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Red/ Green/ White Poppies- Does The Colour Matter?- Merged

Larry Strong said:
Ummmmm....in todays society that would be considered "Bullying"...........


Tit for tat really.  Their provocative versions of reality are offensive to many.  What is wrong with making fun in pointing out the fallacies in their brain functions?
George Wallace said:
Tit for tat really.  Their provocative versions of reality are offensive to many.  What is wrong with making fun in pointing out the fallacies in their brain functions?
Using that as a bit of a launch pad, here's something an interesting point raised in a column on the red-vs-white thing:
.... if some people choose to wear white poppies — to promote pacifism, peace, nuclear disarmament or what have you — so be it.

That doesn’t, however, excuse from criticism those who insist on hijacking a solemn ceremony. By planning to crash the Remembrance Day ceremony at the National War Memorial in Ottawa on Monday, students risk looking like authors of a disrespectful stunt to distribute their “peace” flowers to those gathered to honour men and women who fought and died to achieve peace.

Yet even appalling insensitivity is not illegal ....
If someone offers a white poppy, just say:

"I'm wearing a red poppy to remember those who gave their lives so you could be free to make a thoughtless gesture..."
Thucydides said:
If someone offers a white poppy, just say:

"I'm wearing a red poppy to remember those who gave their lives so you could be free to make a thoughtless gesture..."

The best approach, respecting both the meaning of the day, and their right to freedom of expression.  It should remind them that they live in a pretty free, tolerant and forgiving society.

Which is something worth defending.
I'm not offended by the white poppy, nor with the thought behind it.

We, the big "we," including the Government of Canada, the CF, the Legion and all of us who do know better have failed to make the real meaning - remembrance - of the poppy absolutely clear. A handful of activists, many of who are anti-military, some of whom are militantly anti-war (isn't that a nice contradiction in terms?  :D ) and a few of whom were, especially back in the 1930s to '60s, just following Moscow's party line, have stolen the original white poppy campaign and they have persuaded another generation of youngsters to believe nonsense.

We have, I think, blurred the meaning of Remembrance Day; the legion, for example, wants a veterans' day ~ understandable, because it's a veterans' organization. The CF wants to honour everyone in uniform. The Government of Canada wants to show that it "cares," without actually doing anything that costs money.


That's all it is about: not war, not veterans, not the military: just the dead and remembering "those," as Wilfred Owen put it "who die as cattle."


Soldiers, real soldiers, anyway, don't glorify war ~ they know it too well.
E.R. Campbell said:
Soldiers, real soldiers, anyway, don't glorify war ~ they know it too well.

Without glorifying war, we are mature enough to understand that conflict, whether it is between family members, groups, countries, cultures, religions, etc... is part of the human experience. We can wish it went away, denounce it, hate it, work to prevent it, but we cannot afford to be unprepared for it, or forget about those who went before and made the ultimate sacrifice in it.
According to CBC, "Poppy veteran" is a thing:

The article calls Mr. Hamilton both a former cadet and a war veteran. (The video does not - I gather he's an ex-cadet and a civi Legion member supporting vets.)

A former air cadet has run afoul of retailing giant Costco for attempting to sell Remembrance Day poppies in a Langley store.
The retailer told war veteran Wayne Hamilton last weekend to stop fundraising on store premises. "They said it just wasn't my day," explains Hamilton.

I am surprised about Costco's policy. It's not like there's an equally important campaign going on at the same time that they feel they'd need to give "equal time" to.
Well, I know when the local Costco refused to let cadets tag on their premises they explained their policy is zero tolerance for anyone asking customers for donations, however the organization should approach head office for a corporate donation instead.

Still, maybe it's me, but you'd hope the poppy campaign would get an exemption...
myself.only said:
Still, maybe it's me, but you'd hope the poppy campaign would get an exemption...

Yes, but then every charitable organization would want an exception too.

Nudibranch said:
I am surprised about Costco's policy. It's not like there's an equally important campaign going on at the same time that they feel they'd need to give "equal time" to.

It's the time of year that many charities operate, due to the upcoming holiday season.  I, for one, accept Costco's solution.  As did the Legion and Mr. Hamilton.

Best comment on that story:
The vet selling the poppies, and the legion spokesperson say they are happy with their relationship with Costco, and the fact they make a space for them on a scheduled basis.
Costco simply pointed out to him that it wasn't their scheduled day.
CBC then runs a headline saying he was "Kicked Out" of Costco for selling poppies in order to inflame the readership.
This kind of story definitely fits the category of Yellow Journalism. Like the former press baron James Randolf Hearst once said to one of his reporters after being told there would likely be no war with Cuba (Spanish American War)....You provide the stories, I'll provide the war. In this case CBC is covering both aspects.
myself.only said:
Well, I know when the local Costco refused to let cadets tag on their premises they explained their policy is zero tolerance for anyone asking customers for donations, however the organization should approach head office for a corporate donation instead.

Still, maybe it's me, but you'd hope the poppy campaign would get an exemption...

It does, it's that they have specific days/hrs set aside, that Mr. Hamilton didn't know about when he went there.
Nudibranch said:
It does, it's that they have specific days/hrs set aside, that Mr. Hamilton didn't know about when he went there.

To be fair, myself.only said "local" Costco, which may not have the same policy. 
Aren't Legion Reps supposed to tee up with the duty store manager when they get to the store?  Maybe the former air cadet over stepped his bound.
PMedMoe said:
It's the time of year that many charities operate, due to the upcoming holiday season.  I, for one, accept Costco's solution.  As did the Legion and Mr. Hamilton.

I don't have an issue with it, although I was a bit surprised. In the vid the Legion spokesperson does say they hope to negotiate with Costco for the Fri before Remembrance Day, for next year.

Mostly I'm amused that CBC is calling ex-Cadets vets. War vets, poppy vets. Sleepover camp vets?
To be honest, it isn't so much the "White Poppy" that I find insulting and rude, but the attitude of the people pushing for it and their proposed antics on Remembrance Day.  Would they conduct themselves in a similar manner at a solemn ceremony in a place of worship like a church/synagogue/mosque as well? 
Lightguns said:
Aren't Legion Reps supposed to tee up with the duty store manager when they get to the store?  Maybe the former air cadet over stepped his bound.

I think you've nailed it on both counts.
The good news is, this can be put to rest after this weekend....to be dredged up again next November 3rd or 4th, where the same pronouncements will draw the same responses.

Journeyman said:
The good news is, this can be put to rest after this weekend....to be dredged up again next November 3rd or 4th, where the same pronouncements will draw the same responses.

Well, I'm quite sure that is their main agenda.  :nod: