48Highlander said:
That and stop putting out recruiting campaigns geared specificaly towards women which make the military seem like one big tea-party. If we tell people that it's all fun and games, can you really blame them for quitting when they find out what a bag-drive it can be?
Good point - that is one thing that I really think is both superficial and a waste of money.
First, lets see how our Allies are recruiting. What are they showcasing? What do they try to "sell" when you walk through their electronic door? Go to the British Army Recruiting Page - What's it say?
"Army Jobs: Not your Basic Training" with
"Combat" as the first search page.
Royal Marines?
"Seaborne Assault. The Very Essence of the Royal Marines" with the motto
"How Bad do you Want This? 99.99% Need Not Apply."
The Australian Army?
"Courage, Initiative, Teamwork" with the motto
"The Army. The Edge."
The American Army?
"An Army of One" (OK, that one sucks) with an
"Operation Night Strike" Interactive Feature.
The United States Marine Corps?
The traditional motto of
"The Marines: The Few, The Proud" with three menus:
"Those who are Warriors, Those who are Driven, and Those who Belong."
Now, go to the CFRC Recruiting Page right now. Here, I will help you:
The first thing that pops up is
"Women in the Canadian Forces - Click Here". It is followed by
"Canadian Forces Aboriginal Entry Program" and
"Pay Increase!". I look at this and I say is
What the Fuck?!?
Not only do we not give any pictures, mottos, or anything that emphasises
Pride in Service,
Challenge, or
Preparing to Defend the Nation - all those values that the Military has traditionally relied upon to draw recruits - but also, we seem to be willing to pander towards interests groups based around minorities and women and bragging about a few more bucks for work.
I guess this is an open challenge to whoever is driving the CFRC recruiting, as we don't seem to be focusing on young, aggressive Canadians (regardless of background) who seek challenge, adventure and commitment.