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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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chacarone said:
When did you send in your Academic Questionnaire?  How long should it take to hear back once you do?

When I applied last year, it only took about a week. However when I applied this year, it took about three weeks.

It depends
Just got my email to send in my stuff to RMC, this process is much different then the one I completed last year!

Going to have to call a recruiter to clarify things after this Greek Civilization lecture is over hehe

- Mike
Hi I was wondering, I finished high school with a 93% average and got accepted into the University of Western Ontario with an Advanced Entry Opportunity at the Richard Ivey School of Business. I did fine first year at university and ended with an 81%. Second year, my parents got split up, had quite a toll on me, and my average dropped to about a 75%. I'm doing well now and hopefully can pull up in the years to come, but my dream was to attend RMC and from what I've heard it is not likely that they will transfer me. I am also a varsity Fencer at the University of Western Ontario and a Vice-President of marketing for a club with around 100 members. I was wondering how competitive I was to apply for the pilot position, because I am thinking about putting all 3 of my choices as pilot, but at the same time I am worried I wouldn't be competitive enough to even get accepted to ROTP under the pilot trade. Any opinions would be much appreciated.
Thanks, Sallar
arezaie said:
Hi I was wondering, I finished high school with a 93% average and got accepted into the University of Western Ontario with an Advanced Entry Opportunity at the Richard Ivey School of Business. I did fine first year at university and ended with an 81%. Second year, my parents got split up, had quite a toll on me, and my average dropped to about a 75%. I'm doing well now and hopefully can pull up in the years to come, but my dream was to attend RMC and from what I've heard it is not likely that they will transfer me. I am also a varsity Fencer at the University of Western Ontario and a Vice-President of marketing for a club with around 100 members. I was wondering how competitive I was to apply for the pilot position, because I am thinking about putting all 3 of my choices as pilot, but at the same time I am worried I wouldn't be competitive enough to even get accepted to ROTP under the pilot trade. Any opinions would be much appreciated.
Thanks, Sallar

Well, there isn't a certain standard as to what kind of marks to achieve and such, it's about how well you stack up against other applicants. I say apply and see what happens. It's about how well rounded you are as a person and all that good stuff, and I say that you look pretty good to me. However, you will never know if you qualify or not if you don't apply.

As for the pilot thing, I say you should look at other occupations as well. Play around a bit on forces.ca and/or talk to a recruiter, you might find something else that interests you as well as a second or third choice. I feel that by having only one choice just limits your chances, since it is a popular choice for a lot of people. If you want pilot as your first choice, great, go for it. However, you should have two other choices in case pilot gets filled up, or for some reason the medical or the aircrew selection course finds you unsuitable for pilot. Look at the other officer occupations that the CF has to offer, you might be pleasantly surprised at what else they might have to offer.

Sorry to hear about your parents, but I think you can turn this into a positive thing by mentioning it at your interview. I'm sure the CF wants officers who can adapt and overcome adversity. So give it a try and see what happens.

Good luck  ;D 
Thanks for the thorough reply, and I have one last question.
When I apply now, I will be sending in my current university transcript that only consists of my 1st year marks - which I am happy with.
My second year 1st term marks will not be included because 1st term finishes before Christmas. I was wondering, if I got my transcript now
and sent it out with my application, would they base their decision off what I have sent them, or will they ask me to send an update of my marks
before they tell me I am accepted or not?
Thanks, Sallar
Yes, you will give them a current transcrpt. When the marks for your current term come out, give them an updated copy.

For the school year 2013-2014 I'm planing to apply at RMC; Arts program... to become an INT officer, Infantry Officer, or (haven't decided my third option yet)

I'm currently in High school, average grade overall is 75%; from courses such as, Pre-calculus, Biology, Social studies, English 301, and Phys. Ed. 30...

I've work at Mcdonald as a staff, became a cashier at extra foods, page at a legislative assembly, work at a power-line company for a summer...

School related experience: I was voted as a grade 9 rep in student council, became member of the grad council and started my own philosophy club ;D... 

other achievements: Bilingual, been in Ottawa to attend a youth forum about how the government in Canada works; got a certificate from the PM  :nod: .

...sorry im not giving a more precise info than I ought to- personal security... but base on this, would RMC hire me ??? btw I'm quite involved in sports (soccer, volleyball, track and field, football etc) 
Hi there, I've been on this website as a guest for quite some time now, and I've just recently decided to create an account due to the lack of information I've received from my recruiter.

So... a little bit about me, I'm currently a first year political science student at Laurier, and I have aspirations of becoming an Intelligence officer. I recently visited my local recruiting centre and when I spoke with the recruiter she wasn't very helpful. I questioned her about the ROTP and my eligibility -since I am already enrolled at a university- and she told me that it was possible for me to enrol in the program, since I have more than 2.5 years left in my studies. She also told me that intelligence officer is a 'feeder occupation' and that I would have to sign on as something else, and then eventually try to get that occupation from within. She recommended that I narrow down the occupations that interest me and I've selected 1) Intelligence officer 2) Logistics officer 3) MPO.

Now, this is where I'm confused. The recruiter also told me that as a logistics officer you can be in any of the branches, now I don't understand which branch would be best, keeping in mind that I ultimately would like to be INT. Is the information she gave me accurate, or have I misunderstood what she was trying to tell me?

If anyone could please help me out that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!  :)


Dont even bother with the application process. Just walk in and say that some people on army.ca said you were good enough and dont require their opinion.

On a more serious note, go in and apply, its the only way to know. And just a question, if we said no you arent good enough, would that stop you from applying?
Pick whichever element interests you most, army, airforce or navy. It should not effect your end goal of becoming an int o, which is also a purple trade (all branches).
If you do some reading on the forums, you will realize that this topic has been beaten to death several times already.

It's all about how you compare to other candidates. No one here is part of the selection board, so no one can realistically tell you how competitive you are, you might as well just go downtown and give everyone a copy of your resume and ask if you are competitive.

I don't understand why we are still beating a dead horse. Actually, I don't think you can tell that it's a horse anymore, more like a bunch of people flogging a pile of red pulp at the side of the road.
Sounds like the recruiter was pretty helpful.  Whether or not you got the answers you wanted is a different story.

Often, Int O's have prior experience in another trade; that being said, it is possible to go ROTP Into O.  There are several OCdts doing so at RMC right now- just not very many.

Into O and MPO typically have very few ROTP spots.

Also, all 3 trades you listed in your interests are purple trades, meaning you can belong to any element- army, air force, navy.  Which environment interests you most?  Which bases are located where you would prefer to be posted (bearing in mind you won't always necessarily be posted to a base that is predominantly of your element...)

Both Log and Int are not entirely purple trades.  There are jobs within those occupations that are environmental, and jobs that are purple.  For either, you do a common component to the training, then an environmental component. 

For example, as an Army Log O, expect the first posting to be to an Army unit (Service Battalion) not to Esquimalt (Sea Log), Trenton (Air Log) or Ottawa (mostly "purple").  Sea Log, Army Log and Air Log are different sub occupations within the Log Occupation.

If you are a Sea Log O, and then apply to become an Int O, you will be considered against what the intake for Sea Int is that year, since the experience you bring in your previous trade is part of the criteria.  If there are only openings in Air and Land Int, and you are Sea, you won't get an offer (happened to a friend of mine).  But that needs a crystal ball...since you don't know how many positions in any environment are available in a future year.

So, it matters, but only from the perspective of you'll work mostly in that environment at the outset of your career.  If you hate the idea of working on a ship, Sea would not be a good choice.  If Petawawa, Shilo and Gagetown make you shudder, think long and hard before you accept Army.  Keeping in mind that any posting is possible, but with the suboccupation you end up in, some are more likely than others.

Some occupations, uniform colour is just that, the colour of the clothes in your closet (ex - I'm a Training Development Officer, makes no difference to my career that I wear an Army Uniform.  My next posting could just as likely be to a Navy organization as to an Army one).  Others, like Log and Int, there are environmental aspects within it, so it does matter to a degree.  MPO (your 3rd choice) - not sure about that one.  I don't know how "purple" that occupation is.

I guess the part that I lacked information on was that each element had somewhat different requirements. I was under the impression that it's pretty much the same job no matter army, air force, or navy. I guess all that's left now it to determine which setting would be best for me. Thank you all for the responses!
I just have a quick question about RMC academics:
  On the website, it shows that RMC has a "Politics and Economics" Department and it shows two sections: Economics and Political Science.
  My question is: are these two separate majors? Can you graduate with a bachelor of arts degree in Economics OR Political Science, or is it one degree altogether?

Thank you.
Search a little further into the website and you find the Academic Calender, with all the info you're looking for.


There rumor floating around the college is that the Economics program is being cancelled, however, in line with the readjustment of the way programs are offered at RMC.
Yes I've seen that academic calendar. It looks as though it is two different degrees, would I be correct in saying that?
The degrees are two separate programs.

The Department is combined Politics and Economics, primarily to realize financial benefits such as sharing otherwise non-optimally employed administrative staff (eg: not sure of the numbers, but say a Politics Dept would require two clerks and Economics Dept would require two clerks, but amalgamated, Politics and Economics can operate using three clerks).
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