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Re Photo Submission Brit Girl I'm with Stupid T-shirt

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I think it was refreshing to see a Brit with a sense of humour IE the girl wearing the shirt. Personally I think it was a Canadian plot (due to the CADPATS in the background) to estrange the US and Brits so that we could resume our position as the US's closest ally.  Not useful just close.
I wonder what the American members of the site though about it?

How woud we feel if it was a Canadian flag?

Probably not the best pic to have around...
Trinity said:
sure the photo was funny

But are we to assume because one person who complained (possibly American) should
be blamed for all the insults that America throws at other people....   No..

The American media does that and propegates it... not the individual, who
gets the blame though under the general blanket of America.

If this person is offended, well, it comes down.   And next time if you are
offended by something that other people don't understand, well, your
concern will probably be met with the same care and due diligence as
in this case.

I was offended only once by this site, amazing enough since nothing offends me.
And it was rectified.  

So...   Stop thinking Globally, think a little more individually and have some compassion.

That being said, would an American site do the same for us or would they use Freedom of speech?
Thats an interesting question!!!   Any takers?

Padre you disapoint me.

If i were to say "Your avatar offends me as i am non-religious", would you take it down ?  One person complained.........Minority rule ?
Can anyone pm me a site that has this horrendous picture? Obviously I didn't see it but from the description it sounds funny.

I understand Mike saying screw it and deleting the picture instead of dealing with the crap. But then we all find ourselves at the mercy of one person with no sense of humour. Kind of a shame.
Lets not turn this into an ethical debate about how American or British or others feel about the site. Lets address the real issue. How quickly the photo was taken off because one person found it offensive. Its sad to think that he did it because he chose the easy way out.  

Mike any thoughts on going into politics. You would make an excellent politician. Governing by public opinion. ;D
aesop081 said:
Padre you disapoint me.

If i were to say "Your avatar offends me as i am non-religious", would you take it down ?  One person complained.........Minority rule ?

No.. my avatar wasn't created to mock or offend.. this shirt had that undertone...

Minority Rule... no..  equal rights to not be harassed...  yes...

is this harassment?    ugh.. i dunno...

This is more about censorship and free speech than it is a t-shirt....
Censorship...................... you hit the nail on the proverbial head.
Well for all you people who are now disappointed in this site, maybe one forgets how much work, time and money is involved on Mikes part? He does have a life also.
Maybe instead of being disappointed, do some looking, find it, and post a link explaining what is there.
Those who then might be offended need not look..........of course, if still disappointed there are other sites so..........
Trinity said:
No.. my avatar wasn't created to mock or offend.. this shirt had that undertone...

Minority Rule... no..   equal rights to not be harassed...   yes...

is this harassment?     ugh.. i dunno...

This is more about censorship and free speech than it is a t-shirt....

Funny you should bring the H-word into this. As an harrassement advisor i can tell you that your intent is irrelevant.  But since i have a sense of humour and i'm not a bleeding heart it doesnt bother me one bit ( your avatar that is..i realy am non-religious btw).

So mike took down one picture...who cares right ?  Anything and everything on this site can fall into that trap ( offending someone), should we shut it down just in case we might offend one individual ?
Too bad the original complainant was Canadian (or at least lives here), thus giving me the impression they are just taking it upon themselves to defend where no-one asked them to.

My $0.02.
So does the picture of the seal on the ice offend people? It says its one of the girls on the ice nude sunbathing.
A. Does that propmote bestiality
B. or are we supporting a seal hunt.
C. Or do we just take it as it is a nice picture of a seal with a funny little quote

I choose C. :P

But god help us if someone finds it offensive.
I found the padres fascination about breast offensive and then I delved deeper and found he was drawing attention to a good cause.
When will this discussion be locked because its taboo!!!!!!!!
wow, this teacup holds a lot of tempest.  ::) Mike made a snap. Deal with it. Whatever his reasons, it's his site. Sheesh!

