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Recruiting Posters, Slogans and Commercials [Merged]

Like i said earlier. it still beats the hell out of the "Puddle Run" Video......  baby steps guys, baby steps.... at least its starting to move in the right direction...
Cpl Thompson said:
any idea where i could find a copy of this on the net? (no luck on the recruiting website... go figure...  :-\ )

They are there now, in the media section. Interesting to note one of those videos has Mark Graham in it -- the soldier killed by the American friendly fire incident last month.
They are there now, in the media section. Interesting to note one of those videos has Mark Graham in it

I believe that was the "Life in the Canadian Forces" video. It was quite sad to watch as he was one of the primary recruits being interviewed during the video.
I was watching The Comedy Network of all things, or rather half watching it with my back turned as I chatted on the computer.  I'd seen all the US Army, Marine, Navy, Airforce commercials on various networks and had become accustomed to their rather grating style.

"Fly awesome aircraft/you'll totally be a navy SEAL blasting evil terrorists! Jump in a tank and go racing through the desert all to the sounds of some crappy rock group wailing away!"

However, as I chatted on the computer I heard this music come on.. quite quiet, almost pensive. It twigged my artistic sensibilities enough to turn around and watch, and what I saw was quite impressive.

Color drained scenes, obviously inspired by all the challenges and dangers our military forces have to face in a variety of situations, played out under the dominating theme of HELPING PEOPLE.. not galavanting around, warmongering or glorifying bloody conflict. Help, stability, order, compassion. Humanitarian efforts mixed in with disaster relief and the current operation in afghanistan (again, not showcasing any kind of bloodlust).

Frankly, I found the spot engaging, thought provoking and in true Canadian fashion quite understated. Less really was more.

I thought it to be well balanced, by not disguising the fact that these situations DO come with a certain amount of danger (I'm sorry, but whoever was complaining that the commercial showed actual firearms needs a reality check. What do you expect them to carry into a combat zone, sticks?) but also highlighting the reconstruction, peacekeeping and disaster relief efforts our forces engage in without being heavy handed on the fighting aspect or the schmaltz that Canadian Forces are alien to actual confrontation.

I actually joined this messageboard to relay my impression of it.. Frankly, I'm, for a well funded and equipped military that CAN carry out humanitarian and peacekeeping missions (where we earn our international cachet of being honest brokers) as well as being able to put force behind these actions if necessary.  I don't swallow the hook and line about "there's evildoer's about trying to kill us for our freedoms!" because, frankly, that's infantile.  Realism is needed, combined with compassion and willingness to try and make a better world and to do it having looked at ALL sides of the issues.. not just one polarizing one.

Anyhow.. my 2 cents. take em or leave em lol
This thread is interesting- me and my old man constantly have discussions over the Canadian Military's ineffective use of advertisement, versus the American military's advertisements which are way more successful.  The problem is, the Canadian military is not targetting the appropriate demographic with their ads.  They make our military seem like some kind of boy scouts for adults, with their emphasis on 'team work' and 'adventure' and all this crap.  I mean that stuff is all well and good, but it does nothing to attract the demographic that they SHOULD be targetting, which is the macho, gung-ho, lets kick some *** types.  And I know the military isn't necessarily looking for those types of people, but then that's part of the problem.  The regular forces are in a crap state as anyone with even a little bit of knowledge of the forces should know (and if you don't think so, you need to pull yourself out of the little fantasy world of yours), and part of the problem is, that it's just not attracting the RIGHT kind of people.

Look, it's like this- The military isn't a job for just anyone.  It's a job for a very specific type of person, and our government unfortunately doesn't appear to understand this concept.  They're trying to make it universally appealing, which is WRONG-WRONG-WRONG!  It's like trying to make police work appeal to anarchists.  Just doesn't work man.  See, the American's have it right.  The whole "Army of One' campaign was HUGELY successful down there.  I forget what the figures were during that ad campaign, but I recall seeing somewhere that the recruitment rate was quite high then, and is still quite high.  Because they target exactly the kind of people who WANT to be in the military- the kind of people that want to go out and BE somebody, and stand out, and fight and kick ***.  Sure, it's a lot of propoganda half-the-time, but it works!

I get a kick out of the Canadian forces advertisements.  They're so...wimpy.  Yay, be part of a team!  Adventure!  Yeah, well, gee wiz Wally, sounds like fun!  I mean, the commercials don't need to be flashy or whatever, but for crap sakes, they need to drop the whole 'boy scouts' angle that they're going with.  Stop appealing to the boys, and start appealing to the MEN (and rough and tough WOMEN) who would do well with a career in the forces.

(and I just saw the new ads posted above, and that is EXACTLY what I'm talking about.  That's what they need to do!  Well...that is until some pissant Liberal government regains power and switches them back to the more kid friendly ads)
Cpl Thompson said:
hopefully its a start at recruiting warriors and those with a real desire to serve, versus those who want to pay for school while pushing paper...  Every Trade is important to make the Forces work, but INHO every CF member should be a soldier, Airmen or Sailor first, and their trade second.  Getting ready to go over has given me new perspective on that..... but thats another rant....

I would have to completely disagree with you here.

I was one of those people that wanted school payed for.  However, I developed a strong love for the military and am as proud to serve as anyone else in the CF.

The incentive is there to show young officer candidates what the military is like.  I can tell you that most people that are in it for solely the free school, do not make it past IAP, as they do not see the worth in it.

