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Recruiting Posters, Slogans and Commercials [Merged]

The thing that really annoys me is when anything is related to action it's automatically "similar to the U.S." God forbid we should show hand-to-hand combat, people might mistake our recruiting ad for a jet li movie!
We got new commercials lately. you can check one of them out on www.recruiting.forces.gc.ca
i saw another one on TV yesterday. There so much better than the old ones.

allot of peoples opinions from what i heard was in a nut shell "you join, you die" and that the military is just there for wars

the new commercials show that the military is there to help Canada and other countries in distress from flooding and all that. I think they will help against the stereo type.
Be careful about how you say things around here, Pte. Pukepail.  You can pretty much say whatever you want, but it has to be said nicely.
Anyway, I agree with your take on our commercials.  When I want information, I look at our Canadian Forces recruiting site.
When I feel the need for a little inspiration, I go to the US Army or Marines sites.
The Aussies had the most hype for sure.  The CDN ones made me feel like it was the end of the fricken world...
I prefered the British and Australian ads because of the high level of action. The Marine vid was definitely the worst; the beginning looked like a Gillette commericial.
Australian #2 add id say. Very up beat and exciting. I don't really get appealed to commercials though and i think CF wasn't to the point... O wells just my oppion.  >:D
I have always thought this Czech recruiting ad was one of the best I've seen

Marine Recruiting video, or remake of Quake E1M7?

Actually, I thought the USMC ad was an ad for Gillette razors at first...
Wow, and here I thought our old recruiting ads were bad, who did the USMC hire to create that abomination?
I thought the guy in the USMC ad was gong to lose his arm and turn to the camera to say "I can put my arm back on - you can't... you're not a marine"
I thought the Brithish ones were really good, but I still prefer the CF ads. THe USMC one on the other hand looked like that old show "American GLadiators" or a video game or something.
If the Canadian Forces starting making commercials with roided up mullet heads, who wouldn't join the army?

A Canadian soldier vs. The entire female cast of American Gladiators would make a huge difference in new recruits.
The Czech recruiting video is really good. Even a little better than the CF ads in my opinion. The USMC recruiting ad is OK I guess... if your looking to recruit those gaming computer geeks  :dontpanic:
It kind of reminded me of Lord of the Rings when Gandalf fights the huge red demon on the bridge.
The "British Mechanized Infantry" one reminded me of the whole Trainspotting "Choose Life" speech that Renton gives. I liked it, but I like the new CF ones the best.

And, that marines one was just awful.
I really like the new Canadian recruiting video(s), but the Brit Mech Video came up close behind. 

The USMC ad is absolute garbage.