And as for how the Yanks would have dealt with it: I belong to a couple of American paratrooper sites. Whenever I've taken umbrage with a particularly anti-Canadian post or pic, they've always been very quick to rectify it. Y'know, like allies, friends, and family members do.
The picture was meant to be funny, relax.  However, I take issue with the comment that the capital of Great Britain would be Berlin if it were not for those, "Stupid Americans"... Perhaps, but my Great Grandfather and his buddies were living and dying in the trenches of France three years before the Americans entered the Great War so I'm sure he would have a different opinion on the matter.
Alllright, lets look at this seriously for a mo.
Mike puts more time and money into this site than anyone else ever has, he designed it, built it and more or less reared it through a few ugly spots.
It's his perogative if he wants to take it down to save himself the headache, is it the easy way out? Yes quite frankly it is, but I imagine most people would take the easier route when they're pumping hundreds of dollars into the site, missing out on time with their family to make sure that everyone has somewhere to log on to at work or after work etc. etc.

If Mike wants to splash pictures of rainbows in the background and post pictures of cats humping frogs he can do it because it's his site to do with what he wants.
It's insulting to think after all the time he has spent and after all the hours/money and loss of family time he's put into the site, that someone has the audacity to complain when he takes down a silly picture to save himself one small headache, to give himself one brief reprieve from the mountains of shyte he has to put up with as a result of giving us knobs a place to waste time.

Anyone complaining has no idea what Mike puts into the site....quite frankly, I'm offended that you're offended that that person was offended because of the offensive picture and I think the offending parties should all sod off.

Seriously thuogh guys, lay off. Post a link to the picture, slap a warning on it so it's not Mike's headache and save us all the trouble annnd drop it.
Che said:
Anyone complaining has no idea what Mike puts into the site....quite frankly, I'm offended that you're offended that that person was offended because of the offensive picture and I think the offending parties should all sod off.

Now thats being offended  ;D

As for the rest of your post....fair enough

Che said:
Alllright, lets look at this seriously for a mo.
Mike puts more time and money into this site than anyone else ever has, he designed it, built it and more or less reared it through a few ugly spots.
It's his perogative if he wants to take it down to save himself the headache, is it the easy way out? Yes quite frankly it is, but I imagine most people would take the easier route when they're pumping hundreds of dollars into the site, missing out on time with their family to make sure that everyone has somewhere to log on to at work or after work etc. etc.

If Mike wants to splash pictures of rainbows in the background and post pictures of cats humping frogs he can do it because it's his site to do with what he wants.
It's insulting to think after all the time he has spent and after all the hours/money and loss of family time he's put into the site, that someone has the audacity to complain when he takes down a silly picture to save himself one small headache, to give himself one brief reprieve from the mountains of shyte he has to put up with as a result of giving us knobs a place to waste time.

Anyone complaining has no idea what Mike puts into the site....quite frankly, I'm offended that you're offended that that person was offended because of the offensive picture and I think the offending parties should all sod off.

Seriously thuogh guys, lay off. Post a link to the picture, slap a warning on it so it's not Mike's headache and save us all the trouble annnd drop it.

"Cats humping frogs", you betcha!  That's a web page that I want to see!
OK everybody here it is. If you don't want to read the whole thing.

Someone took offence to the picture of the I m with stupid T-shirt.
Mike went and chose the easy route and took it down. NO HARM NO FOUL
Some other people started hacking on Mike in a joking matter about caving so easily.
Then others got into a theological debate about it.


Holy sheepshit, what a circus. I just want to see the picture of the hottie.
Memo To Caesar:
Use of the word hottie will herein no longer be tolerated, should offending word be used again, directing staff reserves the right to sic Brutus and Cassius on your person.
Other unacceptable terms are as follows:
sizzling hottie
smokin' hottie
hottie hottie boom bo lottie
vas deferens

Should you find the above conditions to be unacceptable please address the appropriate grievances signed (in triplicate) to--------

I just got too bored of that one to keep going.
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