Ask around.  Talk to officers that received subsidized education.  I think you will be surprised to find out that a lot of them were initially in it for the free schooling, but have developed such a passion and pride in their profession, that they have decided to make it life long careers.


awww dang it! They tell me NOW after I joined because I love my country and want to serve it, that I also get em free edumacation out of it? ;D
Quag, I think you missed the boat a little. Officers are not the only ones getting subsidized education.

I have seen a lot of this "But I'm a technician" crap over the years, and I think that's what Thompson is talking about. There are too many (in my opinion) that still believe it.

I may not be an infantry soldier (never was, never pretend to be), but I am a soldier. I take all this Army stuff very serious and believe that maintaining basic soldiering skills is essential. To everything.

There are people out there, that do not remember that they are in a COMBAT service support trade or even that they joined the Army. Case in point: When 1 Svc Bn moved from Calgary to Edmonton we had almost a 60% turn over. I was on advance party and (as a one hook) was teaching Army Snr NCO's on how to put together webbing and ruck sacks as well as assisting a WO teaching C-7 TOET's to the same people. More than a few had never fired the C-7. Ever. This was 1996 and the C-7 had been in service since ....?.... 1988-89? (someone correct me on that one please)

Attitudes similar to that are rampant among many of the non-Combat Arms types here at RMC. I do not see this issue going away anytime soon, and the more we can do to make people realize that they need to have basic field skills, the better.

Question: For new recruits, the path is now Basic, then SQ, then trades? Despite my recent time spent at CFLRS, I have no idea how it works anymore and I keep hearing new acronyms and career paths floating around. I love living in a bubble.


I don't think I missed the boat at all.  Read the first part of the quote:

"hopefully its a start at recruiting warriors and those with a real desire to serve, versus those who want to pay for school while pushing paper..."

I know that subsidized education is available to everyone in the CF, but I felt that the statement was quite apparently directed at the officer candidates, as they are the ones that mostly receive subsidized education at the beginning of the career ( I know NCM's can too such as Av Tech's etc.. but just try to see where I'm going here).

Regardless, not a big deal.  I just wanted to share a different a view.

For new RECRUITS, the path is Basic, SQ (for army types I believe) then trade qualifying like you said.  For OFFICER candidates, the path is IAP, BOTP, SLT, CAP (for the army types, NETP for navy, PFT for pilots etc...), then trade training.  This is a VERY bleak outline of the process, things are substituted and depending on trade, can be very different.
Someone else will give you furthur in depth knowledge on this that is knowledgable on the subject.

Hey-that Czech video kicks ***. I feel like buying a ticket to Prague.

Interesting that one of the world's most unwarlike nations, that only recently became a country again, can have such a cool recruiting video yet we chew our collective fingernails that we might offend people by projecting the truth about our profession.

Pte Pukepail...wow.

You've clearly earned your verbal.

The "Army of One" idea is idiotic.

The military IS about teamwork, we don't need angry bedwetting loners signing up, we need intelligent teamplayers, who are willing to become team leaders. I know the previous ad campaign wasn't cool, but it did the job.

Adventure is a big part of why some people join, particularly the reserves. To present every single aspect of membership in the CF as "hardcore" isn't accurate. We have well over 80 trades that aren't combat arms and they need some airtime too.

The new campaign tends to present the mission, as opposed to individual jobs, which in my opinion affords all trades in the CF a level of coverage, whereas the US Navy campaign pretty much says you can be a SEAL or a fighter pilot... w00t 0MG!1!

Anyways, I gotta go have lunch, we're toasting "Jimmy" today, I'm sure other folks here will have commentary for you as well.

Christ, does everyone have to turn everything into a personal attack on these board?  Jeeze, freedom of opinion was invented for a reason there...

Besides which, I didn't say I necessarily BELIEVED in the whole army of one (if you read my post thoroughly, you'd notice I said much of it was propoganda), but the figures do speak for themselves.  That Army of One campaign generated a lot of recruitment for the US army- that's a fact.  It's about marketing man, that's all.  How you market your product, service or whatever and especially WHO you market it to will greatly determine how much success you have.

The fact is, while YOU may think the idea was idiotic, guess what, it worked.
Well, our campaign, new and old STILL works.
At any rate, I am fairly sure the US Army failed to achieve its recruitment goal last year...
Check them out and vote.

I personally like the Canadian Forces Recruitings Ads. They appeal to my sense of ... well I don't know what they appeal to but they do something. The others I'm just not feeling, especially the USMC ad. I don't know what they were thinking, maybe that being in the USMC means that you can think fast on your feet. Now I know what the CF ads do, they appeal to what little emotions I have. Leave it to the Canadians.
I  saw a couple of the new CF ones on the TV recently. Which is funny, because I rarely watch TV anymore..

They made me want to get out and join the army again.
von Grognard said:
British Mechanised Infantry

"For your mates"...love that line.

I like the Brit ones as well, I make a few trips over there with my new job and catch the commercials on the "telly" they are quite good.
Can any one tell me where I can get the techno music from the old commercial?
PS: what is the US recriutment goal ?
From what I've read they had 73,000 accessions into the Army and the goal was 80000 for FY2005. It looks like this years goal was 70000 and they got 72000. I'm not sure if accession also includes transfers from the reserves or not.
