to RMC not matter how good your extracurriculars are.

Please note:  Students must offer a minimum course mark of 70% for each of the required courses and have an overall average of 70% on the best 6 courses completed in grade 12.
I am from NWT which is under Alberta curriculum... UofA's general prerequisite is asking for atleast 5 (university level) grade 12 courses. The RMC website says that

"...credits acceptable and sufficient for regular admission to a university in the province in which the student is completing secondary education."​

Also I'm taking a course in the faculty of arts, specifically Strategic studies or Psychology and leadership.
I know what you're saying though- everyone will be judge by the same rule, if the overall applicants are getting an average of 85+ ...then I'm screwed
jasph said:
everyone will be judge by the same rule, if the overall applicants are getting an average of 85+ ...then I'm screwed

You have distilled the issue to its essence. It's refreshing to see an applicant who gets this, and is willing to face it head on and work at it. Best of luck to you.
Hey thanks Brihard!

Does anyone have any insight about these two courses: Military Strategic Studies and or Psychology and Leadership courses ???

Do you have to take regular university courses first like Calculus, English etc... In RMC before you can start MSS and or MPL?
jasph said:
Hey thanks Brihard!

Does anyone have any insight about these two courses: Military Strategic Studies and or Psychology and Leadership courses ???

Do you have to take regular university courses first like Calculus, English etc... In RMC before you can start MSS and or MPL?

To the second part, yes, and most other universities work the same way - there are a bunch of courses you must complete before you can declare a major, it's not a free for all. Look here http://www.rmc.ca/aca/ac-pe/index-eng.asp and open the undergraduate studies calendar. The information you want starts on page 30.
( all my emails i got are french since i did a french application but I'll try to translate as much as i can )

Hi guys,

so yeah i just got my email about the confirmation which they have received everything from me.  I also applied for ROTP and they tell me that i have to go on the RMC website to open a session and do an application over there...

but when i check on the left side menu of the site , i can see Admissions , then Undergrated Studies , then High school graduate

lower then i can click on ROTP application procedures which tells me i have to contact my local recruiting center , or i can click on Regular Officer Training Plan , which brings me to the website section on forces.ca

i also tryed to go via RMC Portal , but i don't have any ID , only applicant number which starts with A ( so not what they are asking for )

so yeah , if anyone can help me i would really appreciate , thanks a lot !
Yes Melbatoast, thanks!

So basically, everybody on their first year goes through a general perequisite before pursuing their specific degress\programmes\etc...
And whoah! Is it true that non-citizens can be accepted??

I landed as a permanent resident, can I apply? Someone please confirm...
jasph said:
I landed as a permanent resident, can I apply?

"Recruting ( sic ) of Permanent residents":

anyone here ever done an ROTP application ? ill try to call on Monday - Tuesday but the sooner i can ship everything the better
When I applied ROTP I did not need to complete any typw of RMC application from their website. I suggest you speak with a recruiter on Monday and ensure you are on the right track.
When I did my application I got an email that sounds similar to yours. At the bottom of the page was a link that took me to a separate website where I got the applications (.pdf files) and submitted them using my applicant number.
krimynal said:
i sent all my info 1 week ago , have they change anything since like 1 month or so ?

Don't think so.  They do still expect their prospective candidates to be literate.
...... not quite sure where you are going with that , I was wondering if they changed the way they were processing the applications , 1 year ago everything was done by paper at my local recruiting center , and now its all by internet , they might have changed something some weeks ago and someone might know ..... but hey thanks for the input anyways !
Well, they should have sent you the link with all the contact info and the link when they notified you. Any questions should be directed towards your file manager.
thanks a lot the guy at my recruiting center sent me an email with all the info ! thanks a lot !
If you are still curious, judging from your activities you are decent.
Your grades however will be your downfall. Keep up the activities and improve your grades a lot.
I'm talking above 80% at the least to stand a chance.
They look at your grades starting from grade 10~12, as they look for consistency.
When I dropped off my application, with a constant 86~88 average, along with activities such as:
Air Cadets
Glider pilot scholarship
national lifeguard service
First Aid/ CPR C-
over 200 hours of volunteer hours at a recognized humanitarian group
Martial arts
Cross country
2 school clubs (Model UN and Rotary Interact)
Duke of Ed silver
(there are a few more)

I was told that I was a very good candidate for ROTP.
I was contacted again in just a few days, and they scheduled all the interviews and testing for a single day.
Obviously get your marks up as high as possible, but to have at least a decent shot at it, improve your grades to the 80s range.
Keep up with your activities, add a few more if you can.

Other than that, good luck buddy.
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