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really stupid quotes from famous people

do you think that well known people need to watch what they say when in public.

  • yes

    Votes: 32 60.4%
  • no

    Votes: 3 5.7%
  • meh everyone makes mistakes

    Votes: 18 34.0%

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Jonny Boy

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here are some really stupid quotes. i got a kick out of them. enjoy 

1 "If you're killed, you've lost a very important part of your life."

-Brooke Shields

2 As far as we know, our computer has never had an undetected error. - Weisert

3 "A day without sunshine is like, you know, night."

4 "Please provide the date of your death."
-from an IRS letter

5 "I was under medication when I made the decision to burn the tapes."
-Richard (Dicky) Nixon

6 We've got to pause and ask ourselves: How much clean air do we need?"
-Lee Iacocca

7 "A verbal contract is not worth the paper it's written on."
-Samuel Goldwyn

8 Helpful Warnings: "CAUTION: Knife is very sharp. Keep out of children"

9 "The people in the Navy look on motherhood as being compatible with being a woman."
-Rear Admiral James R. Hogg

10 "We apologize for the error in last week's paper
in which we stated that Mr. Arnold Dogbody was a defective in the police force. We meant, of course, that Mr. Dogbody is a detective in the police farce."
-Correction notice in the Ely Standard, a British newspaper

11 "Caution: Cape does not enable user to fly."
-Batman costume warning label

12 "The private enterprise system indicates that some people have higher incomes than others."
-Gerry Brown

13 "I have opinions of my own --strong opinions-- but I don't always agree with them."
-George Bush

14 "I was provided with addtional input that was radically different from the truth. I assisted in furthering that version."
-Colonel Oliver North, from his Iran-Contra testimony

15 "We are sorry to announce that Mr. Albert Brown has been quite unwell, owing to his recent death, and is taking a short holiday to recover."
-Parish Magazine

16 "We are not without accomplishment. We have managed to distribute poverty equally."
-Nguyen Co Thatch, Vietnamese foreign minister

17 "The word 'genius' isn't applicable in football. A genius is a guy like Norman Einstein."
-Joe Theisman, quarterback and sports analyst

18 "Fiction writing is great, you can make up almost anything."
-Ivana Trump, on finishing her first novel

19 "I've read about foreign policy and studied, I now know the number of continents."
-George Wallace, 1968 presidential campaign

20 "We don't necessarily discriminate. We simply exclude certain types of people."
-Colonel Gerald Wellman, ROTC instructor

21 The world is more like it is now then it ever has before.
Dwight Eisenhower

22 Eight more days and I can start telling the truth again.

23 -- Sen. Chris Dodd (D, Conn.), on the Don Imus show, on campaigning

"The Stupidist Things Ever Said By Politicians" - by Ross and Kathryn Petras

24 If you take out the killings, Washington actually has a very low crime rate.
-- Marion Barry, mayor of Washington, D.C.

25 Those who survived the San Francisco earthquake said, "Thank God, I'm still alive." But, of course, those who died, their lives will never be the same again.
-- Sen. Barbara Boxer, (D, Calif.)

26 "The Stupidist Things Ever Said By Politicians" - by Ross and Kathryn Petras Joey Bishop (talk-show host): Would you like to become a regular on the show? Barry Goldwater: No, thank you. I'd much rather watch you in bed with my wife.

27 "The Stupidist Things Ever Said By Politicians" - by Ross and Kathryn Petras You know, if I were a single man, I might ask that mummy out. That's a good-looking mummy!
-- President Bill Clinton, looking at the recently-discovered Inca mummy "Juanita"

28 "The Stupidist Things Ever Said By Politicians" - by Ross and Kathryn Petras

29 You read what Disraeli had to say. I don't remember what he said. He said something. He's no longer with us.
-- Bob Dole

30  It was not a strip bar, it was an erotic club. And second, what can I say? I'm a night owl. -- Marion Barry

31 You can't just let nature run wild.
-- Wally Hickel, former governor of Alaska

32 The spontaneous rally will begin at 1:45.
-- Mike Murphy, adviser to Lamar Alexander

33 I cannot tell you how grateful I am -- I am filled with humidity.
-- Gib Lewis, speaker of the Texas House

Dan Quayle Quotes

34 (extending his hand during a campaign stop): I'm Dan Quayle. Who are you?

Woman: I'm your Secret Service agent.

34 "It isn't pollution that is hurting the environment,
it's the impurities in our air and water that are doing it."
-Dan Quayle

35 "If we don't succeed we run the risk of failure."
-Dan Quayle

36 "We are not ready for an unforseen event that may or may not occur."
-Dan Quayle

37 "Hawaii is a unique state. It is a small state. It is a state that
is by itself. It is a --it is different from the other 49 states. Well,
all states are different, but it's got a particularly unique situation."
-Dan Quayle

38 "It is wonderful to be here today in the great state of Chicago" - Dan Quayle

39 It's time for the human race to enter the solar system!
-- Dan Quayle, on the concept of a manned mission to Mars
"When I watch TV and see all those starving children all over the world, it makes me want to cry.  I mean, I'd like to be as thin as that, but not with all those flies and death and stuff."

Mariah Carey, June 1996
A couple of years ago, some europhile jackasses gave Rumsfeld an award for 'stupidest quote of the year', or some such thing.  Ironically, if you think about it, it actually makes a whole lot of sense:

Reports that say that something hasn't happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns - the ones we don't know we don't know

P.S> Nothing personal Hutch, but maybe you should check your spelling on your posts which mock others for their mental lapses.  I'm just sayin' ...
We're going to turn this team around 360 degrees - Jason Kidd on being drafted by the Dallas Mavericks  8)
OK, here it is - the canadian quote of all times....

I don't know, a proof is a proof. What kind of a proof is a proof? A proof is a proof and when you have a good proof it's because it's proven."

Jean F***ing Chretien
nawk said:
"When I watch TV and see all those starving children all over the world, it makes me want to cry.  I mean, I'd like to be as thin as that, but not with all those flies and death and stuff."

Mariah Carey, June 1996

That was on CJ last night, it never was actually said. It was done as satire in (I believe) a British tabloid, and then taken seriously and snowballed.
I_am_John_Galt said:
P.S> Nothing personal Hutch, but maybe you should check your spelling on your posts which mock others for their mental lapses.  I'm just sayin' ...

ya :-[ the spell check must of missed those, lol ill see if i can fix them now.
pronto said:
OK, here it is - the canadian quote of all times....

I don't know, a proof is a proof. What kind of a proof is a proof? A proof is a proof and when you have a good proof it's because it's proven."

Jean F***ing Chretien

i loved that one. i have been looking for that quote since i heard him say it. lol it is great.
"You guys line up alphabetically by height."
- Bill Peterson, Florida State football coach

"If it weren't for electricity we'd all be watching television by candlelight."
- George Gobel

this one is great.

  I never apologize.
I'm sorry, but that's just the way I am.

-Homer J. Simpson
Perhaps more thought-out than stupid but it was the first thing that came to mind when I read this thread.

"I didn't say what I said when I said it.  What I meant to say when I didn't say it was that I wouldn't have said what I said when I did say it."

-Lester Pearson
A true politician. 
