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Re-enrollment to the CF Questions

Returning to the Military

  • recruting

    Votes: 9 64.3%
  • update

    Votes: 5 35.7%

  • Total voters
Hey everyone..please give me some of your thoughts..Im thinking of joining again after being out for 10 years...i was in for 16 before as a radio tech then I remustered to aero engine...I took FRP in 96 and have been recently thinking of gettign back in ....do I get back in the army or airforce.....hmmmm...I want to have the chance to serve in a combat theatre and contribute my experience and training.

Thanks all
squid2006 said:
Hey everyone..please give me some of your thoughts..Im thinking of joining again after being out for 10 years...i was in for 16 before as a radio tech then I remustered to aero engine...I took FRP in 96 and have been recently thinking of gettign back in ....do I get back in the army or airforce.....hmmmm...I want to have the chance to serve in a combat theatre and contribute my experience and training.

Thanks all

As long as you are capable of doing BMQ again then take your pick of the occupations.
why do I have to do basic all over....nothing should have changed right....i was a radio tech for half my military career and then an aero engine tech for the second half and now in civilian life im a licenced truck mechanic on heavy trucks and  trailers...I was told by a recruiting officer that I might not have to do the basic over because of all my trades and experience and I was in for a long time previously. I did 16 years its not like I did 3 and got out....and it was in the reg force...I have 3 medlas...c.d..somalia.. and the nato medal...I was a sgt in the army and when i remustered i was a cpl.....so at least the should make me a cpl again....shouldnt they...
Being out for ten years is a long time.  You may be too optimistic in what you expect to get credit for.  Only after seeing the CFRC, will you know what they give you credit for and what you will have to do over again.  If you were not Combat Arms, I would imagine that you will have to do BMQ and SQ, as they are more or less required of everyone these days.

Remember; You are a Soldier First, and a Tradesman Second.
When will the government wake up and allow us retired soldiers to return and contribute...with all the wars going on all over the world....our military is getting thinned out....I just want to serv again thats all.
squid2006 said:
When will the government wake up and allow us retired soldiers to return and contribute...with all the wars going on all over the world....our military is getting thinned out....I just want to serve again that's all.

The military will gladly welcome the return of vets, but how do they know the state the soldier is in, or the amount of information is retained. Why risk injury to the soldiers, or his fellow soldiers if they didn't keep up with their physical fitness.

What use is a solider if he has to be left behind, or be carried away because he is wounded from improper use of equipment, or if hes not in good enough shape and he slows down and gets hit?

There is a reason they do the things they do. If you are willing to serve again, then you should be able to got through the proper process so that you can be trained properly, and contribute to the up most of your ability.
squid2006 said:
why do I have to do basic all over....nothing should have changed right....i was a radio tech for half my military career and then an aero engine tech for the second half and now in civilian life im a licenced truck mechanic on heavy trucks and  trailers...I was told by a recruiting officer that I might not have to do the basic over because of all my trades and experience and I was in for a long time previously. I did 16 years its not like I did 3 and got out....and it was in the reg force...I have 3 medlas...c.d..somalia.. and the nato medal...I was a sgt in the army and when i remustered i was a cpl.....so at least the should make me a cpl again....shouldnt they...

If you have been out for more than ten years upon your enrolment date then you will do BMQ again and if you are applying for the same occupation and have been out for more than ten years then your case will be assessed by CFRG HQ to see if you can retain any of your qualifications.  Factors that work in your favour are if you have been employed in a field that is relevant to your previous occupation.  If you are applying for an occupation for which you have no experience at all, military or civilian, than you get nothing.  After saying all that applications such as these are reviewed on a case by case basis.

When will the government wake up and allow us retired soldiers to return and contribute...with all the wars going on all over the world....our military is getting thinned out....I just want to serve again that's all.

When will people who got out under the FRP and basically ran away while the running was good stop whining about what the CF should do with them and what the CF supposedly owes them.   :'(  Should have stuck it out.  So if you are so damn interested in serving your country haul your ass down to the CFRC/D and see what you can do for the CF not what the CF can do for you.  That happened 10 years ago when they gave you a pile of money.

Note:  Try writing properly if you want people to take you seriously.  Your writing skill is indicative of a teenager not an adult.

According to a post made recently by squid, he's not rejoining anyway:
I cant  reinlist ...wish I could..but i have been informed that I would have to repay my pension back and also my son is in the reg force in afghanistan so Im pretty much up to date on how the army works still.

Which I find interesting, because last I checked, there isn't a CFRC/D open on a Saturday that he could have gotten information like this from.  This would then mean that he already knew about not rejoining, which would make the bandwidth of his posts on this thread, plus the time and effort of the people that responded to him, a waste unfortunately.
navymich said:
According to a post made recently by squid, he's not rejoining anyway:
Which I find interesting, because last I checked, there isn't a CFRC/D open on a Saturday that he could have gotten information like this from.  This would then mean that he already knew about not rejoining, which would make the bandwidth of his posts on this thread, plus the time and effort of the people that responded to him, a waste unfortunately.

