sure the photo was funny
But are we to assume because one person who complained (possibly American) should
be blamed for all the insults that America throws at other people.... No..
The American media does that and propegates it... not the individual, who
gets the blame though under the general blanket of America.
If this person is offended, well, it comes down. And next time if you are
offended by something that other people don't understand, well, your
concern will probably be met with the same care and due diligence as
in this case.
I was offended only once by this site, amazing enough since nothing offends me.
And it was rectified.
So... Stop thinking Globally, think a little more individually and have some compassion.
That being said, would an American site do the same for us or would they use Freedom of speech?
Thats an interesting question!!! Any takers?