What in a different thread?
kincanucks said:
What in a different thread?
Yes, as he replied here: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/48451/post-423193.html#msg423193
Well, anyway, it may be a waste on him, or he is a waste, but it was still good info for someone else to know who may be in the same boat, but with more of a clue and determination.
George Wallace said:
Well, anyway, it may be a waste on him, or he is a waste, but it was still good info for someone else to know who may be in the same boat, but with more of a clue and determination.

Agree.  As always, Kincanucks information is always a benefit to someone, somewhere, sometime.
navymich said:
Agree.  As always, Kincanucks information is always a benefit to someone, somewhere, sometime.

:-[ Thank you.  Sometimes but since I have left recruiting my GAFF may not be too high at times.
Just for your info..none of this has been a waste on me. As for the comment on no recruiting center being open, I found out about paying back my pension from another ex military person who already looked into this. And as for kincanucks comment on taking Frp as running...I didn't run nor did I get a pile of money like you think. And also I was not expecting the military to do things for me..I wanted to do things for my country. Just wanted to clear things up...I'm not that bad of a person..how about cutting me some slack.
squid2006 said:
...I found out about paying back my pension from another ex military person who already looked into this...
Before you close all of your doors on rejoining, you might want to check into this yourself too.  I don't know the whole situation of either of you, but if even the smallest detail is different in your situations, the outcome would be effected. 

There are people in the reserves that are ex-Reg with a pension.  If they receive a long-term contract, they are given it as an "annuitant with previous reg force service".  They must then take 30 days IIRC of unpaid leave each year.  I will admit that I don't know much more then that about it, but I'm sure that someone else on the boards can give you more information on it.
Direct entry into the SRR is one way to go about it.  Once in the SRR, you can scootch into your local reserve unit.  Your rank entering the SRR will most probably be the rank you left with.  Once in the reserves (the reserve unit handles your transfer), you will be subject to a medical, fit test and security check (for your moc).  Basically, you do the latter so you can be employed in some position.  It is not an absolute must that everything be done back-to-back in some cases.  Then, if you want, you can either take a class B contract in the reserves or get your component transfer in to the RegF.

This is a bit of a back door back in but people are entitled by law/policy and so they should be informed of this option.  The recruiting center does not determine whether you are suitable for direct entry into the SRR; rather, it is NDHQ.
Before running off to the nearest CFRC/D to apply to the SRR one must remember that entry into the SRR is for those that have a special qualification for which there is a service requirement.  While ex Reg F members may have some qualifications there is no guarantee that they will be accepted into the SRR.  In fact, in six years of recruiting I have seen none of the SRR applicants that applied through my CFRC/D make it and that included ex CWOs and officers.  SRR is an entry plan of days gone by and I wouldn't be surprised if the powers to be deleted it and stop offering it as an option to releasing members.
kincanucks said:
When will people who got out under the FRP and basically ran away while the running was good stop whining about what the CF should do with them and what the CF supposedly owes them.  :'(  Should have stuck it out.  So if you are so damn interested in serving your country haul your *** down to the CFRC/D and see what you can do for the CF not what the CF can do for you.  That happened 10 years ago when they gave you a pile of money.

With respect, please do not lump everyone who took FRP into the "running away while the running was good" category. I got out of a dead-end trade that no longer even exists to pursure some career goals, went back to school and got a diploma, opened a business which I still own and have done some things I would not have been able to do in the CF. However....I am in the process of returning to the CF because I feel at this point in my life that when I left I had some unfinished business and some things in the CF I would like to accomplish while I still can.

I will have to do boot camp which I don't look forward to but then I don't look forward to the "fish hook" at a medical exam but I do it anyway. I will be at the bottom, will get the crap jobs, blah blah and my eight years of previous service will only mean something to me, nobody else. That's life! If you're getting back in and you expect anything different, best keep moving on.

I've just begun the process of re-enrollment.

I have a hurdle to clear I was hoping someone may have experience with. I left the reg force 4C, voluntary, no charges, court martials etc. I went on the supp list and within a year transfered to the Primary reserve. I served there for about 1.5 yrs and requested to be excused from parades adn training for 180 days. It was granted, I moved and never went back.

I was working full time and going to university. My unit was operational and interpretted tee 75% commitment as 3 full weekends a month.

Anyway, I found out a little while ago I was released 5F from the primary reserve, 'not advantageously employable--failure to parade on regular basis'.

The release documents were sent to my old address, I never recieved them, so could not respond.

Has anyone got experience with having the terms of release changed? I spoke with the Career Manager of my trade who said that it could be a show stopper and that it's possible to get the terms changed if you sing a good song.

PM or post if you have any insight.

Pro Patria.
I recently spoke with an old platoon mate who just retired with his 20. He said he ran into another of our troops in Pet last year that just got back into infantry after being out more than 10 yrs.

My take on it is that you may have to do TQ3 again if you've been employed outside your trade but they will generally allow you to be a recruit school bypass.

My experience with SRR and reserve units was getting busted two ranks from my srr rank to fill a position in the primary reserve when they claimed there were no positions in my rank. On enrollment I found that there was indeed an emptly position that they were holding for a reservist whom they were trying to get on an SLC.

My advice, don't sign the relinquish rank form without thorough investigation.